The GC3Utils are lower-level commands, provided to perform common operations on jobs, regardless of their type or the application they run.
For instance, GC3Utils provide commands to obtain the list and status of computational resources (gservers); to clear the list of jobs from old and failed ones (gclean); to get detailed information on a submitted job (ginfo, mainly for debugging purposes).
This chapter is a tutorial for the GC3Utils command-line utilities.
If you find a technical term whose meaning is not clear to you, please look it up in the Glossary. (But feel free to ask on the GC3Pie mailing list if it’s still unclear!)
All jobs managed by one of the GC3Pie scripts are grouped into sessions; information related of a session is stored into a directory. The gsession command allows you to show the jobs related to a specific session, to abort the session or to completely delete it.
The gsession accept two mandatory arguments: command and session. command must be one of:
For instance, if you want to check the status of the main tasks of a session, just run:
$ gsession list SESSION_DIRECTORY
| JobID | Job name | State | Info |
| ParallelTaskCollection.1140527 | ParallelTaskCollection-N1 | NEW | NEW at Fri Feb 22 16:39:34 2013 |
This command will only show the top-level tasks, e.g. the main tasks created by the GC3 script. If you want to see all the tasks related to the session run the command with the option -r:
$ gsession list SESSION_DIRECTORY -r
| JobID | Job name | State | Info |
| ParallelTaskCollection.1140527 | ParallelTaskCollection-N1 | NEW | NEW at Fri Feb 22 16:39:34 2013 |
| WarholizeWorkflow.1140528 | WarholizedWorkflow | RUNNING | RUNNING at Fri Feb 22 16:39:34 2013 |
| GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529 | | TERMINATED | TERMINATED at Fri Feb 22 16:39:25 2013 |
| TricolorizeMultipleImages.1140530 | Warholizer_Parallel | NEW | |
| TricolorizeImage.1140531 | TricolorizeImage | NEW | |
| CreateLutApplication.1140532 | | NEW | |
| TricolorizeImage.1140533 | TricolorizeImage | NEW | |
| CreateLutApplication.1140534 | | NEW | |
| TricolorizeImage.1140535 | TricolorizeImage | NEW | |
| CreateLutApplication.1140536 | | NEW | |
| TricolorizeImage.1140537 | TricolorizeImage | NEW | |
| CreateLutApplication.1140538 | | NEW | |
To have the full history of the session run gsession log:
$ gsession log SESSION_DIRECTORY
Feb 22 16:39:01 GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529: Submitting to 'hobbes' at Fri Feb 22 16:39:01 2013
Feb 22 16:39:08 GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529: RUNNING
Feb 22 16:39:08 GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529: SUBMITTED
Feb 22 16:39:08 GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529: Submitted to 'hobbes' at Fri Feb 22 16:39:08 2013
Feb 22 16:39:08 WarholizeWorkflow.1140528: SUBMITTED
Feb 22 16:39:24 GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529: TERMINATING
Feb 22 16:39:25 WarholizeWorkflow.1140528: RUNNING
Feb 22 16:39:25 ParallelTaskCollection.1140527: RUNNING
Feb 22 16:39:25 GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529: Final output downloaded to 'Warholized.lena.jpg'
Feb 22 16:39:25 GrayScaleConvertApplication.1140529: TERMINATED
Feb 22 16:39:34 WarholizeWorkflow.1140528: NEW
Feb 22 16:39:34 ParallelTaskCollection.1140527: NEW
Feb 22 16:39:34 WarholizeWorkflow.1140528: RUNNING
To abort a session, run the gsession abort command:
$ gsession abort SESSION_DIRECTORY
This will kill all the running jobs and retrieve the results of the terminated jobs, but will leave the session directory untouched. To also delete the session directory, run gsession delete:
$ gsession delete SESSION_DIRECTORY
To see the status of all the jobs you have submitted, use the gstat command. Typing:
gstat -s SESSION
will print to the screen a table like the following:
Job ID Status
job.16 RUNNING
job.17 RUNNING
job.23 NEW
If you have never submitted any job, or if you have cleared your job list with the gclean command, then gstat will print nothing to the screen!
A job can be in one and only one of the following states:
The job has been created but not yet submitted: it only exists on the local disk.
The job is currently running – there’s nothing to do but wait.
The job has been sent to a compute resource for execution – it should change to RUNNING status eventually.
The job was sent to a remote cluster for execution, but it is stuck there for some unknown reason. There is no automated procedure in this case: the best thing you can do is to contact the systems administrator to determine what has happened.
The job has finished running; now there are three things you can do:
- Use the gget command to get the command output files back from the remote execution cluster.
- Use the gclean command to remove this job from the list. After issuing gclean on a job, any information on it is lost, so be sure you have retrieved any interesting output with gget before!
- If something went wrong during the execution of the job (it did not complete its execution or -possibly- it did not even start), you can use the ginfo command to try to debug the problem.
The list of submitted jobs persists from one session to the other: you can log off, shut your computer down, then turn it on again next day and you will see the same list of jobs.
Completed jobs persist in the gstat list until they are cleared off with the gclean command.
Once a job has reached RUNNING status (check with gstat), you can also monitor its progress by looking at the last lines in the job output and error stream.
An example might clarify this: assume you have submitted a long-running computation as job.16 and you know from gstat that it got into RUNNING state; then to take a peek at what this job is doing, you issue the following command:
gtail job.16
This would produce the following output, from which you can deduce how far GAMESS has progressed into the computation:
1 0 0 -1079.0196780290 -1079.0196780290 0.343816910 1.529879639
2 1 0 -1081.1910665431 -2.1713885141 0.056618918 0.105322104
3 2 0 -1081.2658345285 -0.0747679855 0.019565324 0.044813607
By default, gtail only outputs the last 10 lines of a job output/error stream. To see more, use the command line option -n; for example, to see the last 25 lines of the output, issue the command:
gtail -n 25 job.16
The command gtail is especially useful for long computations: you can see how far a job has gotten and, e.g., cancel it if it’s gotten stuck into an endless/unproductive loop.
To “keep an eye” over what a job is doing, you can add the -f option to gtail: this will run gtail in “follow” mode, i.e., gtail will continue to display the contents of the job output and update it as time passes, until you hit Ctrl+C to interrupt it.
To cancel a running job, you can use the command gkill. For instance, to cancel job.16, you would type the following command into the terminal:
gkill job.16
There’s no way to undo a cancel operation! Once you have issued a gkill command, the job is deleted and it cannot be resumed. (You can still re-submit it with gresub, though.)
Once a job has reached RUNNING status (check with gstat), you can retrieve its output files with the gget command. For instance, to download the output files of job.15 you would use:
gget job.15
This command will print out a message like:
Job results successfully retrieved in '/path/to/some/directory'
If you are not running the gget command on your computer, but rather on a shared front-end like ocikbgtw, you can copy+paste the path within quotes to the sftp command to get the files to your usual workstation. For example, you can run the following command in a terminal on your computer to get the output files back to your workstation:
sftp ocikbgtw:'/path/to/some/directory'
This will take you to the directory where the output files have been stored.
Jobs persist in the gstat list until they are cleared off; you need to use the gclean command for that.
Just call the gclean command followed by the job identifier job.NNN. For example:
gclean job.23
In normal operation, you can only remove jobs that are in the TERMINATED status; if you want to force gclean to remove a job that is not in any one of those states, just add -f to the command line.
In case a job failed for accidental causes (e.g., the site where it was running went unexpectedly down), you can re-submit it with the gresub command.
Just call gresub followed by the job identifier job.NNN. For example:
gresub job.42
Resubmitting a job that is not in a terminal state (i.e., TERMINATED) results in the job being killed (as with gkill) before being submitted again. If you are unsure what state a job is in, check it with gstat.
The gservers command prints out information about the configured resources. For each resource, a summary of the information recorded in the configuration file and the current resource status is printed. For example:
$ gservers
| smscg |
| Frontend host name / frontend |
| Access mode / type arc0 |
| Authorization name / auth smscg |
| Accessible? / updated 1 |
| Total number of cores / ncores 4000 |
| Total queued jobs / queued 3475 |
| Own queued jobs / user_queued 0 |
| Own running jobs / user_run 0 |
| Max cores per job / max_cores_per_job 256 |
| Max memory per core (MB) / max_memory_per_core 2000 |
| Max walltime per job (minutes) / max_walltime 1440 |
The meaning of the printed fields is as follows:
The whole point of GC3Utils is to abstract job submission and management from detailed knowledge of the resources and their hardware and software configuration, but it is sometimes convenient and sometimes necessary to get into this level of detail...
It is sometimes necessary, for debugging purposes, to print out all the details about a job; the ginfo command does just that: prints all the details that GC3Utils know about a single job.
For instance, to print out detailed information about job.13 in session TEST1, you would type:
ginfo -s TEST1 job.13
For a job in RUNNING or SUBMITTED state, only little information is known: basically, where the job is running, and when it was started:
$ ginfo -s XXX job.13
SUBMITTED at Wed Mar 7 17:40:07 2012
Submitted to 'smscg' at Wed Mar 7 17:40:07 2012
lrms_jobid: gsi
resource_name: smscg
state_last_changed: 1331138407.33
SUBMITTED: 1331138407.33
If you omit the job number, information about all jobs in the session will be printed.
Most of the output is only useful if you are familiar with GC3Utils inner working. Nonetheless, ginfo output is definitely something you should include in any report about a misbehaving job!
For a finished job, the information is more complete and can include error messages in case the job has failed:
$ ginfo -s TEST1 job.13
cores: 1
download_dir: /home/rmurri/gc3/
SUBMITTED at Wed Mar 7 15:52:37 2012
Submitted to 'idgc3grid01' at Wed Mar 7 15:52:37 2012
TERMINATING at Wed Mar 7 15:54:52 2012
Final output downloaded to '/home/rmurri/gc3/'
TERMINATED at Wed Mar 7 15:54:53 2012
Execution of gamess terminated normally wed mar 7 15:52:42 2012
lrms_jobid: gsi
lrms_jobname: exam01
original_exitcode: 0
queue: all.q
resource_name: idgc3grid01
state_last_changed: 1331132093.18
stderr_filename: exam01.out
stdout_filename: exam01.out
SUBMITTED: 1331131957.49
TERMINATED: 1331132093.18
TERMINATING: 1331132092.74
used_cputime: 0
used_memory: 492019
used_walltime: 60
With option -v, ginfo output is even more verbose and complete, and includes information about the application itself, the input and output files, plus some backend-specific information:
$ ginfo -c -s TEST1 job.13
application_tag: gamess
arguments: exam01.inp
changed: False
executable: /$GAMESS_LOCATION/nggms
_arc0_state_last_checked: 1331138407.33
_exitcode: None
_signal: None
SUBMITTED at Wed Mar 7 17:40:07 2012
Submitted to 'smscg' at Wed Mar 7 17:40:07 2012
lrms_jobid: gsi
resource_name: smscg
state_last_changed: 1331138407.33
SUBMITTED: 1331138407.33
inp_file_path: test/data/exam01.inp
file:///home/rmurri/gc3/ exam01.inp
job_name: exam01
jobname: exam01
join: True
output_base_url: None
output_dir: /home/rmurri/gc3/
exam01.dat: file, , exam01.dat, None, None, None, None
exam01.out: file, , exam01.out, None, None, None, None
persistent_id: job.33998
requested_architecture: None
requested_cores: 1
requested_memory: 2
requested_walltime: 8
stderr: None
stdin: None
stdout: exam01.out
verno: None
The gcloud command allows you to show and manage VMs created by the EC2 backend.
To show a list of VMs currently running on the EC2 resources correctly configured run:
$ gcloud list
VMs running on EC2 resource `hobbes`
| id | state | public ip | Nr. of jobs | image id | keypair |
| i-0000053e | running | | 1 | ami-00000035 | antonio |
This command will show various information, if available, including the number of jobs currently running (or in TERMINATED state) on those VM, so that you can easily identify if there is a VM which is not used by any of yours script and you can safely terminate it.
If you want to terminate a VM run the gcloud terminate command. In this case, however, you also have to specify the name of the resource with the option -r, and the ID of the VM you want to terminate:
$ gcloud terminate -r hobbes i-0000053e
An empty output is a signal that the VM has been terminated.
The EC2 backend keeps track of all the VM it created, so that if a VM is not needed anymore it is able to terminate it automatically. However, sometimes you may need to keep a VM up&running and thus you need to tell the EC2 backend to ignore that VM.
This is possible with the gcloud forget command. You must supply the correct resource name with -r RESOURCE_NAME and a valid VM ID, and if the command succeeds then the VM will never be used by the EC2 backend. Please note also that after running gcloud forget, the VM will not be shown in the output of gcloud list:
The following example will explain the behavior:
$ gcloud list -r hobbes
VMs running on EC2 resource `hobbes`
| id | state | public ip | Nr. of jobs | image id | keypair |
| i-00000540 | pending | | N/A | ami-00000035 | antonio |
then we run gcloud forget:
$ gcloud forget -r hobbes i-00000540
and we run again gcloud list:
$ gcloud list -r hobbes
VMs running on EC2 resource `hobbes`
no known VMs are currently running on this resource.
You can also create a new VM using the default settings using the gcloud run command. In this case too you have to specify the -r command line option. The output of this command contains some basic information about the created VM:
$ gcloud run -r hobbes
| id | state | public ip | Nr. of jobs | image id | keypair |
| i-00000541 | pending | server-4e68ebc4-ea52-45ff-82d0-79699300b323 | N/A | ami-00000035 | antonio |
Please note that while the VM is still in pending state, the value of the public ip field may be meaningless. A successive run of gcloud list should show you the correct public ip.