flask_praetorian package

flask-praetorian is a security extension for flask. It is modelled heavily on flask-security (https://github.com/mattupstate/flask-security), but is targeted at providing authentication for api-only applications that use token based authentication. It builds on flask-jwt and provides some additional functionality such as password encryption upon storage and decorators that check the current users roles


flask_praetorian.base module

class flask_praetorian.base.Praetorian(app=None, user_class=None, jwt=None)

Bases: object

authenticate(username, password)

Verifies that a password matches the stored password for that username. If verification passes, the matching user instance is returned


Encrypts a plaintext password using the stored passlib password context


Provides a flask error handler

init_app(app, user_class, jwt=None)

Initializes the Praetorian extension

Param:app: The flask app to which this extension is bound
Param:user_class: The class used to interact with user information
Param:jwt: An instance of a jwt extension that should be used if None, a new jwt instance will be used instead
classmethod validate_user_class(user_class)

Validates the supplied user_class to make sure that it has the class methods necessary to function correctly.

Requirements: - lookup method. Accepts username parameter, returns instance - identify method. Accepts user id parameter, returns instance

verify_password(raw_password, hashed_password)

Verifies that a plaintext password matches the hashed version of that password using the stored passlib password context

flask_praetorian.decorators module

flask_praetorian.decorators.auth_required(*args, **kwargs)

This decorator is used to ensure that a user is authenticated before being able to access a flask route. It is a simple wrapper around the flask_jwt.jwt_required decorator, and is only included here so that a Praetorian user does not have to import jwt into their module if they wish to only use Praetorian


This decorator ensures that any uses accessing the decorated route have one of the needed roles to access it


This decorator ensures that any uses accessing the decorated route have all the needed roles to access it

flask_praetorian.exceptions module

exception flask_praetorian.exceptions.PraetorianError(*format_args, status_code=401, **format_kwds)

Bases: buzz.Buzz

Provides a custom exception class for flask-praetorian based on Buzz. buzz-lightyear on gitub


Returns a representation of the error in a jsonic form that is compatible with flask’s error handling