Graph-talk Export API

class gt.export.ExportProcess

Bases: gt.core.VisitorProcess

Export process is a base class for the serialization processes. It is a child of gt.core.VisitorProcess with support of writing serialization data to a file while visiting gt.core.Graph elements. For a better readability, each graph element gets a unique name depending on its class. Uses gt.core.VisitorProcess.visit_event event as a trigger for the export functions.

FILENAME = 'file'

Target file name parameter, a part of the start context.

ID_PATTERN = '%s_%s'

Element id pattern.


Starts the export, opens the file if specified.

Parameters:new (bool.) – if True, the file content will be cleared.

Writes data to an open file or to the stdout.

Parameters:data (str.) – data to be written.

Stops the writing to a file and closes it, if it was opened.

Parameters:finished (bool.) – True if the process is finished.

Converts the element type to the id, for example gt.core.ComplexNotion will be converted to “cn”, gt.core.Relation will be converted to “r” and so on.

Parameters:element – object to get the type id.
Return type:str.
Returns:class name converted to the id.

Gets the serialization id for the specified type: “type_id_NN”, where NN is a 0-based counter for the type. Increases the counter after use. Uses ExportProcess.ID_PATTERN as a template.

Parameters:type_id (str.) – type identifier
Return type:str.
Returns:serialization id for the type.

Gets the non-graph element identifier.

Parameters:obj – input object.
Returns:object id.
Return type:str.

Gets the unique element serialization id. Safe to call multiple times, will return the same id for the same element.

Parameters:element – serializing object.
Return type:str.
Returns:element id string.

Called when a graph is visited for serialization.

Parameters:graph – serializing graph.
Return type:str.
Returns:export string to write to the file or None.

Called when a notion is visited for serialization.

Parameters:notion – serializing notion.
Return type:str.
Returns:export string to write to the file or None.

Called when a relation is visited for serialization.

Parameters:relation – serializing graph.
Return type:str.
Returns:export string to write to the file or None.

Export event, calls ExportProcess.export_graph(), ExportProcess.export_notion(), or ExportProcess.export_relation() depending on gt.core.Process.current element type. If export data is not empty, it will be written to the file using ExportProcess.write_data().

Return type:bool.
on_new(message, context)

Gets the file name from ExportProcess.FILENAME context parameter, opens it using ExportProcess.start_export() with new=True and clears internal counters.

on_resume(message, context)

Opens current ExportProcess.filename to continue the writing using ExportProcess.start_export() with new=False.

handle(message, context)

In addition to gt.core.Process.handle() closes the file, calling ExportProcess.stop_export().


In addition to gt.core.Process.setup_events() adds ExportProcess.on_export() as a visit event.


Target file name (read-only).

Returns:current file name.
Return type:str.

Output buffer (read-only).

Returns:export buffer, if no output file specified.
Return type:str.
class gt.export.DotExport

Bases: gt.export.ExportProcess

Exports the graph to the DOT language ( format.


Turns the gt.core.Relation‘s condition to a printable string.

Parameters:relation (Relation.) – input relation.
Returns:condition string or an empty string.
Return type:str.
get_dot_string(node_string, **attributes)

Creates the DOT string for the node, like a -> b [label = “*”]

  • node_string (str.) – node id string.
  • attributes – additional attributes, like label or shape.

DOT string ready for export.

Return type:



Gets the non-element object id. Uses a separate list to export the objects after the elements export.

Parameters:obj – non-element object.
Returns:object id.
Return type:str.

Gets the unique element serialization id. Supports empty elements (for relations without gt.core.Relation.object).

Parameters:element – serializing object.
Returns:object id.
Return type:str.

Exports an empty element as a point shape.

Parameters:counter (int.) – element counter
Returns:export string to write to the file or None.
Return type:str.

Exports a non-element object as a rect shape.

Parameters:name – object’s name.
Returns:export string to write to the file or None.
Return type:str.

When finished dumps empty and non-graph objects and puts the closing bracket.

Parameters:finished (bool.) – True if the process is finished.

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