glitter Example: Point Cloud Renderer


This program will open a GLUT window and render a random, colored, rotating point cloud.

Front matter

Module docstring

The module docstring is used as a description of this example in the generated documentation:

"""Viewer for a random point cloud.

@author: Stephan Wenger
@date: 2012-03-13


Our scene is going to rotate. The rotating modelview matrix is computed using the sine and cosine functions from the math module:

from numpy import sin, cos, pi

glitter uses numpy for representation of array data. We will use numpy's randn() function to generate random point coordinates:

from numpy.random import randn

We can usually import classes and functions contained in glitter submodules directly from glitter:

from glitter import VertexArray, State, get_default_program

Modules with external dependencies other than numpy, such as platform dependent parts like methods for the generation of an OpenGL context, however, have to be imported from their respective submodules:

from glitter.contexts.glut import GlutWindow, main_loop, get_elapsed_time

Main class

We wrap all the OpenGL interaction in a class. The class will contain an __init__() method to set up all OpenGL objects, any required callback methods, as well as a run() method to trigger execution of the GLUT main loop.

class PointcloudRenderer(object):


When a PointcloudRenderer instance is created, we need to initialize a few OpenGL objects.

    def __init__(self):

First, we create a window; this also creates an OpenGL context.

        self.window = GlutWindow(double=True, multisample=True)

Then, we set the GLUT display callback function which will be defined later.

        self.window.display_callback = self.display

In the OpenGL core profile, there is no such thing as a "standard pipeline" any more. We use the minimalistic defaultpipeline from the glitter.convenience module to create a shader program instead:

        self.shader = get_default_program()

Here, we create a vertex array that contains buffers for two vertex array input variables as well as an index array:

        n_points = 100000
        self.vao = VertexArray(randn(n_points, 3), randn(n_points, 3))

Callback functions

Display function

Here we define the display function. It will be called by GLUT whenever the screen has to be redrawn.

    def display(self):

First we clear the default framebuffer:


To draw the vertex array, we use:


After all rendering commands have been issued, we swap the back buffer to the front, making the rendered image visible all at once:


Timer function

The animation is controlled by a GLUT timer. The timer callback changes the modelview matrix, schedules the next timer event, and causes a screen redraw:

    def timer(self):

We first get the elapsed time from GLUT using get_elapsed_time():

        phi = 2 * pi * get_elapsed_time() / 20.0

We then set the modelview_matrix uniform variable of the shader created in the initialization section simply by setting an attribute:

        self.shader.modelview_matrix = ((cos(phi), 0, sin(phi), 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (-sin(phi), 0, cos(phi), 0), (0, 0, 0, 5))

The following line schedules the next timer event to execute after ten milliseconds.

        self.window.add_timer(10, self.timer)

Finally, we tell GLUT to redraw the screen.



We will call the run() method later to run the OpenGL code.

    def run(self):

To start the animation, we call the timer once; all subsequent timer calls will be scheduled by the timer function itself.


The default program is bound by using a with statement:

        with self.shader:

The State class encapsulates state changes in the context. For example, to enable depth testing and set the point size to three for the duration of the following function call, we would write:

            with State(depth_test=True, point_size=3):

With the shader bound, depth testing enabled, and the point size set, we enter the GLUT main loop.


When the main loop exits, control is handed back to the script.

Main section

Finally, if this program is being run from the command line, we instanciate the main class and run it.

if __name__ == "__main__":