:py:attr:`feed.textinput` ========================= A text input form. No one actually uses this. Why are you? .. _reference.feed.textinput.title: :py:attr:`feed.textinput.title` ------------------------------- The title of the text input form, which would go in the value attribute of the form's submit button. .. _reference.feed.textinput.link: :py:attr:`feed.textinput.link` ------------------------------ The link of the script which processes the text input form, which would go in the action attirbute of the form. If this is a relative :abbr:`URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)`, it is :ref:`resolved according to a set of rules `. .. _reference.feed.textinput.name: :py:attr:`feed.textinput.name` ------------------------------ The name of the text input box in the form, which would go in the name attribute of the form's input box. .. _reference.feed.textinput.description: :py:attr:`feed.textinput.description` ------------------------------------- A short description of the text input form, which would go in the label element of the form. .. rubric:: Annotated example This is a text input in a feed: :: Go! http://example.org/search keyword Search this site: This is how it could be rendered in :abbr:`HTML (HyperText Markup Language)`: ::
.. rubric:: Comes from * /rdf:RDF/rdf:textinput * /rss/channel/textInput * /rss/channel/textinput