import operator, __builtin__
from types import FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType
from cStringIO import StringIO
from base import generic, method
def _get_operations():
"""Enumerate all operations to implemented as methods/generics."""
answer = []
for name, value in operator.__dict__.iteritems():
if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__") and isinstance(
value, (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType)):
answer.append((name, value))
answer.append(("__iter__", iter))
answer.append(("__divmod__", divmod))
answer.sort(key=lambda element: element[0])
return answer
operations = {}
__all__ = []
_reverse_operation_names = (
"add", "sub", "mul", "div",
"truediv", "floordiv", "mod", "divmod",
"lshift", "rshift",
"and", "xor", "or" )
def _install_operations():
"""Install all the operations as generics in this module."""
for name, value in _get_operations():
doc = value.__doc__
doc += "\n\n"
doc += ("Called by the :meth:`AbstractObject.%s` special method." %
basic_name = name[2:-2]
if basic_name in _reverse_operation_names:
doc += "\n"
doc += "Also called by :meth:`AbstractObject.__r%s__` "\
"with arguments reversed." % basic_name
operations[name] = globals()[name] = generic(name, doc)
__init__ = generic("__init__",
""":func:`__init__` Initializes instances instances of AbstractObject and it's subclasses.
It has a multi method for :class:`Object`. This multi-method does not accept any
additional parameters and has no effect.
There is no method for :class:`AbstractObject`, therefore
this class can not be instantiated.""")
[docs]class Writer(object):
"""A simple wrapper around a file like object.
:class:`Writer`'s purpose is to simplify the implementation
of the generics :func:`__out__` and :func:`__spy__.
`Writer` instances are initialised either with a file_like object
or with no arguments. In the later case ab instance of `StringIO`
is used.
Output is done by simply calling the writer with at least one string object.
The first argument acts as a %-template for formating the other arguments.
The class is intended to be sub-classed for formatted output."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file_like = None):
"""Initialize the `Write` with a file like object.
:param file_like: An optional file-like object."""
if file_like is None:
file_like = StringIO()
self.file = file_like
[docs] def __call__(self, text = None, *arguments):
"""Write text % arguments on the file-like objects.
If no arguments are passed write a newline."""
if text is None:
self.file.write(text % arguments)
[docs] def get_text(self):
"""Get the text written so far.
:Note: This method is only supported if the file-like object
implements :class:`StringIO`'s :meth:`getvalue` method."""
return self.file.getvalue()
[docs]class AbstractObject(object):
"""An abstract (mixin) class that maps all the python magic functions to generics."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *arguments):
"Call the :func:`__init__` generic function."""
__init__(self, *arguments)
[docs] def __str__(self):
"Answer the objects print-string by calling :func:`as_string`."""
return as_string(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self):
"Answer the objects debug-string by calling :func:`spy`."""
return spy(self)
[docs] def __float__(self):
"""Convert the object to a `float` by calling the :func:`__float__` generic."""
return __float__(self)
[docs] def __int__(self):
"""Convert the object to an `int` by calling the :func:`__int__` generic."""
return __int__(self)
[docs]class Object(AbstractObject):
"""Just like `AbstractObject`, but can be created."""
[docs]def __init__(an_object):
"""Do nothing for :class:`Object`."""
def _install_operations():
"""Install the operations in the class."""
def get_doc(value):
function = getattr(operator, value.__name__)
except AttributeError:
function = getattr(__builtin__, value.__name__[2:-2])
return function.__doc__
def generate_operation(value):
def operation(*arguments):
#d#print "reg:", arguments
return value(*arguments)
doc = get_doc(value)
doc += "\n\n"
doc += ("Calls the :func:`%s`-generic with its arguments." %
operation.__doc__ = doc
return operation
def generate_reverse_operation(value):
def operation(argument0, argument1):
#d#print "rev:", argument0, argument1
return value(argument1, argument0)
doc = get_doc(value)
doc += "\n\n"
doc += ("Calls the :func:`%s`-generic with its arguments reversed." %
operation.__doc__ = doc
return operation
for name, value in _get_operations():
operation = generate_operation(operations[name])
setattr(AbstractObject, name, operation)
for name in _reverse_operation_names:
operation = generate_reverse_operation(operations["__%s__" % name])
setattr(AbstractObject, "__r%s__" % name, operation)
del _install_operations
del _get_operations
__float__ = generic("__float__", "Convert an :class:`AbstractObject` to a `float`.")
__int__ = generic("__int__", "Convert an :class:`AbstractObject` to an `int`.")
[docs]def as_string(self):
"""Answer an object's print string.
This is done by creating a :class:`Writer` instance
and calling the :func:`__out__` generic with the
object and the writer. The using :meth:`Writer.get_text`
to retrieve the text written."""
writer = Writer()
__out__(self, writer)
return writer.get_text()
__out__ = generic("__out__",
"Create a print string of an object using a :class:`Writer`.")
@method(object, Writer)
def __out__(self, write):
"""Write a just :func:`str` of self."""
@method(AbstractObject, Writer)
[docs]def __out__(self, write):
"""Write a just :func:`str` of self by directly calling :meth:`object.__str__`."""
[docs]def spy(self):
"""Answer an object's debug string.
This is done by creating a :class:`Writer` instance
and calling the :func:`__spy__` generic with the
object and the writer. The using :meth:`Writer.get_text`
to retrieve the text written."""
writer = Writer()
__spy__(self, writer)
return writer.get_text()
__spy__ = generic("__spy__",
"Create a print string of an object using a `Writer`.")
@method(object, Writer)
def __spy__(self, write):
"""Write a just :func:`repr` of self."""
@method(AbstractObject, Writer)
[docs]def __spy__(self, write):
"""Write a just :func:`repr` of self by directly calling :meth:`object.__repr__`."""
"Writer", "AbstractObject", "Object", "spy", "as_string",
"__spy__", "__out__", "__init__",
"__float__", "__int__"))