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# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""DocsClient simplifies interactions with the Documents List API."""

__author__ = ' (Vic Fryzel)'

import copy
import mimetypes
import re
import urllib
import atom.http_core
import gdata.client
import gdata.gauth

# Feed URIs that are given by the API, but cannot be obtained without
# making a mostly unnecessary HTTP request.
RESOURCE_FEED_URI = '/feeds/default/private/full'
RESOURCE_UPLOAD_URI = '/feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full'
ARCHIVE_FEED_URI = '/feeds/default/private/archive'
METADATA_URI = '/feeds/metadata/default'
CHANGE_FEED_URI = '/feeds/default/private/changes'

[docs]class DocsClient(gdata.client.GDClient): """Client for all features of the Google Documents List API.""" host = '' api_version = '3.0' auth_service = 'writely' alt_auth_service = 'wise' alt_auth_token = None auth_scopes = gdata.gauth.AUTH_SCOPES['writely'] ssl = True
[docs] def request(self, method=None, uri=None, **kwargs): """Add support for imitating other users via 2-Legged OAuth. Args: uri: (optional) URI of the request in which to replace default with self.xoauth_requestor_id. Returns: Result of super(DocsClient, self).request(). """ if self.xoauth_requestor_id is not None and uri is not None: if isinstance(uri, (str, unicode)): uri = atom.http_core.Uri.parse_uri(uri) uri.path.replace('/default', '/%s' % self.xoauth_requestor_id) return super(DocsClient, self).request(method=method, uri=uri, **kwargs)
Request = request
[docs] def get_metadata(self, **kwargs): """Retrieves the metadata of a user account. Args: kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.get_entry(). Returns: representing metadata of user's account. """ return self.get_entry( METADATA_URI,, **kwargs)
GetMetadata = get_metadata
[docs] def get_changes(self, changestamp=None, max_results=None, show_root=None, **kwargs): """Retrieves changes to a user's documents list. Args: changestamp: (optional) String changestamp value to query since. If provided, returned changes will have a changestamp larger than the given one. max_results: (optional) Number of results to fetch. API will limit this number to 100 at most. show_root: (optional) True to include indications if a resource is in the root collection. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.get_feed(). Returns: """ uri = atom.http_core.Uri.parse_uri(CHANGE_FEED_URI) if changestamp is not None: uri.query['start-index'] = changestamp if max_results is not None: uri.query['max-results'] = max_results if show_root is not None: uri.query['showroot'] = str(show_root).lower() return self.get_feed( uri,, **kwargs)
GetChanges = get_changes
[docs] def get_resources(self, uri=None, limit=None, show_root=None, **kwargs): """Retrieves the resources in a user's docslist, or the given URI. Args: uri: (optional) URI to query for resources. If None, then is used, which will query for all non-collections. limit: int (optional) A maximum cap for the number of results to return in the feed. By default, the API returns a maximum of 100 per page. Thus, if you set limit=5000, you will get <= 5000 documents (guarenteed no more than 5000), and will need to follow the feed's next links (feed.GetNextLink()) to the rest. See get_everything(). Similarly, if you set limit=50, only <= 50 documents are returned. Note: if the max-results parameter is set in the uri parameter, it is chosen over a value set for limit. show_root: (optional) True to include indications if a resource is in the root collection. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.get_feed(). Returns: feed. """ if uri is None: uri = RESOURCE_FEED_URI if isinstance(uri, basestring): uri = atom.http_core.Uri.parse_uri(uri) # Add max-results param if it wasn't included in the uri. if limit is not None and not 'max-results' in uri.query: uri.query['max-results'] = limit if show_root is not None: uri.query['showroot'] = str(show_root).lower() return self.get_feed(uri,, **kwargs)
GetResources = get_resources
[docs] def get_all_resources(self, uri=None, show_root=None, **kwargs): """Retrieves all of a user's non-collections or everything at the given URI. Folders are not included in this by default. Pass in a custom URI to include collections in your query. The DocsQuery class is an easy way to generate such a URI. This method makes multiple HTTP requests (by following the feed's next links) in order to fetch the user's entire document list. Args: uri: (optional) URI to query the doclist feed with. If None, then use DocsClient.RESOURCE_FEED_URI, which will retrieve all non-collections. show_root: (optional) True to include indications if a resource is in the root collection. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.GetResources(). Returns: List of objects representing the retrieved entries. """ if uri is None: uri = RESOURCE_FEED_URI if isinstance(uri, basestring): uri = atom.http_core.Uri.parse_uri(uri) if show_root is not None: uri.query['showroot'] = str(show_root).lower() feed = self.GetResources(uri=uri, **kwargs) entries = feed.entry while feed.GetNextLink() is not None: feed = self.GetResources(feed.GetNextLink().href, **kwargs) entries.extend(feed.entry) return entries
GetAllResources = get_all_resources
[docs] def get_resource(self, entry, **kwargs): """Retrieves a resource again given its entry. Args: entry: to fetch and return. kwargs: Other args to pass to GetResourceBySelfLink(). Returns: representing retrieved resource. """ return self.GetResourceBySelfLink(entry.GetSelfLink().href, **kwargs)
GetResource = get_resource
[docs] def get_resource_by_id(self, resource_id, **kwargs): """Retrieves a resource again given its resource ID. Args: resource_id: Typed or untyped resource ID of a resource. kwargs: Other args to pass to GetResourceBySelfLink(). Returns: representing retrieved resource. """ return self.GetResourceBySelfLink( RESOURCE_SELF_LINK_TEMPLATE % resource_id, **kwargs)
GetResourceById = get_resource_by_id GetResourceBySelfLink = get_resource_by_self_link
[docs] def get_resource_acl(self, entry, **kwargs): """Retrieves the ACL sharing permissions for the given entry. Args: entry: for which to get ACL. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.get_feed(). Returns: representing the resource's ACL. """ self._check_entry_is_resource(entry) return self.get_feed(entry.GetAclFeedLink().href,, **kwargs)
GetResourceAcl = get_resource_acl
[docs] def create_resource(self, entry, media=None, collection=None, create_uri=None, **kwargs): """Creates new entries in Google Docs, and uploads their contents. Args: entry: representing initial version of entry being created. If media is also provided, the entry will first be created with the given metadata and content. media: (optional) containing the file to be uploaded. collection: (optional) representing a collection in which this new entry should be created. If provided along with create_uri, create_uri will win (e.g. entry will be created at create_uri, not necessarily in given collection). create_uri: (optional) String URI at which to create the given entry. If collection, media and create_uri are None, use If collection and create_uri are None, use If collection and media are not None, collection.GetResumableCreateMediaLink() is used, with the collection's resource ID substituted in. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to and self.update(). Returns: containing information about new entry. """ if media is not None: if create_uri is None and collection is not None: create_uri = collection.GetResumableCreateMediaLink().href elif create_uri is None: create_uri = RESOURCE_UPLOAD_URI uploader = gdata.client.ResumableUploader( self, media.file_handle, media.content_type, media.content_length, return uploader.upload_file(create_uri, entry, **kwargs) else: if create_uri is None and collection is not None: create_uri = collection.content.src elif create_uri is None: create_uri = RESOURCE_FEED_URI return entry, create_uri,, **kwargs)
CreateResource = create_resource
[docs] def update_resource(self, entry, media=None, update_metadata=True, new_revision=False, **kwargs): """Updates an entry in Google Docs with new metadata and/or new data. Args: entry: Entry to update. Make any metadata changes to this entry. media: (optional) object containing the file with which to replace the entry's data. update_metadata: (optional) True to update the metadata from the entry itself. You might set this to False to only update an entry's file content, and not its metadata. new_revision: (optional) True to create a new revision with this update, False otherwise. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to Returns: representing the updated entry. """ uri_params = {} if new_revision: uri_params['new-revision'] = 'true' if update_metadata and media is None: uri = atom.http_core.parse_uri(entry.GetEditLink().href) uri.query.update(uri_params) return super(DocsClient, self).update(entry, **kwargs) else: uploader = gdata.client.ResumableUploader( self, media.file_handle, media.content_type, media.content_length, return uploader.UpdateFile(entry_or_resumable_edit_link=entry, update_metadata=update_metadata, uri_params=uri_params, **kwargs)
UpdateResource = update_resource
[docs] def download_resource(self, entry, file_path, extra_params=None, **kwargs): """Downloads the contents of the given entry to disk. Note: to download a file in memory, use the DownloadResourceToMemory() method. Args: entry: whose contents to fetch. file_path: str Full path to which to save file. extra_params: dict (optional) A map of any further parameters to control how the document is downloaded/exported. For example, exporting a spreadsheet as a .csv: extra_params={'gid': 0, 'exportFormat': 'csv'} kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self._download_file(). Raises: gdata.client.RequestError if the download URL is malformed or the server's response was not successful. """ self._check_entry_is_not_collection(entry) uri = self._get_download_uri(entry.content.src, extra_params) self._download_file(uri, file_path, **kwargs)
DownloadResource = download_resource
[docs] def download_resource_to_memory(self, entry, extra_params=None, **kwargs): """Returns the contents of the given entry. Args: entry: whose contents to fetch. extra_params: dict (optional) A map of any further parameters to control how the document is downloaded/exported. For example, exporting a spreadsheet as a .csv: extra_params={'gid': 0, 'exportFormat': 'csv'} kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self._get_content(). Returns: Content of given resource after being downloaded. Raises: gdata.client.RequestError if the download URL is malformed or the server's response was not successful. """ self._check_entry_is_not_collection(entry) uri = self._get_download_uri(entry.content.src, extra_params) return self._get_content(uri, **kwargs)
DownloadResourceToMemory = download_resource_to_memory def _get_download_uri(self, base_uri, extra_params=None): uri = base_uri.replace('&amp;', '&') if extra_params is not None: if 'exportFormat' in extra_params and '/Export?' not in uri: raise gdata.client.Error, ('This entry type cannot be exported ' 'as a different format.') if 'gid' in extra_params and uri.find('spreadsheets') == -1: raise gdata.client.Error, 'gid param is not valid for this resource type.' uri += '&' + urllib.urlencode(extra_params) return uri def _get_content(self, uri, extra_params=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Fetches the given resource's content. This method is useful for downloading/exporting a file within enviornments like Google App Engine, where the user may not have the ability to write the file to a local disk. Be warned, this method will use as much memory as needed to store the fetched content. This could cause issues in your environment or app. This is only different from Download() in that you will probably retain an open reference to the data returned from this method, where as the data from Download() will be immediately written to disk and the memory freed. This client library currently doesn't support reading server responses into a buffer or yielding an open file pointer to responses. Args: entry: Resource to fetch. extra_params: dict (optional) A map of any further parameters to control how the document is downloaded/exported. For example, exporting a spreadsheet as a .csv: extra_params={'gid': 0, 'exportFormat': 'csv'} auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.request(). Returns: The binary file content. Raises: gdata.client.RequestError: on error response from server. """ server_response = None token = auth_token if 'spreadsheets' in uri and token is None \ and self.alt_auth_token is not None: token = self.alt_auth_token server_response = self.request( 'GET', uri, auth_token=token, **kwargs) if server_response.status != 200: raise gdata.client.RequestError, {'status': server_response.status, 'reason': server_response.reason, 'body':} return def _download_file(self, uri, file_path, **kwargs): """Downloads a file to disk from the specified URI. Note: to download a file in memory, use the GetContent() method. Args: uri: str The full URL to download the file from. file_path: str The full path to save the file to. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.get_content(). Raises: gdata.client.RequestError: on error response from server. """ f = open(file_path, 'wb') try: f.write(self._get_content(uri, **kwargs)) except gdata.client.RequestError, e: f.close() raise e f.flush() f.close() _DownloadFile = _download_file
[docs] def copy_resource(self, entry, title, **kwargs): """Copies the given entry to a new entry with the given title. Note: Files do not support this feature. Args: entry: to copy. title: String title for the new entry. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to Returns: representing duplicated resource. """ self._check_entry_is_resource(entry) new_entry =, return, RESOURCE_FEED_URI, **kwargs)
CopyResource = copy_resource
[docs] def move_resource(self, entry, collection=None, keep_in_collections=False, **kwargs): """Moves an item into a different collection (or out of all collections). Args: entry: to move. collection: (optional) An object representing the destination collection. If None, set keep_in_collections to False to remove the item from all collections. keep_in_collections: boolean (optional) If True, the given entry is not removed from any existing collections it is already in. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to Returns: of the moved entry. """ self._check_entry_is_resource(entry) # Remove the item from any collections it is already in. if not keep_in_collections: for current_collection in entry.InCollections(): uri = '%s/contents/%s' % ( current_collection.href, urllib.quote(entry.resource_id.text)) self.delete(uri, force=True) if collection is not None: self._check_entry_is_collection(collection) entry =, collection.content.src, **kwargs) return entry
MoveResource = move_resource
[docs] def delete_resource(self, entry, permanent=False, **kwargs): """Trashes or deletes the given entry. Args: entry: to trash or delete. permanent: True to skip the trash and delete the entry forever. kwargs: Other args to pass to gdata.client.GDClient.Delete() Returns: Result of delete request. """ uri = entry.GetEditLink().href if permanent: uri += '?delete=true' return super(DocsClient, self).delete(uri, **kwargs)
DeleteResource = delete_resource def _check_entry_is_resource(self, entry): """Ensures given entry is a Args: entry: Entry to test. Raises: ValueError: If given entry is not a resource. """ if not isinstance(entry, raise ValueError('%s is not a' % str(entry)) def _check_entry_is_collection(self, entry): """Ensures given entry is a collection. Args: entry: Entry to test. Raises: ValueError: If given entry is a collection. """ self._check_entry_is_resource(entry) if entry.get_resource_type() != raise ValueError('%s is not a collection' % str(entry)) def _check_entry_is_not_collection(self, entry): """Ensures given entry is not a collection. Args: entry: Entry to test. Raises: ValueError: If given entry is a collection. """ try: self._check_entry_is_resource(entry) except ValueError: return if entry.get_resource_type() == raise ValueError( '%s is a collection, which is not valid in this method' % str(entry))
[docs] def get_acl(self, entry, **kwargs): """Retrieves an AclFeed for the given resource. Args: entry: to fetch AclFeed for. kwargs: Other args to pass to GetFeed(). Returns: representing retrieved entries. """ self._check_entry_is_resource(entry) return self.get_feed( entry.GetAclFeedLink().href,, **kwargs)
GetAcl = get_acl
[docs] def get_acl_entry(self, entry, **kwargs): """Retrieves an AclEntry again. This is useful if you need to poll for an ACL changing. Args: entry: to fetch and return. kwargs: Other args to pass to GetAclEntryBySelfLink(). Returns: representing retrieved entry. """ return self.GetAclEntryBySelfLink(entry.GetSelfLink().href, **kwargs)
GetAclEntry = get_acl_entry
[docs] def get_acl_entry_by_self_link(self, self_link, **kwargs): """Retrieves a particular AclEntry by its self link. Args: self_link: URI at which to query for given ACL entry. This can be found using entry.GetSelfLink(). kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.get_entry(). Returns: representing the retrieved entry. """ if isinstance(self_link, self_link = self_link.href return self.get_entry(self_link,, **kwargs)
GetAclEntryBySelfLink = get_acl_entry_by_self_link
[docs] def add_acl_entry(self, resource, acl_entry, send_notifications=None, **kwargs): """Adds the given AclEntry to the given Resource. Args: resource: to which to add AclEntry. acl_entry: representing ACL entry to add. send_notifications: True if users should be notified by email when this AclEntry is added. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to Returns: containing information about new entry. Raises: ValueError: If given resource has no ACL link. """ uri = resource.GetAclLink().href if uri is None: raise ValueError(('Given resource has no ACL link. Did you fetch this' 'resource from the API?')) if send_notifications is not None: if not send_notifications: uri += '?send-notification-emails=false' return, uri,, **kwargs)
AddAclEntry = add_acl_entry
[docs] def update_acl_entry(self, entry, send_notifications=None, **kwargs): """Updates the given AclEntry with new metadata. Args: entry: AclEntry to update. Make any metadata changes to this entry. send_notifications: True if users should be notified by email when this AclEntry is updated. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to super(DocsClient, self).update(). Returns: representing the updated ACL entry. """ uri = entry.GetEditLink().href if not send_notifications: uri += '?send-notification-emails=false' return super(DocsClient, self).update(entry, uri=uri, **kwargs)
UpdateAclEntry = update_acl_entry
[docs] def delete_acl_entry(self, entry, **kwargs): """Deletes the given AclEntry. Args: entry: to delete. kwargs: Other args to pass to gdata.client.GDClient.Delete() Returns: Result of delete request. """ return super(DocsClient, self).delete(entry.GetEditLink().href, **kwargs)
DeleteAclEntry = delete_acl_entry
[docs] def batch_process_acl_entries(self, resource, entries, **kwargs): """Applies the specified operation of each entry in a single request. To use this, simply set acl_entry.batch_operation to one of ['query', 'insert', 'update', 'delete'], and optionally set acl_entry.batch_id to a string of your choice. Then, put all of your modified AclEntry objects into a list and pass that list as the entries parameter. Args: resource: to which the given entries belong. entries: [] to modify in some way. kwargs: Other args to pass to Returns: Resulting of changes. """ feed = feed.entry = entries return super(DocsClient, self).post( feed, uri=resource.GetAclLink().href + '/acl/batch', **kwargs)
BatchProcessAclEntries = batch_process_acl_entries
[docs] def get_revisions(self, entry, **kwargs): """Retrieves the revision history for a resource. Args: entry: for which to get revisions. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self.get_feed(). Returns: representing the resource's revisions. """ self._check_entry_is_resource(entry) return self.get_feed( entry.GetRevisionsFeedLink().href,, **kwargs)
GetRevisions = get_revisions
[docs] def get_revision(self, entry, **kwargs): """Retrieves a revision again given its entry. Args: entry: to fetch and return. kwargs: Other args to pass to GetRevisionBySelfLink(). Returns: representing retrieved revision. """ return self.GetRevisionBySelfLink(entry.GetSelfLink().href, **kwargs)
GetRevision = get_revision GetRevisionBySelfLink = get_revision_by_self_link
[docs] def download_revision(self, entry, file_path, extra_params=None, **kwargs): """Downloads the contents of the given revision to disk. Note: to download a revision in memory, use the DownloadRevisionToMemory() method. Args: entry: whose contents to fetch. file_path: str Full path to which to save file. extra_params: dict (optional) A map of any further parameters to control how the document is downloaded. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self._download_file(). Raises: gdata.client.RequestError if the download URL is malformed or the server's response was not successful. """ uri = self._get_download_uri(entry.content.src, extra_params) self._download_file(uri, file_path, **kwargs)
DownloadRevision = download_revision
[docs] def download_revision_to_memory(self, entry, extra_params=None, **kwargs): """Returns the contents of the given revision. Args: entry: whose contents to fetch. extra_params: dict (optional) A map of any further parameters to control how the document is downloaded/exported. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to self._get_content(). Returns: Content of given revision after being downloaded. Raises: gdata.client.RequestError if the download URL is malformed or the server's response was not successful. """ self._check_entry_is_not_collection(entry) uri = self._get_download_uri(entry.content.src, extra_params) return self._get_content(uri, **kwargs)
DownloadRevisionToMemory = download_revision_to_memory
[docs] def publish_revision(self, entry, publish_auto=None, publish_outside_domain=False, **kwargs): """Publishes the given revision. This method can only be used for document revisions. Args: entry: Revision to update. publish_auto: True to automatically publish future revisions of the document. False to not automatically publish future revisions. None to take no action and use the default value. publish_outside_domain: True to make the published revision available outside of a Google Apps domain. False to not publish outside the domain. None to use the default value. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to super(DocsClient, self).update(). Returns: representing the updated revision. """ entry.publish ='true') if publish_auto == True: entry.publish_auto ='true') elif publish_auto == False: entry.publish_auto ='false') if publish_outside_domain == True: entry.publish_outside_domain = \'true') elif publish_outside_domain == False: entry.publish_outside_domain = \'false') return super(DocsClient, self).update(entry, force=True, **kwargs)
PublishRevision = publish_revision
[docs] def unpublish_revision(self, entry, **kwargs): """Unpublishes the given revision. This method can only be used for document revisions. Args: entry: Revision to update. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to super(DocsClient, self).update(). Returns: representing the updated revision. """ entry.publish ='false') return super(DocsClient, self).update(entry, force=True, **kwargs)
UnpublishRevision = unpublish_revision
[docs] def delete_revision(self, entry, **kwargs): """Deletes the given Revision. Args: entry: to delete. kwargs: Other args to pass to gdata.client.GDClient.Delete() Returns: Result of delete request. """ return super(DocsClient, self).delete(entry, force=True, **kwargs)
DeleteRevision = delete_revision
[docs] def get_archive(self, entry, **kwargs): """Retrieves an archive again given its entry. This is useful if you need to poll for an archive completing. Args: entry: to fetch and return. kwargs: Other args to pass to GetArchiveBySelfLink(). Returns: representing retrieved archive. """ return self.GetArchiveBySelfLink(entry.GetSelfLink().href, **kwargs)
GetArchive = get_archive GetArchiveBySelfLink = get_archive_by_self_link
[docs] def create_archive(self, entry, **kwargs): """Creates a new archive of resources. Args: entry: representing metadata of archive to create. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to Returns: containing information about new archive. """ return, ARCHIVE_FEED_URI,, **kwargs)
CreateArchive = create_archive
[docs] def update_archive(self, entry, **kwargs): """Updates the given Archive with new metadata. This method is really only useful for updating the notification email address of an archive that is being processed. Args: entry: Archive to update. Make any metadata changes to this entry. kwargs: Other parameters to pass to super(DocsClient, self).update(). Returns: representing the updated archive. """ return super(DocsClient, self).update(entry, **kwargs)
UpdateArchive = update_archive download_archive = DownloadResource DownloadArchive = download_archive download_archive_to_memory = DownloadResourceToMemory DownloadArchiveToMemory = download_archive_to_memory
[docs] def delete_archive(self, entry, **kwargs): """Aborts the given Archive operation, or deletes the Archive. Args: entry: to delete. kwargs: Other args to pass to gdata.client.GDClient.Delete() Returns: Result of delete request. """ return super(DocsClient, self).delete(entry, force=True, **kwargs)
DeleteArchive = delete_archive
class DocsQuery(gdata.client.Query): def __init__(self, title=None, title_exact=None, opened_min=None, opened_max=None, edited_min=None, edited_max=None, owner=None, writer=None, reader=None, show_collections=None, show_root=None, show_deleted=None, ocr=None, target_language=None, source_language=None, convert=None, query=None, **kwargs): """Constructs a query URL for the Google Documents List API. Args: title: str (optional) Specifies the search terms for the title of a document. This parameter used without title_exact will only submit partial queries, not exact queries. title_exact: str (optional) Meaningless without title. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'. Note: Matches are case-insensitive. opened_min: str (optional) Lower bound on the last time a document was opened by the current user. Use the RFC 3339 timestamp format. For example: opened_min='2005-08-09T09:57:00-08:00'. opened_max: str (optional) Upper bound on the last time a document was opened by the current user. (See also opened_min.) edited_min: str (optional) Lower bound on the last time a document was edited by the current user. This value corresponds to the edited.text value in the doc's entry object, which represents changes to the document's content or metadata. Use the RFC 3339 timestamp format. For example: edited_min='2005-08-09T09:57:00-08:00' edited_max: str (optional) Upper bound on the last time a document was edited by the user. (See also edited_min.) owner: str (optional) Searches for documents with a specific owner. Use the email address of the owner. For example: owner='' writer: str (optional) Searches for documents which can be written to by specific users. Use a single email address or a comma separated list of email addresses. For example: writer=',' reader: str (optional) Searches for documents which can be read by specific users. (See also writer.) show_collections: str (optional) Specifies whether the query should return collections as well as documents and files. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'. Default is 'false'. show_root: (optional) 'true' to specify when an item is in the root collection. Default is 'false' show_deleted: str (optional) Specifies whether the query should return documents which are in the trash as well as other documents. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'. Default is false. ocr: str (optional) Specifies whether to attempt OCR on a .jpg, .png, or .gif upload. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'. Default is false. See OCR in the Protocol Guide: target_language: str (optional) Specifies the language to translate a document into. See Document Translation in the Protocol Guide for a table of possible values: source_language: str (optional) Specifies the source language of the original document. Optional when using the translation service. If not provided, Google will attempt to auto-detect the source language. See Document Translation in the Protocol Guide for a table of possible values (link in target_language). convert: str (optional) Used when uploading files specify if document uploads should convert to a native Google Docs format. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'. The default is 'true'. query: str (optional) Full-text query to use. See the 'q' parameter in the documentation. """ gdata.client.Query.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.convert = convert self.title = title self.title_exact = title_exact self.opened_min = opened_min self.opened_max = opened_max self.edited_min = edited_min self.edited_max = edited_max self.owner = owner self.writer = writer self.reader = reader self.show_collections = show_collections self.show_root = show_root self.show_deleted = show_deleted self.ocr = ocr self.target_language = target_language self.source_language = source_language self.query = query def modify_request(self, http_request): gdata.client._add_query_param('convert', self.convert, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('title', self.title, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('title-exact', self.title_exact, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('opened-min', self.opened_min, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('opened-max', self.opened_max, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('edited-min', self.edited_min, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('edited-max', self.edited_max, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('owner', self.owner, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('writer', self.writer, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('reader', self.reader, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('query', self.query, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('showfolders', self.show_collections, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('showroot', self.show_root, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('showdeleted', self.show_deleted, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('ocr', self.ocr, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('targetLanguage', self.target_language, http_request) gdata.client._add_query_param('sourceLanguage', self.source_language, http_request) gdata.client.Query.modify_request(self, http_request) ModifyRequest = modify_request