Source code for github2.organizations

# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 James Rowe <>
#                         Patryk Zawadzki <>
#                         Rok Garbas <>
# This file is part of python-github2, and is made available under the 3-clause
# BSD license.  See LICENSE for the full details.

from github2.core import (BaseData, GithubCommand, Attribute, DateAttribute,
from github2.repositories import Repository
from github2.teams import Team
from github2.users import User

[docs]class Organization(BaseData): """Organization container. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ id = Attribute("The organization id.") name = Attribute("The full name of the organization.") blog = Attribute("The organization's blog.") location = Attribute("Location of the organization.") gravatar_id = Attribute("Gravatar ID.") login = Attribute("The login username.") email = Attribute("The organization's e-mail address.") company = Attribute("The organization's company name.") created_at = DateAttribute("The date the organization was created.", format="commit") following_count = Attribute("Number of users the organization is " "following.") followers_count = Attribute("Number of users following this organization.") public_gist_count = Attribute("Organization's number of active public " "gists.") public_repo_count = Attribute("Organization's number of active " "repositories.") permission = Attribute("Permissions within this organization.") plan = Attribute("GitHub plan for this organization.") def is_authenticated(self): return self.plan is not None def __repr__(self): return "<Organization: %s>" % self.login
[docs]class Organizations(GithubCommand): """GitHub API organizations functionality. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ domain = "organizations"
[docs] def show(self, organization): """Get information on organization. :param str organization: organization to show """ return self.get_value(organization, filter="organization", datatype=Organization)
[docs] def list(self): """Get list of all of your organizations.""" return self.get_values('', filter="organizations", datatype=Organization)
[docs] def repositories(self, organization=''): """Get list of all repositories in an organization. If organization is not given, or is empty, then this will list repositories for all organizations the authenticated user belongs to. :param: str organization: organization to list repositories for """ return self.get_values(organization, 'repositories', filter="repositories", datatype=Repository)
[docs] def public_repositories(self, organization): """Get list of public repositories in an organization. :param str organization: organization to list public repositories for """ return self.get_values(organization, 'public_repositories', filter="repositories", datatype=Repository)
[docs] def public_members(self, organization): """Get list of public members in an organization. :param str organization: organization to list members for """ return self.get_values(organization, 'public_members', filter="users", datatype=User)
[docs] def teams(self, organization): """Get list of teams in an organization. :param str organization: organization to list teams for """ return self.get_values(organization, 'teams', filter="teams", datatype=Team)
[docs] def add_team(self, organization, name, permission='pull', projects=None): """Add a team to an organization. :param str organization: organization to add team to :param str team: name of team to add :param str permission: permissions for team(push, pull or admin) :param list projects: optional GitHub projects for this team """ team_data = {'team[name]': name, 'team[permission]': permission} if projects: team_data['team[repo_names][]'] = projects return self.get_value(organization, 'teams', post_data=team_data, method='POST', filter='team', datatype=Team)