
for op to work for a user the user must have the channel name in his/hers status .. use !user-addstatus <username> #channel normally the bot doesnt op nicks that join after a split to prevent floods, this can be disabled by using ops-cfg oponsplit 1

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.checkmode(bot, ievent)

check mode string

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_op1(bot, ievent)

op [<nick>] .. op an user

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_opsdisable(bot, ievent)

disable opping in channel

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_opsenable(bot, ievent)

enable opping in channel

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_opsnoop(bot, ievent)

show in which channels opping is disabled

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_permadd(bot, ievent)
fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_permdel(bot, ievent)
fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_splitted(bot, ievent)

splitted .. show splitted list

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.handle_splittedclear(bot, ievent)

splitted-clear .. clear splitted list

fbf.plugs.extra.ops.opjoincb(bot, ievent)

see if we should op a user on join


# plugs/op.py

    for op to work for a user the user must have the channel name in his/hers
    status .. use !user-addstatus <username> #channel
    normally the bot doesnt op nicks that join after a split to prevent floods,
    this can be disabled by using ops-cfg oponsplit 1

fbf imports

from fbf.utils.generic import getwho
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks
from fbf.lib.users import getusers
from fbf.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig

basic imports

import time
import logging


cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('oponsplit', 0)

onjoincb callback

def opjoincb(bot, ievent):
    """ see if we should op a user on join """
    # don't try to op the bot
    if ievent.nick == bot.nick: return
    #if bot.state.has_key('no-op') and chan in bot.state['no-op']: return
    import time
    if (ievent.user and 'OPER' in ievent.user.data.perms) or (ievent.chan and ievent.userhost in ievent.chan.data.ops): bot.doop(ievent.channel.lower(), ievent.nick)
    try: bot.splitted.remove(ievent.nick.lower())
    except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass

callbacks.add('JOIN', opjoincb)

op command

def handle_op1(bot, ievent):
    """ op [<nick>] .. op an user """
    chan = ievent.channel.lower()
    #if bot.state.has_key('no-op') and chan in bot.state['no-op']:
    #    ievent.reply('opping is disabled in %s' % ievent.channel)
    #    return
    try: nick = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError: nick = ievent.nick
    userhost = getwho(bot, nick)
    if not userhost: userhost = ievent.userhost
    if (ievent.user and 'OPER' in ievent.user.data.perms) or (ievent.chan and userhost in ievent.chan.data.ops): bot.doop(chan, nick)

cmnds.add('op', handle_op1, 'USER', threaded=True, speed=9)
examples.add('op', 'op [<nick>] .. give ops to <nick> or op the person giving the command', '1) op 2) op dunker')

ops-permadd command

def handle_permadd(bot, ievent):
    if not ievent.chan: ievent.reply("channel is not set in event") ; return
    try: nick = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError: nick = ievent.nick
    userhost = getwho(bot, nick)
    if not userhost: userhost = ievent.userhost
    if not userhost in ievent.chan.data.ops:
        ievent.reply("added %s to the permenent ops list" % userhost)
    else: ievent.reply("%s is already in permops list" % userhost)

cmnds.add('ops-permadd', handle_permadd, 'OPER')
examples.add('ops-permadd', 'add permanent ops for user', 'ops-permadd dunker')

ops-permdel command

def handle_permdel(bot, ievent):
    if not ievent.chan: ievent.reply("channel is not set in event") ; return
    try: nick = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError: nick = ievent.nick
    userhost = getwho(bot, nick)
    if not userhost: userhost = ievent.userhost
    if userhost in ievent.chan.data.ops:
        ievent.reply("removed %s from the permenent ops list" % userhost)
    else: ievent.reply("%s is not in permops list" % userhost)

cmnds.add('ops-permdel', handle_permdel, 'OPER')
examples.add('ops-permdel', 'delete permanent ops for user', 'ops-permadd dunker')

splitted command

def handle_splitted(bot, ievent):
    """ splitted .. show splitted list """
    if bot.splitted: ievent.reply("splitted: ", bot.splitted)
    else: ievent.reply("none splitted")

cmnds.add('splitted', handle_splitted, 'OPER')
examples.add('splitted', 'show whos on the splitted list', 'splitted')

splitted-clear command

def handle_splittedclear(bot, ievent):
    """ splitted-clear .. clear splitted list """
    bot.splitted = []

cmnds.add('splitted-clear', handle_splittedclear, 'OPER')
examples.add('splitted-clear', 'clear the splitted list', 'splitted-clear')

ops-disable command

def handle_opsdisable(bot, ievent):
    """ disable opping in channel """
    try: chan = ievent.args[0].lower()
    except: chan = ievent.channel.lower()
    oplist = bot.state['no-op']
    if oplist and chan not in oplist:
        ievent.reply('opping in %s disabled' % chan)
        if chan in bot.state['opchan']: bot.delop(chan, bot.nick)
    else: ievent.reply('opping %s is already disabled' % chan)

#cmnds.add('ops-disable', handle_opsdisable, 'OPER')
#examples.add('ops-disable', 'ops-disable [<channel>] .. disable opping in provided channel or the channel command was given in', '1) ops-disable 2) ops-disable #dunkbots')

ops-enable command

def handle_opsenable(bot, ievent):
    """ enable opping in channel """
    try: chan = ievent.args[0].lower()
    except: chan = ievent.channel.lower()
    oplist = bot.state['no-op']
    if oplist and chan in oplist:
        ievent.reply('opping in %s is enabled' % chan)
    else: ievent.reply('opping in %s is already enabled' % chan)

#cmnds.add('ops-enable', handle_opsenable, 'OPER')
#examples.add('ops-enable', 'ops-enable [<channel>] .. enable opping in provided channel or the channel command was given in', '1) ops-enable 2) ops-enable #dunkbots')

ops-snoop command

def handle_opsnoop(bot, ievent):
    """ show in which channels opping is disabled """
    ievent.reply('opping is disabled in %s' % bot.state['no-op'])

cmnds.add('ops-snoop', handle_opsnoop, 'OPER')
examples.add('ops-snoop', 'list in which channels opping is disabled', 'ops-snoop')

checkmode callback

def checkmode(bot, ievent):
    """ check mode string """
    plus = 0
    teller = 0
        args = ievent.arguments
        chan = args[0].lower()
        modestr = args[1]
        who = args[2:]
    except: logging.warn('unknow mode string format: %s' % str(ievent)) ; return
    if 'no-op' not in bot.state: bot.state['no-op'] = [] ; bot.state.save()
    for i in modestr:
        if i == '+': plus = 1 ; continue
        if i == '-': plus = 0 ; continue
        if i == 'o' and plus:
            if who[teller].lower() == bot.cfg.nick.lower():
                if ievent.channel in bot.state['no-op']:
                    bot.delop(ievent.channel.lower(), bot.cfg.nick)
                    logging.warn('opped on %s' % chan)
        if i == 'o' and not plus:
            if who[teller].lower() == bot.cfg.nick.lower():
                logging.warn('deopped on %s' % chan)
                try: bot.state['opchan'].remove(chan)
                except ValueError: pass
        teller += 1

callbacks.add('MODE', checkmode)