Graph Composition and Use

GraphKit’s compose class handles the work of tying together operation instances into a runnable computation graph.

The compose class

For now, here’s the specification of compose. We’ll get into how to use it in a second.

class graphkit.compose(name=None, merge=False)

This is a simple class that’s used to compose operation instances into a computation graph.

  • name (str) – A name for the graph being composed by this object.
  • merge (bool) – If True, this compose object will attempt to merge together operation instances that represent entire computation graphs. Specifically, if one of the operation instances passed to this compose object is itself a graph operation created by an earlier use of compose the sub-operations in that graph are compared against other operations passed to this compose instance (as well as the sub-operations of other graphs passed to this compose instance). If any two operations are the same (based on name), then that operation is computed only once, instead of multiple times (one for each time the operation appears).

Composes a collection of operations into a single computation graph, obeying the merge property, if set in the constructor.

Parameters:operations – Each argument should be an operation instance created using operation.
Returns:Returns a special type of operation class, which represents an entire computation graph as a single operation.

Simple composition of operations

The simplest use case for compose is assembling a collection of individual operations into a runnable computation graph. The example script from Quick start illustrates this well:

from operator import mul, sub
from graphkit import compose, operation

# Computes |a|^p.
def abspow(a, p):
   c = abs(a) ** p
   return c

# Compose the mul, sub, and abspow operations into a computation graph.
graph = compose(name="graph")(
   operation(name="mul1", needs=["a", "b"], provides=["ab"])(mul),
   operation(name="sub1", needs=["a", "ab"], provides=["a_minus_ab"])(sub),
   operation(name="abspow1", needs=["a_minus_ab"], provides=["abs_a_minus_ab_cubed"], params={"p": 3})(abspow)

The call here to compose()() yields a runnable computation graph that looks like this (where the circles are operations, squares are data, and octagons are parameters):


Running a computation graph

The graph composed in the example above in Simple composition of operations can be run by simply calling it with a dictionary argument whose keys correspond to the names of inputs to the graph and whose values are the corresponding input values. For example, if graph is as defined above, we can run it like this:

# Run the graph and request all of the outputs.
out = graph({'a': 2, 'b': 5})

# Prints "{'a': 2, 'a_minus_ab': -8, 'b': 5, 'ab': 10, 'abs_a_minus_ab_cubed': 512}".

Producing a subset of outputs

By default, calling a graph on a set of inputs will yield all of that graph’s outputs. You can use the outputs parameter to request only a subset. For example, if graph is as above:

# Run the graph and request a subset of the outputs.
out = graph({'a': 2, 'b': 5}, outputs=["a_minus_ab"])

# Prints "{'a_minus_ab': -8}".

When using outputs to request only a subset of a graph’s outputs, GraphKit executes only the operation nodes in the graph that are on a path from the inputs to the requested outputs. For example, the abspow1 operation will not be executed here.

Short-circuiting a graph computation

You can short-circuit a graph computation, making certain inputs unnecessary, by providing a value in the graph that is further downstream in the graph than those inputs. For example, in the graph we’ve been working with, you could provide the value of a_minus_ab to make the inputs a and b unnecessary:

# Run the graph and request a subset of the outputs.
out = graph({'a_minus_ab': -8})

# Prints "{'a_minus_ab': -8, 'abs_a_minus_ab_cubed': 512}".

When you do this, any operation nodes that are not on a path from the downstream input to the requested outputs (i.e. predecessors of the downstream input) are not computed. For example, the mul1 and sub1 operations are not executed here.

This can be useful if you have a graph that accepts alternative forms of the same input. For example, if your graph requires a PIL.Image as input, you could allow your graph to be run in an API server by adding an earlier operation that accepts as input a string of raw image data and converts that data into the needed PIL.Image. Then, you can either provide the raw image data string as input, or you can provide the PIL.Image if you have it and skip providing the image data string.

Adding on to an existing computation graph

Sometimes you will have an existing computation graph to which you want to add operations. This is simple, since compose can compose whole graphs along with individual operation instances. For example, if we have graph as above, we can add another operation to it to create a new graph:

# Add another subtraction operation to the graph.
bigger_graph = compose(name="bigger_graph")(
   operation(name="sub2", needs=["a_minus_ab", "c"], provides="a_minus_ab_minus_c")(sub)

# Run the graph and print the output.  Prints "{'a_minus_ab_minus_c': -13}"
print(bigger_graph({'a': 2, 'b': 5, 'c': 5}, outputs=["a_minus_ab_minus_c"]))

This yields a graph that looks like this:


More complicated composition: merging computation graphs

Sometimes you will have two computation graphs—perhaps ones that share operations—you want to combine into one. In the simple case, where the graphs don’t share operations or where you don’t care whether a duplicated operation is run multiple (redundant) times, you can just do something like this:

combined_graph = compose(name="combined_graph")(graph1, graph2)

However, if you want to combine graphs that share operations and don’t want to pay the price of running redundant computations, you can set the merge parameter of compose() to True. This will consolidate redundant operation nodes (based on name) into a single node. For example, let’s say we have graph, as in the examples above, along with this graph:

# This graph shares the "mul1" operation with graph.
another_graph = compose(name="another_graph")(
   operation(name="mul1", needs=["a", "b"], provides=["ab"])(mul),
   operation(name="mul2", needs=["c", "ab"], provides=["cab"])(mul)

We can merge graph and another_graph like so, avoiding a redundant mul1 operation:

merged_graph = compose(name="merged_graph", merge=True)(graph, another_graph)

This merged_graph will look like this:


As always, we can run computations with this graph by simply calling it:

# Prints "{'cab': 50}".
print(merged_graph({'a': 2, 'b': 5, 'c': 5}, outputs=["cab"]))