show weather based on Google’s weather API
show weather using Google’s weather API
# fbf/plugs/common/ # # """ show weather based on Google's weather API """ __copyright__ = 'this file is in the public domain' __author__ = 'Landon Fowles'
from fbf.utils.url import geturl, geturl2 from fbf.utils.generic import getwho from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds from fbf.lib.persist import Persist from fbf.lib.examples import examples from fbf.lib.persiststate import UserState
from xml.dom import minidom import urllib from urllib.parse import urlencode import logging import time
def handle_weather(bot, ievent): """ show weather using Google's weather API """ userhost = "" loc = "" try: nick = if nick: userhost = getwho(bot, nick) if not userhost: pass else: try: name = bot.users.getname(userhost) if not name: ievent.reply("%s is not known with the bot" % nick) ; return us = UserState(name) loc = us['location'] except KeyError: ievent.reply("%s doesn't have his location set in userstate" % nick) ; return except KeyError: pass if not loc: if loc = else: ievent.missing('<nick>|<location>') ; return query = urlencode({'weather':loc}) try: weathertxt = geturl2('' % query) except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: ievent.reply(str(ex)) ; return if 'problem_cause' in bytes(weathertxt, "utf-8"): logging.error(weathertxt) ievent.reply('an error occured looking up data for %s' % loc) return logging.debug("weather - got reply: %s" % weathertxt) resultstr = "" if weathertxt: gweather = minidom.parseString(weathertxt) gweather = gweather.getElementsByTagName('weather')[0] if ievent.usercmnd == "weather": info = gweather.getElementsByTagName('forecast_information')[0] if info: city = info.getElementsByTagName('city')[0].attributes["data"].value zip = info.getElementsByTagName('postal_code')[0].attributes["data"].value time = info.getElementsByTagName('current_date_time')[0].attributes["data"].value weather = gweather.getElementsByTagName('current_conditions')[0] condition = weather.getElementsByTagName('condition')[0].attributes["data"].value temp_f = weather.getElementsByTagName('temp_f')[0].attributes["data"].value temp_c = weather.getElementsByTagName('temp_c')[0].attributes["data"].value humidity = weather.getElementsByTagName('humidity')[0].attributes["data"].value try: wind = weather.getElementsByTagName('wind_condition')[0].attributes["data"].value except IndexError: wind = "" try: wind_km = round(int(wind[-6:-4]) * 1.609344) except ValueError: wind_km = "" if (not condition == ""): condition = " Oh, and it's " + condition + "." resultstr = "As of %s, %s (%s) has a temperature of %sC/%sF with %s. %s (%s km/h).%s" % (time, city, zip, temp_c, temp_f, humidity, wind, wind_km, condition) elif ievent.usercmnd == "forecast": forecasts = gweather.getElementsByTagName('forecast_conditions') for forecast in forecasts: condition = forecast.getElementsByTagName('condition')[0].attributes["data"].value low_f = forecast.getElementsByTagName('low')[0].attributes["data"].value high_f = forecast.getElementsByTagName('high')[0].attributes["data"].value day = forecast.getElementsByTagName('day_of_week')[0].attributes["data"].value low_c = round((int(low_f) - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0) high_c = round((int(high_f) - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0) resultstr += "[%s: F(%sl/%sh) C(%sl/%sh) %s]" % (day, low_f, high_f, low_c, high_c, condition) if not resultstr: ievent.reply('%s not found!' % loc) ; return else: ievent.reply(resultstr) cmnds.add('weather', handle_weather, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('weather', 'get weather for <LOCATION> or <nick>', '1) weather London, England 2) weather dunker')