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Aug 10, 2011
Flattr Flacsync

Table Of Contents


Get latest source archive,
flacsync-0.3.2.tar.gz, or install with:

pip install flacsync --upgrade --user

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Fill out a report on the issue tracker.

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2. Install StepsΒΆ

  1. Any one of the following command will install Flacsync.

    1. Use pip from the pip package:

      pip install flacsync --upgrade --use
    2. Download the source distribution file and install from the command line:

      tar xzf flacsync-*.tar.gz
      cd flacsync-*
      python install --user
  2. Install necessary dependencies:

    1. Common Linux distribution packages:

      The following common distro packages are necessary:

      • Python Imaging Library
      • Flac tools
      • Ogg tools (optional)
      • Lame (optional)

      To install in Debian/Ubuntu:

      apt-get install python-imaging flac vorbis-tools lame
    2. ACC Utils

      • AAC encoding archive is located at the Nero AAC Codec Download Page
      • Extract the archive files neroAacEnc and neroAacTag to any directory defined in your PATH statement. A recommended location would be either /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.
  3. Review the usage instruction by running:

    flacsysnc -h