
IP subnet calculator. this module allows you to perform network calculations.

class fbf.plugs.extra.ipcalc.IP(ip, mask=None, version=0)

Bases: builtins.object


Full-length binary representation of the IP address.


Return a new <IP> object with a copy of this one.


Full-length hexadecimal representation of the IP address.


Show IANA allocation information for the current IP address.


Convert (a IPv6) IP address to an IPv4 address, if possible. Only works for IPv4-compat (::/96) and 6-to-4 (2002::/16) addresses.


Convert (a IPv4) IP address to an IPv6 address.


Used for comparisons.

class fbf.plugs.extra.ipcalc.Network(ip, mask=None, version=0)

Bases: fbf.plugs.extra.ipcalc.IP

Network slice calculations.


Broadcast address.


Check if the given ip is part of the network.

>>> net = Network('')
>>> net.has_key('')
>>> net.has_key('')

First available host in this subnet.


Last available host in this subnet.


Check if the given IP address is within this network.


Network netmask derived from subnet size.


Network address.


Number of ip’s within the network.

fbf.plugs.extra.ipcalc.handle_ipcalc(bot, ievent)

arguments: <ip>[</size>] .. calculate IP subnets.


# fbf/plugs/common/ipcalc.py
# IP subnet calculator
# (c) 2007 Wijnand 'tehmaze' Modderman - http://tehmaze.com
# BSD License

""" IP subnet calculator. this module allows you to perform network calculations. """

# IP subnet calculator
# (C) 2007 Wijnand 'tehmaze' Modderman - http://tehmaze.com
# BSD License
#  This module allows you to perform network calculations.
#  2007-10-26: Added IPv6 support, as well as a lot of other functions,
#              refactored the calculations.
#  2007-10-25: Initial writeup, because I could not find any other workable
#              implementation.
#  * add CLI parser
#  * http://www.estoile.com/links/ipv6.pdf
#  * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space
#  * http://www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses
#  * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-space
#  * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-tla-assignments
#  * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses
#  * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-anycast-addresses
# THANKS (testing, tips)
#  * Bastiaan (trbs)
#  * Peter van Dijk (Habbie)
#  * Hans van Kranenburg (Knorrie)

fbf imports

from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples

__version__ = '0.2a'

basic imports

import types
import socket

IP class

class IP(object):

    # Hex-to-Bin conversion masks
    _bitmask = {
        '0': '0000', '1': '0001', '2': '0010', '3': '0011',
        '4': '0100', '5': '0101', '6': '0110', '7': '0111',
        '8': '1000', '9': '1001', 'a': '1010', 'b': '1011',
        'c': '1100', 'd': '1101', 'e': '1110', 'f': '1111'

    # IP range specific information, see IANA allocations.
    _range = {
        4: {
            '01'                    : 'CLASS A',
            '10'                    : 'CLASS B',
            '110'                   : 'CLASS C',
            '1110'                  : 'CLASS D MULTICAST',
            '11100000'              : 'CLASS D LINKLOCAL',
            '1111'                  : 'CLASS E',
            '00001010'              : 'PRIVATE RFC1918', # 10/8
            '101011000001'          : 'PRIVATE RFC1918', # 172.16/12
            '1100000010101000'      : 'PRIVATE RFC1918', # 192.168/16
        6: {
            '00000000'              : 'RESERVED',       # ::/8
            '00000001'              : 'UNASSIGNED',     # 100::/8
            '0000001'               : 'NSAP',           # 200::/7
            '0000010'               : 'IPX',            # 400::/7
            '0000011'               : 'UNASSIGNED',     # 600::/7
            '00001'                 : 'UNASSIGNED',     # 800::/5
            '0001'                  : 'UNASSIGNED',     # 1000::/4
            '0010000000000000'      : 'RESERVED',       # 2000::/16 Reserved
            '0010000000000001'      : 'ASSIGNABLE',     # 2001::/16 Sub-TLA Assignments [RFC2450]
            '00100000000000010000000': 'ASSIGNABLE IANA',  # 2001:0000::/29 - 2001:01F8::/29 IANA
            '00100000000000010000001': 'ASSIGNABLE APNIC', # 2001:0200::/29 - 2001:03F8::/29 APNIC
            '00100000000000010000010': 'ASSIGNABLE ARIN',  # 2001:0400::/29 - 2001:05F8::/29 ARIN
            '00100000000000010000011': 'ASSIGNABLE RIPE',  # 2001:0600::/29 - 2001:07F8::/29 RIPE NCC
            '0010000000000010'      : '6TO4',           # 2002::/16 "6to4" [RFC3056]
            '0011111111111110'      : '6BONE TEST',     # 3ffe::/16 6bone Testing [RFC2471]
            '0011111111111111'      : 'RESERVED',  # 3fff::/16 Reserved
            '010'                   : 'GLOBAL-UNICAST', # 4000::/3
            '011'                   : 'UNASSIGNED',     # 6000::/3
            '100'                   : 'GEO-UNICAST',    # 8000::/3
            '101'                   : 'UNASSIGNED',     # a000::/3
            '110'                   : 'UNASSIGNED',     # c000::/3
            '1110'                  : 'UNASSIGNED',     # e000::/4
            '11110'                 : 'UNASSIGNED',     # f000::/5
            '111110'                : 'UNASSIGNED',     # f800::/6
            '1111110'               : 'UNASSIGNED',     # fc00::/7
            '111111100'             : 'UNASSIGNED',     # fe00::/9
            '1111111010'            : 'LINKLOCAL',      # fe80::/10
            '1111111011'            : 'SITELOCAL',      # fec0::/10
            '11111111'              : 'MULTICAST',      # ff00::/8
            '0' * 96                : 'IPV4COMP',       # ::/96
            '0' * 80 + '1' * 16     : 'IPV4MAP',        # ::ffff:0:0/96
            '0' * 128               : 'UNSPECIFIED',    # ::/128
            '0' * 127 + '1'         : 'LOOPBACK'        # ::1/128

    def __init__(self, ip, mask=None, version=0):
        self.mask = mask
        self.v = 0
        # Parse input
        if isinstance(ip, IP):
            self.ip = ip.ip
            self.dq = ip.dq
            self.v = ip.v
            self.mask = ip.mask
        elif type(ip) in [int, int]:
            self.ip = int(ip)
            if self.ip <= 0xffffffff:
                self.v = version or 4
                self.dq = self._itodq(ip)
                self.v = version or 4
                self.dq = self._itodq(ip)
            # If string is in CIDR notation
            if '/' in ip:
                ip, mask = ip.split('/', 1)
                self.mask = int(mask)
            self.v = version or 0
            self.dq = ip
            self.ip = self._dqtoi(ip)
            assert self.v != 0, 'Could not parse input'
        # Netmask defaults to one ip
        if self.mask is None:
            self.mask = self.v == 4 and 32 or 128
        # Validate subnet size
        if self.v == 6:
            self.dq = self._itodq(self.ip)
            if self.mask < 0 or self.mask > 128:
                raise ValueError("IPv6 subnet size must be between 0 and 128")
        elif self.v == 4:
            if self.mask < 0 or self.mask > 32:
                raise ValueError("IPv4 subnet size must be between 0 and 32")

    def bin(self):
        Full-length binary representation of the IP address.
        h = hex(self.ip).lower().rstrip('l')
        b = ''.join(self._bitmask[x] for x in h[2:])
        l = self.v == 4 and 32 or 128
        return ''.join('0' for x in range(len(b), l)) + b

    def hex(self):
        Full-length hexadecimal representation of the IP address.
        if self.v == 4:
            return '%08x' % self.ip
            return '%032x' % self.ip

    def subnet(self):
        return self.mask

    def version(self):
        return self.v

    def info(self):
        Show IANA allocation information for the current IP address.
        b = self.bin()
        l = self.v == 4 and 32 or 128
        for i in range(len(b), 0, -1):
            if b[:i] in self._range[self.v]:
                return self._range[self.v][b[:i]]
        return 'UNKNOWN'

    def _dqtoi(self, dq):
        Convert dotquad or hextet to long.
        # hex notation
        if dq.startswith('0x'):
            ip = int(dq[2:], 16)
            if ip > 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff:
                raise ValueError("%r: IP address is bigger than 2^128" % dq)
            if ip <= 0xffffffff:
                self.v = 4
                self.v = 6
            return ip

        # IPv6
        if ':' in dq:
            hx = dq.split(':') # split hextets
            if ':::' in dq:
                raise ValueError("%r: IPv6 address can't contain :::" % dq)
            # Mixed address (or 4-in-6), ::ffff:
            if '.' in dq:
                return self._dqtoi(hx[-1])
            if len(hx) > 8:
                raise ValueError("%r: IPv6 address with more than 8 hexletts" % dq)
            elif len(hx) < 8:
                # No :: in address
                if not '' in hx:
                    raise ValueError("%r: IPv6 address invalid: compressed format malformed" % dq)
                elif not (dq.startswith('::') or dq.endswith('::')) and len([x for x in hx if x == '']) > 1:
                    raise ValueError("%r: IPv6 address invalid: compressed format malformed" % dq)
                ix = hx.index('')
                px = len(hx[ix+1:])
                for x in range(ix+px+1, 8):
                    hx.insert(ix, '0')
            elif dq.endswith('::'):
            elif '' in hx:
                raise ValueError("%r: IPv6 address invalid: compressed format detected in full notation" % dq)
            ip = ''
            hx = [x == '' and '0' or x for x in hx]
            for h in hx:
                if len(h) < 4:
                    h = '%04x' % int(h, 16)
                if 0 > int(h, 16) > 0xffff:
                    raise ValueError("%r: IPv6 address invalid: hextets should be between 0x0000 and 0xffff" % dq)
                ip += h
            self.v = 6
            return int(ip, 16)
        elif len(dq) == 32:
            # Assume full heximal notation
            self.v = 6
            return int(h, 16)

        # IPv4
        if '.' in dq:
            q = dq.split('.')
            if len(q) > 4:
                raise ValueError("%r: IPv4 address invalid: more than 4 bytes" % dq)
            for x in q:
                if 0 > int(x) > 255:
                    raise ValueError("%r: IPv4 address invalid: bytes should be between 0 and 255" % dq)
            self.v = 4
            return int(q[0])<<24 | int(q[1])<<16 | int(q[2])<<8 | int(q[3])

        raise ValueError("Invalid address input")

    def _itodq(self, n):
        Convert long to dotquad or hextet.
        if self.v == 4:
            return '.'.join(map(str, [(n>>24) & 0xff, (n>>16) & 0xff, (n>>8) & 0xff, n & 0xff]))
            n = '%032x' % n
            return ':'.join(n[4*x:4*x+4] for x in range(0, 8))

    def __str__(self):
        return self.dq

    def __int__(self):
        return int(self.ip)

    def __long__(self):
        return self.ip

    def size(self):
        return 1

    def clone(self):
        Return a new <IP> object with a copy of this one.
        return IP(self)

    def to_ipv4(self):
        Convert (a IPv6) IP address to an IPv4 address, if possible. Only works
        for IPv4-compat (::/96) and 6-to-4 (2002::/16) addresses.
        if self.v == 4:
            return self
            if self.bin().startswith('0' * 96):
                return IP(int(self), version=4)
            elif int(self) & 0x20020000000000000000000000000000:
                return IP((int(self)-0x20020000000000000000000000000000)>>80, version=4)
                return ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address is not IPv4 compatible, nor a 6-to-4 IP" % self.dq

    def to_ipv6(self, type='6-to-4'):
        Convert (a IPv4) IP address to an IPv6 address.
        assert type in ['6-to-4', 'compat'], 'Conversion type not supported'
        if self.v == 4:
            if type == '6-to-4':
                return IP(0x20020000000000000000000000000000 | int(self)<<80, version=6)
            elif type == 'compat':
                return IP(int(self), version=6)
            return self

    def to_tuple(self):
        Used for comparisons.
        return (self.dq, self.mask)

Network class

class Network(IP):
    Network slice calculations.

    def netmask(self):
        Network netmask derived from subnet size.
        if self.version() == 4:
            return IP((0xffffffff >> (32-self.mask)) << (32-self.mask), version=self.version())
            return IP((0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff >> (128-self.mask)) << (128-self.mask), version=self.version())

    def network(self):
        Network address.
        return IP(self.ip & int(self.netmask()), version=self.version())

    def broadcast(self):
        Broadcast address.
        # XXX: IPv6 doesn't have a broadcast address, but it's used for other
        #      calculations such as <Network.host_last>.
        if self.version() == 4:
            return IP(int(self.network()) | (0xffffffff - int(self.netmask())), version=self.version())
            return IP(int(self.network()) | (0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - int(self.netmask())), version=self.version())

    def host_first(self):
        First available host in this subnet.
        if (self.version() == 4 and self.mask == 32) or (self.version() == 6 and self.mask == 128):
            return self
        return IP(int(self.network())+1, version=self.version())

    def host_last(self):
        Last available host in this subnet.
        if (self.version() == 4 and self.mask == 32) or (self.version() == 6 and self.mask == 128):
            return self
        return IP(int(self.broadcast())-1, version=self.version())

    def in_network(self, other):
        Check if the given IP address is within this network.
        other = Network(other)
        return int(other) >= int(self) and int(other) < int(self) + self.size() - other.size() + 1

    def __contains__(self, ip):
        Check if the given ip is part of the network.

        >>> '' in Network('')
        >>> '' in Network('')
        return self.in_network(ip)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.size() < IP(other).size()

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.size() <= IP(other).size()

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.size() > IP(other).size()

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.size() >= IP(other).size()

    def __iter__(self):
        Generate a range of ip addresses within the network.

        >>> for ip in Network(''): print str(ip)
        for ip in [IP(int(self)+x) for x in range(0, self.size())]:
            yield ip

    def has_key(self, ip):
        Check if the given ip is part of the network.

        >>> net = Network('')
        >>> net.has_key('')
        >>> net.has_key('')
        return self.__contains__(ip)

    def size(self):
        Number of ip's within the network.
        return 2 ** ((self.version() == 4 and 32 or 128) - self.mask)

ipcalc command

def handle_ipcalc(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <ip>[</size>] .. calculate IP subnets. """
    if not ievent.args:
        net = Network(ievent.args[0])
    except ValueError as e:
        ievent.reply('error: %s' % e)
    ievent.reply('version: %d, address: %s, network size: %d, network address: %s, netmask: %s, first host in network: %s, last host in network: %s, network info: %s' % \
        (net.version(), str(net), net.mask, net.network(), net.netmask(), net.host_first(), net.host_last(), net.info()))

cmnds.add('ipcalc', handle_ipcalc, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('ipcalc', 'ip calculator', 'ipcalc')

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