.. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 James Rowe Stéphane Angel This file is part of python-github2, and is licensed under the 3-clause BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text. In the wild ----------- :mod:`github2` can be seen in the wild helping to power the tools and web sites listed on this page. .. note:: Have an interesting Open Source project or public website using :mod:`github2`? Add it to this list! Just `open an issue`_ or click the ``Fork and edit this file`` button on the `project website`_ ``applause`` '''''''''''' Applause when a bug gets closed. Extra cheering for old bugs. :PyPI project: :pypi:`applause` ``bitbucket2github`` '''''''''''''''''''' Mirrors all public repos of a BitBucket account to GitHub and vice versa. :PyPI project: :pypi:`bitbucket2github` ``bugwarrior`` '''''''''''''' Pull tickets from github, bitbucket, and trac into `taskwarrior `__ :PyPI project: :pypi:`bugwarrior` ``cligh`` ''''''''' A simple command-line interface to the facilities of GitHub. :GitHub project: https://github.com/CMB/cligh ``forkfeed`` '''''''''''' Utility to build atom feeds for all commits in all forks of your projects on GitHub. :PyPI project: :pypi:`forkfeed` ``ghmiles`` ''''''''''' ``ghmiles`` is a Python library that generates a milestone model from the issues in a GitHub repository. :PyPI project: :pypi:`ghmiles` ``ghsync`` '''''''''' GitHub Syncer. Clones or Pulls all GitHub repos. :PyPI project: :pypi:`ghsync` ``github-issues`` ''''''''''''''''' github-issues allows you to create, close, show, list, and comment on issues on your github project - that's it. :GitHub project: https://github.com/kashifrazzaqui/github-issues ``github-issues-export`` '''''''''''''''''''''''' Script to liberate issues from github issues in case you would like to have your data free. :GitHub project: https://github.com/mcepl/github-issues-export ``github-plots`` '''''''''''''''' Alternative plots from GitHub stats. :PyPI project: :pypi:`github-plots` ``hubugs`` '''''''''' ``hubugs`` is a very simple client for working with `GitHub's issue tracker`_. :PyPI project: :pypi:`hubugs` .. _GitHub's issue tracker: http://github.com/blog/411-github-issue-tracker ``humble`` '''''''''' Shows stats on a given GitHub user. :PyPI project: :pypi:`humble` ``Repos.io`` '''''''''''' The source code of the Repos.io site, a site to help you manage all your repositories (your own, and watched/liked/followed ones) hosted by different providers (github, bitbucket) :GitHub project: https://github.com/twidi/Repos.io ``roundabout`` '''''''''''''' ``Roundabout`` is a tool that automatically prevents code with failing tests from being merged into a github repository. :GitHub project: https://github.com/ChristopherMacGown/roundabout .. _open an issue: https://github.com/ask/python-github2/issues/ .. _project website: https://github.com/ask/python-github2/blob/master/doc/wild.rst