gf lets you write generic functions generic functions with multi-methods, that dispatch on all their arguments.
>>> from gf import generic, method
>>> add = generic()
>>> type(add)
<type 'function'>
Lets define add for two integers:
>>> @method(int, int)
... def add(n0, n1):
... return n0 + n1
Lets test it:
>>> add(1, 2)
Calling add with instances of other types fails:
>>> add("Hello ", "World")
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic '__main__.add' has no implementation for type(s): __builtin__.str, __builtin__.str
Of course add can also by defined for two strings:
>>> @method(basestring, basestring)
... def add(s0, s1):
... return s0 + s1
Now our hello world example works:
>>> add("Hello ", "World")
'Hello World'
add can also be defined for a string and an integer:
>>> @method(basestring, int)
... def add(s, n):
... return s + str(n)
Thus we can add a string and a number:
>>> add("You ", 2)
'You 2'
gf.Object implements (nearly) all of the special instance methods of a python object as a generic function. The package includes a rational number implementation that makes heavy use of this feature:
@method(object, Rational)
def __add__(a, b):
"""Add an object and a rational number.
`a` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are added."""
return Rational(a) + b
@method(Rational, object)
def __add__(a, b):
"""Add a rational number and an object.
`b` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are added."""
return a + Rational(b)
gf.Object also has a more Smalltalk means of overwriting object.__str__() and object.__repr__() using a file like object. Again the rational example is instructive about its usage.
@method(Rational, Writer)
def __out__(rational, writer):
"""Write a nice representation of the rational.
Denominators that equal 1 are not printed."""
writer("%d", rational.numerator)
if rational.denominator != 1:
writer(" / %d", rational.denominator)
@method(Rational, Writer)
def __spy__(rational, writer):
"""Write a debug representation of the rational."""
writer("%s(", rational.__class__.__name__)
if rational.numerator != 0:
writer("%r", rational.numerator)
if rational.denominator != 1:
writer(", %r", rational.denominator)
A short sketch of the changes done in each release.
The following was fixed in Release 0.1.4:
- Fixed an issue with variadic methods. Sometimes definitions of variadic methods added after the method was already called where not added.
- Specified and implemented a precedence rule for overlapping variadic methods of generic functions.
- Improved generated documentation for variadic methods.
- Fixed the markup of some notes in the documentation.
The following was changed in Release 0.1.3:
- Added variadic methods, e.g. multi-methods with a variable number of arguments.
- Improved the long description text a bit and fixed bug in its markup.
- Fixed invalid references in the long description.
The following was changed in Release 0.1.2:
- Added a generic functions for gf.Object.__call__().
- Added a gf.go.FinalizingMixin.
- gf.generic() now also accepts a type.
- Improved the exception information for ambiguous calls.
- Fixed some documentation glitches.
This was the initial release.