(json_credentials_path, client_id, **kwargs)[source]¶ Initializes object for interacting with Bigquery API.
Parameters: - client_secret_path – File path for client secret JSON file. Only required if credentials are invalid or unavailable.
- json_credentials_path – File path for automatically generated credentials.
- client_id – Credentials are stored as a key-value pair per client_id to facilitate multiple clients using the same credentials file. For simplicity, using one’s email address is sufficient.
- max_retries (integer) – Argument specified with each API call to natively handle retryable errors.
()[source]¶ Abstraction of users().getProfile() method. []
Returns: Dictionary object representing authenticated profile.
(id, format='full')[source]¶ Abstraction of users().messages().get() method. []
Parameters: - id (string) – Unique message id.
- format (string) – Acceptable values are ‘full’, ‘metadata’, ‘minimal’, ‘raw’
Returns: Dictionary object representing message resource.
(id, format='full')[source]¶ Abstraction of users().drafts().get() method. []
Parameters: - id (string) – Unique message id.
- format (string) – Acceptable values are ‘full’, ‘metadata’, ‘minimal’, ‘raw’
Returns: Dictionary object representing draft resource.
(max_results=None, full_messages=True, **kwargs)[source]¶ Abstraction of users().messages().list() method with inbuilt iteration functionality. []
Parameters: - max_results (integer) – If None, all results are iterated over and returned.
- full_messages (boolean) – Convenience toggle to call self.get_message() for each message returned.
- q – A query for filtering the file results. Can be generated from
Returns: List of dictionary objects representing message resources.
(max_results=None, full_messages=True, **kwargs)[source]¶ Abstraction of users().drafts().list() method with inbuilt iteration functionality. []
Parameters: - max_results (integer) – If None, all results are iterated over and returned.
- full_messages (boolean) – Convenience toggle to call self.get_draft() for each message returned.
- q – A query for filtering the file results. Can be generated from
Returns: List of dictionary objects representing draft resources.
(sender, to, subject, message_text, attachment_file_paths=None)[source]¶ New draft based on input parameters.
Parameters: - sender (string) – Name of sender
- to (string or list) – One or more recipients.
- subject – Subject text
- message_text (string, dict, or list of dicts) – Message string, or one or more dict representations of message parts. If dict, keys required are type and text.
- attachment_file_paths (string or list) – One or more file paths of attachments.
Returns: API response.
(draft_id)[source]¶ Send unsent draft.
Parameters: draft_id – Unique draft id. Returns: API Response.
(sender, to, subject, message_text, attachment_file_paths=None)[source]¶ Send new message based on input parameters.
Parameters: - sender (string) – Name of sender
- to (string or list) – One or more recipients.
- subject – Subject text
- message_text (string, dict, or list of dicts) – Message string, or one or more dict representations of message parts. If dict, keys required are type and text.
- attachment_file_paths (string or list) – One or more file paths of attachments.
Returns: API response.
(message_id)[source]¶ Get message attachments.
Parameters: message_id – Unique message id. Can be retrieved and iterated over from list_messages() method. Returns: Dictionary with parsed dates and attachment_data (ready to write to file!). Duplicate handling and overwriting logic should be handled externally when iterating over list of messages.
Misc Classes/Functions¶
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Generate query for searching messages. []
Parameters: kwargs – Key-Value pairs. Descriptive flags like has or is can take lists. Otherwise, list values would be interpreted as “OR”. Returns: String representation of search q
(data, has_header=True, table_format=None)[source]¶ Convenience function to convert tables to html for attaching as message text.
Parameters: - data (list of lists) – Table data
- has_header (boolean) – Flag whether data contains a header in the first row.
- table_format (dictionary) – Dictionary representation of formatting for table elements. Eg. {‘table’: “border: 2px solid black;”}
Returns: String representation of HTML.