Future WorkΒΆ

The following list gives some ideas—in no particular order—for improving Glimpse in the future.

  • The accessibility of the project could be greatly enhanced by integrating Glimpse into a general machine learning framework. Ideally, this framework would provide a graphical interface for designing and running experiments. A good candidate for such a framework is the Orange project.
  • It would be helpful to have more advanced backends, particularly one targeting GPUs. This could probably be written using PyCUDA or Theano. Some code for this exists in old versions of the project, and should be dusted off.
  • The biggest boost to accessibility of the project could come from a graphical user interface, which allows the user to specify arbitrary network topologies. This might be done by hacking an interface out of the Orange project’s workbench code.
  • Create an app package for OS X, probably using PyInstaller or py2app.
  • Create an integrated GUI for running experiments and analyzing results. As an example, this should integrate the plots shown in the `user guide`_. A start in this direction has been made using PySide.
  • Add an automated loader/downloader for image corpora, similar to the mechanism provided by scikit-learn. For example, this should allow the user to download and unpack the AnimalDB dataset with a single command.
  • Add a script to perform classification on many sub-windows of the same image. Use the optimization we built for George’s thesis.
  • Add an iterable interface for joblib.Parallel to support a progress meter.

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