Source code for gossip.util.message

# Copyright 2016 Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import struct
from abc import ABCMeta


from gossip.util.byte_formatting import short_to_bytes, bytes_to_short

__author__ = 'Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann'

[docs]class MessageGossip: """ Baseclass for gossip messages """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, code, data): """ C'tor :param code: the code of this message """ self.code = code = data
[docs] def get_code(self): """ Method by which the code of this message is retrieved :return: the code of this message """ return self.code
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: the values of this message """ pass
def __str__(self): """ to string method :return: a string representation of this message """ return '%s' % self.get_values()
[docs] def encode(self): """ Encodes this message into a byte array :return: a byte array with the encoded header and payload """ size = len( + 4 # encode the size into two bytes b_size = short_to_bytes(size) # encode the message code into two bytes b_code = short_to_bytes(self.code) # add all the bytes up to construct the message b_msg = b_size + b_code + return b_msg
[docs]class MessageGossip51x(MessageGossip): """ Baseclass for gossip messages of code 510-519 """ def __init__(self, code, data): """ C'Tor :param code: the code of this message """ super().__init__(code, data)
[docs]class MessageOther: """ If a message can't be decoded properly a MessageOther will be returned. """ def __init__(self, message_code, message_data): """ C'Tor :param message_code: the code of the message :param message_data: the data of the message """ self.code = message_code = message_data
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: code, message) """ return {'code': self.code, 'message':}
[docs] def encode(self): size = len( + 4 # encode the size into two bytes b_size = short_to_bytes(size) b_code = short_to_bytes(self.code) # add all the bytes up to construct the message b_msg = b_size + b_code + return b_msg
def __str__(self): """ to string method :return: a string representation of this message """ return {'code': self.code, 'data':}.__str__()
[docs]class MessageGossipAnnounce(MessageGossip): """ GossipAnnounceMessage This messages are received from api connections. If you want to implement an api client for gossip its messages need to be structured like that """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param bytes data: the data of the message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_ANNOUNCE, data) self.ttl = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(1), data[:1])[0] data_type_fst, data_type_snd = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), data[2:4]) self.data_type = bytes_to_short(data_type_fst, data_type_snd) self.msg = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(len(data) - 4), data[4:len(data)])
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: code, message, TTL, type) """ return {'message': self.msg, 'code': self.code, 'TTL': self.ttl, 'type': self.data_type}
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.msg, self.code, self.data_type)) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.msg, self.code, self.data_type) == (other.msg, other.code, other.data_type) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
[docs]class MessageGossipNotify(MessageGossip): """ This message is sent from the gossip instance to all apis that registered for this specific datatype An api client needs to implement this messageformat """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param bytes data: the data of the message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_NOTIFY, data) data_type_fst, data_type_snd = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), data[2:4]) self.data_type = bytes_to_short(data_type_fst, data_type_snd)
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: code, type) """ return {'type': self.data_type, 'code': self.code}
[docs]class MessageGossipNotification(MessageGossip): """ Message that is sent from gossip to api clients which was received from other peers """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param bytes data: the data from this message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_NOTIFICATION, data) msg_id_fst, msg_id_snd = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), data[:2]) self.msg_id = bytes_to_short(msg_id_fst, msg_id_snd) data_type_fst, data_type_snd = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), data[2:4]) self.data_type = bytes_to_short(data_type_fst, data_type_snd) self.msg = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(len(data) - 4), data[4:len(data)])
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: code, type, id, message) """ return {'id': self.msg_id, 'type': self.data_type, 'code': self.code, 'message': self.msg}
[docs]class MessageGossipValidation(MessageGossip): """ Message that is sent from gossip to api clients to know whether or not a received message is valid """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param data: the data from this message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_VALIDATION, data) msg_id_fst, msg_id_snd = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), data[:2]) self.msg_id = bytes_to_short(msg_id_fst, msg_id_snd) _, valid = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(2), data[2:4]) if valid == 0: self.valid = False else: self.valid = True
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: id, valid, code) """ return {'id': self.msg_id, 'valid': self.valid, 'code': self.code}
[docs]class MessageGossipPeerRequest(MessageGossip51x): """ Message that is sent from one peer to another to get addresses of peers the other peer is connected to """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param data: the data from this message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_REQUEST, data) = data ipv4_part_1 = int([0]) ipv4_part_2 = int([1]) ipv4_part_3 = int([2]) ipv4_part_4 = int([3]) port = bytes_to_short([4],[5]) self.address = '%s.%s.%s.%s:%s' % (ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4, port)
[docs] def get_values(self): return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_REQUEST, 'p2p_server_address': self.address}
[docs]class MessageGossipPeerUpdate(MessageGossip51x): """ Message that is sent recursively through the network as a respone to a new established connection """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param data: the data from this message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_UPDATE, data) = data ipv4_part_1 = int([0]) ipv4_part_2 = int([1]) ipv4_part_3 = int([2]) ipv4_part_4 = int([3]) port = bytes_to_short([4],[5]) self.address = '%s.%s.%s.%s:%s' % (ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4, port) self.ttl = int([6]) self.update_type = int([7])
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: code, address, ttl, update_type) """ return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_UPDATE, 'address': self.address, 'ttl': self.ttl, 'update_type': self.update_type}
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.address, self.update_type)) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.address, self.update_type) == (other.address, other.update_type) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
[docs]class MessageGossipPeerResponse(MessageGossip51x): """ Message that is sent as an answer to a previously sent peer request. It contains a list of server identifiers (address:port) """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param data: the data from this message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_RESPONSE, data) = data self.connections = [] if len( > 0: data = struct.unpack('{}B'.format(len(, for i in range(0, len(, 6): ipv4_part_1 = int(data[i]) ipv4_part_2 = int(data[i + 1]) ipv4_part_3 = int(data[i + 2]) ipv4_part_4 = int(data[i + 3]) port = bytes_to_short([i + 4],[i + 5]) address = '%s.%s.%s.%s:%s' % (ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4, port) self.connections.append(address)
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: code, data) """ return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_RESPONSE, 'data': self.connections}
[docs]class MessageGossipPeerInit(MessageGossip51x): """ Initial message that is sent from the connection peer to the remote peer to inform that peer about his server adderss (especially the port) """ def __init__(self, data): """ C'Tor :param data: the data from this message """ super().__init__(MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_INIT, data) = data ipv4_part_1 = int([0]) ipv4_part_2 = int([1]) ipv4_part_3 = int([2]) ipv4_part_4 = int([3]) port = bytes_to_short([4],[5]) self.address = '%s.%s.%s.%s:%s' % (ipv4_part_1, ipv4_part_2, ipv4_part_3, ipv4_part_4, port)
[docs] def get_values(self): """ Method by which the values of this message are retrieved :return: a dictionary with the values of this message (keys: code, p2p_server_address) """ return {'code': MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_INIT, 'p2p_server_address': self.address}
""" Dictionary of all known message types within Gossip """ GOSSIP_MESSAGE_TYPES = {MESSAGE_CODE_ANNOUNCE: MessageGossipAnnounce, MESSAGE_CODE_NOTIFY: MessageGossipNotify, MESSAGE_CODE_NOTIFICATION: MessageGossipNotification, MESSAGE_CODE_VALIDATION: MessageGossipValidation, MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_REQUEST: MessageGossipPeerRequest, MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_RESPONSE: MessageGossipPeerResponse, MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_UPDATE: MessageGossipPeerUpdate, MESSAGE_CODE_PEER_INIT: MessageGossipPeerInit}