Installing goblet

Goblet is easiest to install on Ubuntu 12.10, as I provide packages for it myself. Most dependencies are also easy to install, but goblet uses libgit2/pygit2, and a patched git to provide its features. These projects are all still quite unstable. The packages I provide work, but if you want to compile them yourself, please follow the instructions below.

To use the packages I provide, add my personal package archives to your ubuntu system with the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dennis/devtools
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dennis/python
sudo apt-get update

Now you can install goblet and all its dependencies with a single apt command:

sudo apt-get install goblet

Non-python dependencies

The only non-python dependencies are xz, git and groff. Goblet does require a patched git though. If you do not use the packages I provide, please build your own git with Jeff King’s blame-tree patches applied. You can find these, rebased against the latest git version, as the last four patches on my git clone

Python dependencies

Goblet requires Python 2.6 or newer, python 3 is not yet supported. It has only a few python dependencies: the flask/werkzeug/jinja2/pygments combination as web framework, markdown and docutils for rendering markdown and rst, and whelk for executing git commands. These can all be installed with pip, or from my repositories or the Ubuntu repositories.


As the libgit2 and pygit2 projects do not yet provide stable releases, they need to be built from a git checkout if you do not use the packages I provide. As no API compatibility is guaranteed, it is best to use the exact same versions as me. The following sequence of commands will download, build and install libgit2 and pygit2 into /usr/local:

sudo apt-get install cmake python-all-devel

git clone git://
pushd libgit2
git checkout bb19532
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build ..
sudo cmake --build . --target install

git clone git://
pushd pygit2
git checkout 29ce23c
python build
sudo python install

sudo ldconfig

Goblet itself

When all dependencies have been installed, goblet can be installed with pip, or you can live on the bleeding edge and clone the git repository from github:

git clone git://
cd goblet
git submodule init
git submodule update

With git now installed, please proceed to Configuring goblet and learn how to configure goblet.

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Serving git repositories with goblet

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Configuring goblet