.. include:: strings.rst Favorites ========= .. module:: favorites .. function:: create(server_url, status_id, *, username='', password='', oauth={}) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. Returns the liked status when successful. :param str server_url: |server_url| :param int status_id: ID of the status to delete :param str username: |username| :param str password: |password| :param dict oauth: |oauth| :rtype: dict :return: :ref:`status_dict` .. function:: destroy(server_url, status_id, *, username='', password='', oauth={}) Unfavorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. Returns the unliked status when successful. :param str server_url: |server_url| :param int status_id: ID of the status to delete :param str username: |username| :param str password: |password| :param dict oauth: |oauth| :rtype: dict :return: :ref:`status_dict` .. function:: favorites(server_url, *, since_id=None, max_id=None, count=20, username='', password='', oauth={}) Returns recent notices favorited by the authenticating or specified user. :param str server_url: |server_url| :param int since_id: |status_since_id| :param int max_id: |status_max_id| :param int count: |status_count| :param str username: |username| :param str password: |password| :param dict oauth: |oauth| :rtype: list :return: a list of :ref:`status dicts `