Fro 101 ======= ``Parser`` objects are the workhorses of the fro module, providing all of the module's core parsing functionality. However, there are a few subtleties to how they operate, which will be discussed in this section. Parsing via chomping -------------------- Conceptually, when a ``Parser`` object parses a string, it first attempts to "consume" an initial portion of the string, and from it produce a value. We will refer to this process (consuming an initial portion of the string and producing a value) as the parser "chomping" the string. The terminology evokes a useful mental image, and may also be part of an elaborate scheme to make a `Noam Chomsky `_ pun. If the parser is not successful in chomping the string, then it fails to parse it. Otherwise, the parser is successful in *parsing* the string if (and only if) it consumes the *entire* string during chomping. This conceptual model will be useful for understanding what happens when ``Parser`` objects are combined into new parsers. As an example, ``fro.intp`` is a parser which consumes non-empty sequences of digits (and other things you might expect to see in an integer, like a leading minus sign) and produces the corresponding ``int`` values. When parsing the string ``"2358"`` it will consume the initial portion ``"2358"`` (which happens to be the entire string), and from it produces the ``int`` value ``2358``. Since the parser consumes the entire string during chomping, the parse is successful.:: fro.intp.parse_str("2358") # chomps "2358" producing 2358, a successful parse! When parsing the string ``"123abc"``, it will consume the initial portion ``"123"``, producing the ``int`` value ``123``. However, the parse will be unsuccessful since the remaining ``"abc"`` was not consumed.:: fro.intp.parse_str("123abc") # chomps "123" producing 123, an unsuccessful parse Finally, when parsing the string ``"abc123"``, it will not be able to consume any part of the string, since there is no initial portion that contains only digits. Since ``fro.intp`` only consumes *non-empty* sequences of digits, it cannot consume an empty initial portion (which parsers are in general allowed to do).:: fro.intp.parse_str("abc123") # cannot chomp anything, an unsuccessful parse Combining parsers: composition ------------------------------ With this model in place, it is much easier to make sense of what happens when you combine parsers together. As a case study, let's consider parser composition. Given two parsers ``p1`` and ``p2``, the composition of ``p1`` and ``p2`` is a new parser, separate from but dependent on ``p1`` and ``p2``. When chomping a string, it first has ``p1`` attempt to chomp. If ``p1`` successfully chomps, then ``p2`` chomps on the remaining, unconsumed portion of the string. If either ``p1`` or ``p2`` is unable to chomp, the composition does not successfully chomp. If both ``p1`` and ``p2`` are able to chomp and produce values ``v1`` and ``v2`` respectively, then the composition consumes both of the portions that ``p1`` and ``p2`` consumed and produces the tuple ``(v1, v2)``. As an example, consider the following:: a_to_z = fro.rgx(r"[a-z]*") # consumes, and then produces, strings that match regex composition_parser = fro.comp([fro.intp, az_parser]) # composition of fro.intp and a_to_z composition_parser.parse_str("2357primes") When ``composition_parser`` tries to chomp ``"2357primes"``, first ``fro.intp`` will consume ``"2357"`` (of off ``"2357primes"``) and produce ``2357``, then ``az_parser`` will consume ``"primes"`` (of off ``"primes"``, which is what remains after ``fro.intp``'s chomp) and produces ``"primes"``. Therefore, ``composition_parser`` consumes ``"2357primes"`` and produces the tuple ``(2357, "primes")``. Since ``composition_parser`` chomps the entire string, it parses successfully. As another example:: twoints_parser = fro.comp([fro.intp, fro.intp]) twoints_parser.parse_str("149") # what will happen?? When ``twoints_parser`` tries to chomp ``"149"``, the first ``fro.intp`` will consume ``"149"`` and produce ``149``. However, there will nothing left for the second ``fro.intp`` to consume, so it will not successfully chomp anything. Since the second ``fro.intp`` cannot chomp, the composition fails to chomp, and thus fails to parse. This example highlights an important property of fro parsers: parsers chomp myopically. If the first ``fro.intp`` in the above example had known that it was followed by another ``fro.intp``, it perhaps could have only chomped the first two digits, leaving the ``"9"`` for the second ``fro.intp``, and the composition could have produced the tuple ``(14, 9)``. However, ``fro.intp`` is based on the regular expression ``[0-9]+``, which matches as many digits as possible, so it consumes as many digits as possible while chomping. Finally, you can compose more than two parsers together. Consider the following:: composition = fro.comp([fro.intp, fro.rgx(r"@"), fro.intp, fro.rgx(r"@"), fro.intp]) composition.parse_str("123@45@6") # returns the tuple (123, "@", 45, "@", 6) When ``composition`` attempts to chomp ``"123@45@6"``, the first ``fro.intp`` consumes ``"123"`` and produces ``123``. Then, the remaining, unconsumed ``"@45@6"`` is given to the first ``r"@"`` parser to chomp, which consumes and produces ``"@"``. After this, the remaining, unconsumed ``"45@6"`` is given to the second ``fro.intp``, so it continues for each of the composition's children parsers. The children parsers produces the values ``123``, ``"@"``, ``45``, ``"@"``, and ``6`` respectively, so the composition produces the tuple ``(123, "@", 45, "@", 6)``. Parser significance ------------------- Sometimes, when we compose multiple parsers together, some of the values produced by the children parsers are not important. In the above example, we might only care about the three int values, and not about the delimiting ``"@"`` values. To exclude some produced values from the resulting tuple of a composition, we can mark some of it's children as insignificant:: composition = fro.comp([fro.intp, ~fro.rgx(r"@"), fro.intp, ~fro.rgx(r"@"), fro.intp]) composition.parse("123@45@6") # returns the tuple (123, 45, 6) Here, the ``~fro.rgx(r"@")`` evaluates to an insignificant version of the parser ``fro.rgx(r"@")``; for more on the syntax of marking parsers as significant or insignificant, see :doc:`api`. What is important to notice is that the ``"@"`` value are not present in the tuple value produced by ``composition``. Parsers are significant by default. If a parser is insignificant, that only means that the values it produces will be ignored when it appears inside a composition. An insignificant parser will still produce a value if you directly call ``parse(..)`` on it, or if it appears in something other than a composition. Chunks ------ When parsing a large text file, it's preferable to not have to read the entire file into memory. Instead, iterating through the file one piece at a time leads to much better use of memory. To support efficient use of memory, Fro breaks the text it is parsing into "chunks". When a parser chomps, it chomps on one chunk at a time, and only moves to the next chunk once it has completely consumed the current one. Regular expression parsers, which are used to construct practically every other type of parser, can only operate inside a single chunk. Let's consider an example:: composition = fro.comp([r"abc", r"def"]) # the first argument to parse(..) is a collection of chunks to parse composition.parse(["abcd", "ef"]) # This parse will fail. The first regex parser will chomp "abc" off of the first # chunk "abcd", leaving "d" behind. The second regex parser will try to chomp off # the remainder of the first chunk, but fail. Since regular expressions cannot # "wrap" around to the next chunk if the current chunk is not fully consumed, it # does not matter that "ef" are waiting for us in the second chunk. By default, the lines of a text file serve as the chunks of a file. If you want to split your input text into chunks some other way, you can pass any iterable collection of strings into a parser's ``parse(..)`` method, and the parser will treat each element as an individual chunk. Since a parser can only move onto the next chunk after it has completely consumed the current chunk, it is important that a parser can unambiguously decide how to parse a chunk before moving onto the next one. To make this more concrete, let's consider another example:: a_then_b = fro.comp([r"a", r"b"]) a_then_c = fro.comp([r"a", r"c"]) # fro.alt(..) constructs an alternation parser, see the docs for more info ab_or_ac = fro.alt([a_then_b, a_then_c]) ab_or_ac.parse(["a", "c"]) # This parse will fail. The ab_or_ac parser will first try to parse with a_then_b. # The r"a" regex will chomp the entire first chunk ("a"). When the r"b" regex tries # to chomp the second chunk ("c"), it will fail. At this point, the parser has # already advanced to the second chunk, so it has no way of returning to the first # chunk to try chomping with a_then_c, so it fails immediately. In the above example, the parser can't know how to interpret the ``"a"`` in the first chunk without looking at the second chunk. That is, the parser doesn't know if the ``"a"`` is part of something that ``a_then_b`` will recognize, or part of something that ``a_then_c`` will recognize. In this case, it blindly chooses ``a_then_b``, and fails. What about all of the above examples where we just called ``parser.parse_str``, and didn't worry about chunks? When called with the ``parse_str`` method, a parser treats the entire string as a single chunk.