Source code for glimpse.experiment.mf_wkmeans

"""Weighted k-Means using meta-feature quality model of Krupka et al."""

# Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Mick Thomure
# All rights reserved.
# Please see the file LICENSE.txt in this distribution for usage terms.

import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
from sklearn import neighbors

from glimpse.util.learn import WeightedMiniBatchKMeans

[docs]def GetMetaFeatures(prototypes): """Compute "meta-features for a set of prototypes. :param prototypes: Prototype data. :return: Array of meta-features, with one row per prototype. :rtype: array of float """ prototypes = prototypes.reshape(prototypes.shape[0], -1) qs = np.array([ mquantiles(p, prob=[.3,.7]) for p in prototypes ]).T meta_ftrs = np.array([ prototypes.mean(1), prototypes.std(1), prototypes.min(1), prototypes.max(1) ] + list(qs)) return meta_ftrs.T
[docs]def TrainQualityModel(exp, num_regr_samples, pool, progress=None): """Train a patch quality model. :param int num_regr_samples: Number of patches to use for training the model. :param pool: Worker pool to use when extracting patches. :param progress: Handler for incremental progress updates. :return: A trained model. :rtype: sklearn.base.RegressorMixin """ # Note: this *does not* work as a module-level import, due to circular import. from glimpse.experiment import (MakePrototypes, ComputeActivation, TrainAndTestClassifier, Layer)"Training prototype quality model based on meta-features") # make a local copy of the experiment MakePrototypes(exp, num_regr_samples, 'imprint', pool, progress=progress) ComputeActivation(exp, Layer.C2, pool, progress=progress) # estimate SVM parameters from feature vectors TrainAndTestClassifier(exp, Layer.C2) # Get ground-truth quality clf = exp.evaluation[0].results['classifier'].named_steps['learner'] # Quality uses squared weights across support vectors, ignoring SV weights. quality = (clf.coef_**2).sum(0) meta_ftrs = _GetMetaFeatures(exp.extractor.model.s2_kernels[0]) # estimate regression parameters from SVM weights"Estimate parameters of regression model") quality_model = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=4).fit(meta_ftrs, quality) return quality_model
[docs]def LearnPatchesFromImages(exp, num_regr_samples, num_samples, num_prototypes, pool, progress=None): """Learn patch models by meta-feature weighted k-Means clustering. Weights are given by a feature quality prediction model using prototype "meta-features". :param int num_regr_samples: Number of patches used to train quality prediction regression model. :param int num_samples: Number of samples used to cluster via k-Means. :param int num_prototypes: Number of centroids used for k-Means. :param pool: Worker pool to use when extracting patches. :param progress: Handler for incremental progress updates. :return: Learned patches. :rtype: array of float """ # Note: the following *does not* work as a module-level import, due to a # circular import problem. from glimpse.experiment import MakePrototypes"Learning %d prototypes per size by (meta-feature) weighted " "k-Means clustering.", num_prototypes) assert len(exp.extractor.model.params.s2_kernel_widths) == 1, \ "Multiple kernel sizes are not supported""\tnum_regr_samples(%d), num_samples(%d)", num_regr_samples, num_samples) quality_model = _TrainQualityModel(exp, num_regr_samples, pool, progress=progress) # sample C1 patches MakePrototypes(exp, num_samples, 'imprint', pool, progress=progress) samples = exp.extractor.model.s2_kernels[0] # estimate patch weights using the quality model weights = quality_model.predict(_GetMetaFeatures(samples)) # choose prototypes by weighted k-means"Estimate C1 Clusters using weighted k-Means") kmeans = WeightedMiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters = num_prototypes).fit( samples.reshape(samples.shape[0], -1), weights) prototypes = kmeans.cluster_centers_ return prototypes.reshape((prototypes.shape[0],) + samples.shape[1:])