:py:attr:`feed.cloud` ===================== No one really knows what a cloud is. It is vaguely documented in `:abbr:`SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)` meets :abbr:`RSS (Rich Site Summary)` `_. .. _reference.feed.cloud.domain: :py:attr:`feed.cloud.domain` ---------------------------- The domain of the cloud. Should be just the domain name, not including the http:// protocol. All clouds are presumed to operate over :abbr:`HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)`. The cloud specification does not support secure clouds over :abbr:`HTTPS`, nor can clouds operate over other protocols. .. _reference.feed.cloud.port: :py:attr:`feed.cloud.port` -------------------------- The port of the cloud. Should be an integer, but :program:`Universal Feed Parser` currently returns it as a string. .. _reference.feed.cloud.path: :py:attr:`feed.cloud.path` -------------------------- The :abbr:`URL (Uniform Resource Locator)` path of the cloud. .. _reference.feed.cloud.registerProcedure: :py:attr:`feed.cloud.registerProcedure` --------------------------------------- The name of the procedure to call on the cloud. .. _reference.feed.cloud.protocol: :py:attr:`feed.cloud.protocol` ------------------------------ The protocol of the cloud. Documentation differs on what the acceptable values are. Acceptable values definitely include xml-rpc and soap, although only in lowercase, despite both being acronyms. There is no way for a publisher to specify the version number of the protocol to use. soap refers to :abbr:`SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)` 1.1; the cloud interface does not support :abbr:`SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)` 1.0 or 1.2. post or http-post might also be acceptable values; nobody really knows for sure. .. rubric:: Comes from * /rss/channel/cloud