Source code for gossip.communication.connection

# Copyright 2016 Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import random
from multiprocessing import Manager, Lock
from socket import SHUT_RDWR
from gossip.util.exceptions import GossipIdentifierNotFound

__author__ = 'Anselm Binninger, Thomas Maier, Ralph Schaumann'

[docs]class GossipConnectionPool: """ Thread-safe implementation of a pool for Gossip connections. """ CONNECTION = 'Connection' SERVER_IDENTIFIER = 'ServerIdentifier' def __init__(self, connection_pool_label, cache_size=30): """ Constructor. :param connection_pool_label: A label to derive the concrete functionality of this connection pool :param cache_size: (optional): The max. amount of connections in this connection pool. """ self.connection_pool_label = connection_pool_label self._connections = Manager().dict() self._cache_size = cache_size self._pool_lock = Lock()
[docs] def add_connection(self, identifier, connection, server_identifier=None): """ Adds new identifier with its connection. :param identifier: An object which identifies an unique connection :param connection: A connection object :param server_identifier: (optional) The server identifier of the peer """ self._pool_lock.acquire() if identifier not in self._connections: self._connections[identifier] = {GossipConnectionPool.CONNECTION: connection, GossipConnectionPool.SERVER_IDENTIFIER: server_identifier} logging.debug('%s | Added new connection %s (pool: %s)' % (self.connection_pool_label, identifier, self)) self._pool_lock.release() self.__maintain_connections() else: self._pool_lock.release() logging.debug('%s | Connection %s exists already (pool: %s)' % (self.connection_pool_label, identifier, self))
[docs] def update_connection(self, identifier, server_identifier): """ Updates an existing identifier with its connection. :param identifier: An object which identifies an unique connection :param server_identifier: The server identifier of the peer """ self._pool_lock.acquire() if identifier in self._connections: connection_to_update = self._connections[identifier][GossipConnectionPool.CONNECTION] self._connections[identifier] = {GossipConnectionPool.CONNECTION: connection_to_update, GossipConnectionPool.SERVER_IDENTIFIER: server_identifier} logging.debug('%s | Updated information about connection %s (pool: %s)' % (self.connection_pool_label, identifier, self)) else: logging.debug('%s | Updating information about connection %s failed because it does not exist anymore' % (self.connection_pool_label, identifier)) self._pool_lock.release()
[docs] def remove_connection(self, identifier): """ Removes an existing connection from the pool. :param identifier: Unique identifier to find the affected connection """ self._pool_lock.acquire() removed_connection = self._connections.pop(identifier, None) if removed_connection: logging.debug('%s | Removed connection %s (pool: %s)' % (self.connection_pool_label, identifier, self)) self._pool_lock.release() return removed_connection[GossipConnectionPool.CONNECTION] self._pool_lock.release()
[docs] def get_connection(self, identifier): """ Gets a connection from the pool. :param identifier: Unique identifier to find the affected connection """ self._pool_lock.acquire() connection = self._connections.get(identifier, None) if connection: self._pool_lock.release() return connection[GossipConnectionPool.CONNECTION] else: self._pool_lock.release() raise GossipIdentifierNotFound('Cannot find identifier %s' % identifier)
[docs] def get_server_identifier(self, identifier): """ Gets the server identifier for one connection. :param identifier: Unique identifier to find the affected server identifier """ self._pool_lock.acquire() connection = self._connections.get(identifier, None) if connection: self._pool_lock.release() return connection[GossipConnectionPool.SERVER_IDENTIFIER] else: self._pool_lock.release() raise GossipIdentifierNotFound('Cannot find identifier %s' % identifier)
[docs] def get_identifiers(self): """ Gets a list of all identifiers. :returns: List of all identifier strings """ self._pool_lock.acquire() identifiers = self._connections.keys() self._pool_lock.release() return identifiers
[docs] def get_server_identifiers(self, identifier_to_exclude=None): """ Collects server identifiers :param identifier_to_exclude: (optional) Server identifiers to exclude """ if not identifier_to_exclude: identifier_to_exclude = [] server_identifiers = [] self._pool_lock.acquire() for identifier, connection in self._connections.items(): server_address = connection[GossipConnectionPool.SERVER_IDENTIFIER] if server_address and server_address not in identifier_to_exclude: server_identifiers.append(server_address) self._pool_lock.release() return server_identifiers
def __str__(self): output = ', '.join(['%s<=%s' % (key, val[GossipConnectionPool.SERVER_IDENTIFIER]) for key, val in self._connections.items()]) if output == '': output = 'Pool is empty' return output def __maintain_connections(self): """ Maintains the list of connections. If number of current connections exceeds maximum cache size a random connection is killed. """ if len(self._connections) > self._cache_size: self._pool_lock.acquire() connection_to_remove = list(self._connections.keys())[random.randint(0, len(self._connections) - 1)] self._pool_lock.release() killed_connection = self.remove_connection(connection_to_remove) killed_connection.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) killed_connection.close() logging.debug('%s | Connection maintainer removes: %s (current pool: %s)' % (self.connection_pool_label, connection_to_remove, self))
[docs] def get_capacity(self): """ Provides the left capacity of the current connection pool. :returns: The left capacity """ return self._cache_size - len(self._connections)
[docs] def filter_new_server_identifiers(self, server_identifiers, identifier_to_exclude=None): """ Provides all given identifiers which are not known until now. :param server_identifiers: Server identifiers to check against known ones :param identifier_to_exclude: (optional) Server identifiers to exclude :returns: Identifiers which are not known as server identifiers in the connection pool until now """ known_server_identifiers = self.get_server_identifiers(identifier_to_exclude=identifier_to_exclude) new_identifiers = [] for server_identifier in server_identifiers: if server_identifier not in known_server_identifiers: new_identifiers.append(server_identifier) return new_identifiers
[docs] def get_random_identifier(self, identifier_to_exclude): """ Provides a random identifier which represents an active connection in the pool at the moment. :param identifier_to_exclude: Identifier to exclude :returns: Random identifier """ self._pool_lock.acquire() identifiers = [identifier for identifier in self._connections.keys() if identifier != identifier_to_exclude] self._pool_lock.release() if len(identifiers) > 1: return identifiers[random.randint(0, len(identifiers) - 1)] elif len(identifiers) == 1: return identifiers[0] else: return None