
This document is here to help you program FBFBOT plugins. FBFBOT plugins are python files that contain commands and callbacks handlers that receive a bot and a event as arguments and can act upon these.

First you must know that plugins you write yourself should be placed in one of the ~/.fbf/myplugs subdirs. The bot will detect if code has changed in these directories.

Second thing to remember is to call the !admin-boot command if you add new commands or callbacks so the bot can recreate its command and callback indexes (used to load a plugin on demand).


Very basic example of a FBFBOT command handler is:

from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds

def handle_demo(bot, event):
    """ do the command. """
    event.reply("This is a demo text.")

cmnds.add("demo", handle_demo, "USER")

This example implements a command !demo which just gives a reply. The fbf.plugs.core.dispatch plugin termines whether a event triggers a command or not. Basically that plugin checks for the cc (control char) in the event.txt attribute and if it does, it will check permissions and call the handle_demo function with the bot and event paramaters passed along.

To let a plugin react on events, you can add a same kind of handler to the callbacks object, and have it called when a particular event takes place on the bot. Example:

from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks

def handle_democb(bot, event):
    bot.say(, "%s joined the channel." % event.nick)

callbacks.add("JOIN", handle_democb)

The callback implemented here is registered on JOIN events and thus gets called on JOIN received by the bot (JOIN is a IRC message) with both bot and the JOIN event passed on as arguments. I used bot.say() here to show that the bot can be used for push operations as well (where as reply() always responds to the event in question. The handler also shows that the event contains data about the event that took place (event.nick,

Data Flow

So plugin are about handler and handlers are about combining bot and events together. Basically the data flow is like this:

* bot connects to server
* bot gets data back (most of the times this is a string)
* bot creates an event from the data received
* bot calls the handler with itself and the event as arguments
* handler does something with the event and sends a response back
* bot can also push data to a channel, think RSS feeds

For every network that FBFBOT supports there need to be both bot and event classes that support the connecting to the network and the contruction of the events based upon the data that is received. These classes moved into there own sub package: fbf.drivers, so writing new bot-event combinations becomes easier.

Using Events

So events are at the core of the FBFBOT handlers that you can write for your plugin. The basic interface of these events are defined in fbf.lib.eventbase, i will summ up the most important method and atributes:


def reply(self, txt, result=[], event=None, origin="", dot=u", ",
          nr=375, extend=0, *args, **kwargs):
        use this to reply to the event with some text. the result list
        can be pipelined to other commands and uses the dot paramater to
        concat the result list into the string send back to the user. If
        you want to use the result of the plugin be sure to pass on the
        event with the event parameter as results are aggregated in the
        event itself.


        1) event.reply("demo text")
        2) event.reply("results: ", resultlist)
        3) event.reply("results: ", resultlist, dot=" | ")
        4) event.reply("results: ", resultdict)
        5) event.reply("results: ", resultlist, event=self)

def missing(self, txt):
        use this if the input from the user is not correct.

        example: event.missing("<nick>")

def done(self):
    """ this just prints "done - command. """
def iscmnd(self):
    """ checks whether an event is a command. returns comandstring. """
def bind(self, bot=None, user=None, chan=None):
        use this to bind bot, user and channel object into the event.
        note that you dont have to provide arguments but you can if you
        have these objects already available.

def ready(self, finish=True):
        use this when you are finished handling the event. FBFBOT tried
        to automatically do this for you, but sometimes you need to do this



self.stop = False # set this if you want any processing of the
                     # events stopped

self.bonded = False # check this to see if EventBase.bind() is
                    # already called

after bind():

# the channel object containing data relataed to the channel
self.chan = ChannelBase(,

# the user of the bot giving the command
self.user = user or bot.users.getuser(target)

There are more methods defined on the EventBase class but these are the most common used by plugin programmers. The bot will only execute commands when the event has bind() called on it so the user and chan attributes will be properly set.

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