Source code for gossip.control.message_cache

# Copyright 2016 Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
from multiprocessing import Manager
from random import randrange

from datetime import datetime

__author__ = 'Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann'

[docs]class GossipMessageCache: """Thread-safe implementation of a message cache which maintains all currently known messages.""" DATE_ADDED = 'DateAdded' MAX_MSG_ID = 65535 def __init__(self, message_cache_label, cache_size=30): """Contructor. :param cache_size: The maximum numbers of messages that can be hold by this cache: Default 30 """ self._msg_cache = Manager().dict() self._message_cache_label = message_cache_label self._cache_size = cache_size
[docs] def add_message(self, message, valid=False): """ Adds new message to the cache. :param message: The new message to cache :param valid: (optional) Flag which states whether this message is valid or not :returns: The generated random message identifier for the cached message (None if message is already in cache) """ # If the message exists already in the cache, return None for msg_id in self._msg_cache.keys(): if message == self._msg_cache[msg_id]['message']: return None # Generate a message id which isn't in the cache already msg_id = randrange(0, self.MAX_MSG_ID) while msg_id in self._msg_cache.keys(): msg_id = randrange(0, self.MAX_MSG_ID) self._msg_cache[msg_id] = {'message': message, 'valid': valid, GossipMessageCache.DATE_ADDED:} self.__maintain_cache() logging.debug('%s | Added new message, current message cache: %s' % (self._message_cache_label, self._msg_cache.keys())) return msg_id
[docs] def get_message(self, msg_id): """ Provides a cached message. :param msg_id: Identifier of the desired message :returns: The desired message (None if it does not exist) """ logging.debug('%s | Current message cache: %s' % (self._message_cache_label, self._msg_cache.keys())) if msg_id in self._msg_cache: return self._msg_cache[msg_id]['message'] else: return None
[docs] def is_valid(self, msg_id): """ Returns True if the specified message is marked as valid :param msg_id: Message id :returns: True if the message is marked as valid, False if it is invalid or if it doesn't exist in the cache """ if msg_id in self._msg_cache: return self._msg_cache[msg_id]['valid'] else: return False
[docs] def set_validity(self, msg_id, valid): """ Sets validity for a specific message. :param msg_id: Identifier of the message :param valid: Flag which states whether the specified message is valid or not """ if msg_id in self._msg_cache: old_cache_item = self._msg_cache[msg_id] old_cache_item['valid'] = valid self._msg_cache[msg_id] = old_cache_item
[docs] def remove_message(self, msg_id): """ Removes a message from the cache. :param msg_id: Identifier of the message :returns: Removed message (None if it does not exist) """ return self._msg_cache.pop(msg_id, None)
def __maintain_cache(self): """ Maintains the message cache. If the cache exceeds the defined maximum the oldest message is removed from the cache """ if len(self._msg_cache) > self._cache_size: sorted_messages = sorted(self._msg_cache.items(), key=lambda x: self._msg_cache[x[0]][GossipMessageCache.DATE_ADDED]) message_to_remove = sorted_messages[0][0] self.remove_message(message_to_remove)
[docs] def iterator(self, exclude_id=True): """ Creates a generator for the message cache. Removes the outer dict with id and only returns message ordered by date (from oldest to newest) :return: An iterator over the ordered list of messages """ sorted_messages = sorted(self._msg_cache.items(), key=lambda x: self._msg_cache[x[0]][GossipMessageCache.DATE_ADDED]) return (message[1] if exclude_id else message for message in sorted_messages)