Source code for gossip.util.packing

# Copyright 2016 Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import struct

from gossip.util.exceptions import GossipMessageException, GossipClientDisconnectedException
from gossip.util.byte_formatting import bytes_to_short, short_to_bytes

__author__ = 'Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann'

[docs]def pack_gossip_announce(ttl, data_type, msg_data): """ Method by which a message of type 'GOSSIP ANNOUNCE' is packed/encoded :param ttl: the time to live :param data_type: the data type of the message :param msg_data: the data to pack :return: dict, code and data """ if ttl >= 0xff: raise ValueError('TTL may not be larger than 1 byte') # encode the ttl b_ttl = bytes([ttl]) # reserved byte b_reserved = bytes([0]) b_type = short_to_bytes(data_type) data = b'' for i in list(msg_data): data += bytes([int(i)]) return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_ANNOUNCE, 'data': b_ttl + b_reserved + b_type + data}
[docs]def pack_gossip_notify(data_type): """ Method by which a message of type 'GOSSIP NOTIFY' is packed/encoded :param data_type: the data type of the message :return: dict, code and data """ # reserved byte b_reserved = bytes([0]) b_type = short_to_bytes(data_type) return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_NOTIFY, 'data': b_reserved + b_reserved + b_type}
[docs]def pack_gossip_notification(msg_id, data_type, msg_data): """ Method by which a message of type 'GOSSIP NOTIFICATION' is packed/encoded :param msg_id: the id of the message :param data_type: the data type of the message :param msg_data: the data to pack :return: dict, code and data """ b_type = short_to_bytes(data_type) b_msg_id = short_to_bytes(msg_id) data = b'' for i in list(msg_data): data += bytes([int(i)]) return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_NOTIFICATION, 'data': b_msg_id + b_type + data}
[docs]def pack_gossip_validation(msg_id, valid_bit): """ Method by which a message of type 'GOSSIP VALIDATION' is packed/encoded :param msg_id: the id of the message :param valid_bit: set iff valid, unset else value may be 0 or 1 :return: dict, code and data """ b_msg_id = short_to_bytes(msg_id) if valid_bit == 0: b_valid_bit = b'\x00' elif valid_bit == 1: b_valid_bit = b'\x01' else: raise ValueError('Valid bit may only be 1 or 0') return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_VALIDATION, 'data': b_msg_id + bytes([0]) + b_valid_bit}
[docs]def pack_gossip_peer_request(address_port): """ Method by which a message of type MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_REQUEST is packed/encoded :return: dict, code and data """ address, port = address_port.split(':') ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4 = address.split('.') b_address = bytes([int(ipv4_part_1)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_2)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_3)]) + bytes( [int(ipv4_part_4)]) b_port = short_to_bytes(port) b_reserved = b'\x00' return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_REQUEST, 'data': b_address + b_port + b_reserved + b_reserved}
[docs]def pack_gossip_peer_response(local_connections): """ Method by which a message of type MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_RESPONSE is packed/encoded :param local_connections: list with all local connections :return: dict with format {'code': <message_code>, 'data': <data>} """ b_connections = b'' for key in local_connections: address, port = key.split(':') ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4 = address.split('.') b_address = bytes([int(ipv4_part_1)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_2)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_3)]) + bytes( [int(ipv4_part_4)]) b_port = short_to_bytes(port) b_connections += b_address + b_port return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_RESPONSE, 'data': b_connections}
[docs]def pack_gossip_peer_update(identifier, ttl, update_type): """ Method by which a message of type MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_UPDATE is packed/encoded :return: dict, code and data """ address, port = identifier.split(':') ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4 = address.split('.') b_address = bytes([int(ipv4_part_1)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_2)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_3)]) + bytes( [int(ipv4_part_4)]) b_port = short_to_bytes(port) b_ttl = bytes([(int(ttl) & 0xff)]) if update_type == PEER_UPDATE_TYPE_PEER_LOST: b_update = b'\x00' elif update_type == PEER_UPDATE_TYPE_PEER_FOUND: b_update = b'\x01' else: raise ValueError('update type may only be 0 or 1') return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_UPDATE, 'data': b_address + b_port + b_ttl + b_update}
[docs]def pack_gossip_peer_init(identifier): """ Method by which a message of type MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_INIT is packed/encoded :return: dict, code and data """ address, port = identifier.split(':') ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4 = address.split('.') b_address = bytes([int(ipv4_part_1)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_2)]) + bytes([int(ipv4_part_3)]) + bytes( [int(ipv4_part_4)]) b_port = short_to_bytes(port) return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_INIT, 'data': b_address + b_port}
[docs]def pack_message_other(code, data): """ Method by which other modules messages are (re-)packed :param code: the code of the message :param data: the data to pack :return: dict, code and data """ b_data = bytes(data, 'ascii') return {'code': code, 'data': b_data}
[docs]def send_msg(sock, code, msg): """ Method by which a Message is encoded and sent :param sock: the socket to send the message on :param code: the code of the message :param msg: the message to encode """ # the size of the message is size of the code to send + 4 bytes size = len(msg) + 4 # encode the size into two bytes b_size = short_to_bytes(size) # encode the message code into two bytes b_code = short_to_bytes(code) # add all the bytes up to construct the message b_msg = b_size + b_code + msg # send everything'Send message: %d | %d | %s' % (size, code, msg)) sock.send(b_msg)
[docs]def receive_msg(sock): """ Method by which a byte message is decoded :param sock: tcp socket to read from :return: a dict of the decoded values """ msg_hdr = sock.recv(4) if len(msg_hdr) is 0: raise GossipClientDisconnectedException('Client disconnected') elif len(msg_hdr) < 4: raise GossipMessageException('Invalid header (< 4)') # the first and the second byte encode the message length size_fst, size_snd = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), msg_hdr[:2]) size = bytes_to_short(size_fst, size_snd) if size < 4: raise GossipMessageException('Invalid size (< 4)') # third and forth byte encode the message code msg_code_fst, msg_code_snd = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), msg_hdr[2:4]) code = bytes_to_short(msg_code_fst, msg_code_snd) if not MESSAGE_CODE_GOSSIP_MIN <= code < MESSAGE_CODE_GOSSIP_MAX: raise GossipMessageException('Invalid message code') data = sock.recv(size - 4)'Received message: %d | %d | %s' % (size, code, data)) msg = {'size': size, 'code': code, 'message': data} return msg