Source code for geolucidate.functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re
from decimal import Decimal, setcontext, ExtendedContext
from urllib import urlencode
from geolucidate.parser import parser_re
from import google_maps_link
from import bing_maps_link
from import MapLink


def _cleanup(parts):
    Normalize up the parts matched by :obj:`parser.parser_re` to
    degrees, minutes, and seconds.

    >>> _cleanup({'latdir': 'south', 'longdir': 'west',
    ...          'latdeg':'60','latmin':'30',
    ...          'longdeg':'50','longmin':'40'})
    ['S', '60', '30', '00', 'W', '50', '40', '00']

    >>> _cleanup({'latdir': 'south', 'longdir': 'west',
    ...          'latdeg':'60','latmin':'30', 'latdecsec':'.50',
    ...          'longdeg':'50','longmin':'40','longdecsec':'.90'})
    ['S', '60', '30.50', '00', 'W', '50', '40.90', '00']


    latdir = (parts['latdir'] or parts['latdir2']).upper()[0]
    longdir = (parts['longdir'] or parts['longdir2']).upper()[0]

    latdeg = parts.get('latdeg')
    longdeg = parts.get('longdeg')

    latmin = parts.get('latmin', '00') or '00'
    longmin = parts.get('longmin', '00') or '00'

    latdecsec = parts.get('latdecsec', '')
    longdecsec = parts.get('longdecsec', '')

    if (latdecsec and longdecsec):
        latmin += latdecsec
        longmin += longdecsec
        latsec = '00'
        longsec = '00'
        latsec = parts.get('latsec', '') or '00'
        longsec = parts.get('longsec', '') or '00'

    return [latdir, latdeg, latmin, latsec, longdir, longdeg, longmin, longsec]

def _convert(latdir, latdeg, latmin, latsec,
            longdir, longdeg, longmin, longsec):
    Convert normalized degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees.
    Quantize the converted value based on the input precision and
    return a 2-tuple of strings.

    >>> _convert('S','50','30','30','W','50','30','30')
    ('-50.508333', '-50.508333')

    if (latsec != '00' or longsec != '00'):
        precision = Decimal('0.000001')
    elif (latmin != '00' or longmin != '00'):
        precision = Decimal('0.001')
        precision = Decimal('1')

    latitude = Decimal(latdeg)
    latmin = Decimal(latmin)
    latsec = Decimal(latsec)

    longitude = Decimal(longdeg)
    longmin = Decimal(longmin)
    longsec = Decimal(longsec)

    if latsec > 59 or longsec > 59:
        #Assume that 'seconds' greater than 59 are actually a decimal
        #fraction of minutes
        latitude += (latmin +
                     (latsec / Decimal('100'))) / Decimal('60')
        longitude += (longmin +
                  (longsec / Decimal('100'))) / Decimal('60')
        latitude += (latmin +
                     (latsec / Decimal('60'))) / Decimal('60')
        longitude += (longmin +
                      (longsec / Decimal('60'))) / Decimal('60')

    if latdir == 'S':
        latitude *= Decimal('-1')

    if longdir == 'W':
        longitude *= Decimal('-1')

    lat_str = str(latitude.quantize(precision))
    long_str = str(longitude.quantize(precision))

    return (lat_str, long_str)

[docs]def replace(string, sub_function=google_maps_link()): """ Replace detected coordinates with a map link, using the given substitution function. The substitution function will be passed a :class:`~.MapLink` instance, and should return a string which will be substituted by :func:`re.sub` in place of the detected coordinates. >>> replace("58147N/07720W") u'<a href="" title="58147N/07720W (58.235278, -77.333333)">58147N/07720W</a>' >>> replace("5814N/07720W", google_maps_link('satellite')) u'<a href="" title="5814N/07720W (58.233, -77.333)">5814N/07720W</a>' >>> replace("58N/077W", bing_maps_link('map')) u'<a href="" title="58N/077W (58, -77)">58N/077W</a>' """ def do_replace(match): original_string = (latitude, longitude) = _convert(*_cleanup(match.groupdict())) return sub_function(MapLink(original_string, latitude, longitude)) return parser_re.sub(do_replace, string)
[docs]def get_replacements(string, sub_function=google_maps_link()): """ Return a dict whose keys are instances of :class:`re.MatchObject` and whose values are the corresponding replacements. Use :func:`get_replacements` when the replacement cannot be performed through ordinary string substitution by :func:`re.sub`, as in :func:`replace`. >>> get_replacements("4630 NORTH 5705 WEST 58147N/07720W") ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS {<_sre.SRE_Match object at ...>: u'<a href="..." title="...">4630 NORTH 5705 WEST</a>', <_sre.SRE_Match object at ...>: u'<a href="..." title="...">58147N/07720W</a>'} >>> string = "4630 NORTH 5705 WEST 58147N/07720W" >>> replacements = get_replacements(string) >>> offset = 0 >>> from UserString import MutableString >>> out = MutableString(string) >>> for (match, link) in replacements.iteritems(): ... start = match.start() + offset ... end = match.end() + offset ... out[start:end] = link ... offset += (len(link) - len( >>> out == replace(string) True """ substitutions = {} matches = parser_re.finditer(string) for match in matches: (latitude, longitude) = _convert(*_cleanup(match.groupdict())) substitutions[match] = sub_function(MapLink(, latitude, longitude)) return substitutions