Password-Protected Feeds ======================== :program:`Universal Feed Parser` supports downloading and parsing password-protected feeds that are protected by :abbr:`HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)` authentication. Both basic and digest authentication are supported. Downloading a feed protected by basic authentication (the easy way) ------------------------------------------------------------------- The easiest way is to embed the username and password in the feed :abbr:`URL (Uniform Resource Locator)` itself. In this example, the username is test and the password is basic. :: >>> import feedparser >>> d = feedparser.parse('') >>> d.feed.title u'Sample Feed' The same technique works for digest authentication. (Technically, :program:`Universal Feed Parser` will attempt basic authentication first, but if that fails and the server indicates that it requires digest authentication, :program:`Universal Feed Parser` will automatically re-request the feed with the appropriate digest authentication headers. *This means that this technique will send your password to the server in an easily decryptable form.*) .. _example.auth.inline.digest: Downloading a feed protected by digest authentication (the easy but horribly insecure way) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this example, the username is test and the password is digest. :: >>> import feedparser >>> d = feedparser.parse('') >>> d.feed.title u'Sample Feed' You can also construct a HTTPBasicAuthHandler that contains the password information, then pass that as a handler to the ``parse`` function. HTTPBasicAuthHandler is part of the standard `urllib2 `_ module. Downloading a feed protected by :abbr:`HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)` basic authentication (the hard way) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: import urllib2, feedparser # Construct the authentication handler auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() # Add password information: realm, host, user, password. # A single handler can contain passwords for multiple sites; # urllib2 will sort out which passwords get sent to which sites # based on the realm and host of the URL you're retrieving auth.add_password('BasicTest', '', 'test', 'basic') # Pass the authentication handler to the feed parser. # handlers is a list because there might be more than one # type of handler (urllib2 defines lots of different ones, # and you can build your own) d = feedparser.parse('', handlers=[auth]) Digest authentication is handled in much the same way, by constructing an HTTPDigestAuthHandler and populating it with the necessary realm, host, user, and password information. This is more secure than :ref:`stuffing the username and password in the URL `, since the password will be encrypted before being sent to the server. Downloading a feed protected by :abbr:`HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)` digest authentication (the secure way) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: import urllib2, feedparser auth = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler() auth.add_password('DigestTest', '', 'test', 'digest') d = feedparser.parse('', handlers=[auth]) The examples so far have assumed that you know in advance that the feed is password-protected. But what if you don't know? If you try to download a password-protected feed without sending all the proper password information, the server will return an :abbr:`HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)` status code ``401``. :program:`Universal Feed Parser` makes this status code available in ``d.status``. Details on the authentication scheme are in ``d.headers['www-authenticate']``. :program:`Universal Feed Parser` does not do any further parsing on this field; you will need to parse it yourself. Everything before the first space is the type of authentication (probably ``Basic`` or ``Digest``), which controls which type of handler you'll need to construct. The realm name is given as realm="foo" -- so foo would be your first argument to auth.add_password. Other information in the www-authenticate header is probably safe to ignore; the :file:`urllib2` module will handle it for you. Determining that a feed is password-protected --------------------------------------------- :: >>> import feedparser >>> d = feedparser.parse('') >>> d.status 401 >>> d.headers['www-authenticate'] 'Basic realm="Use test/basic"' >>> d = feedparser.parse('') >>> d.status 401 >>> d.headers['www-authenticate'] 'Digest realm="DigestTest", nonce="+LV/uLLdAwA=5d77397291261b9ef256b034e19bcb94f5b7992a", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth"'