
log channels to [hour:min] <nick> txt format, only logging to files is supported right now.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.chatlogcb(bot, ievent)

logging callback.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.enablelogging(botname, channel)

set loglevel to level_name.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.handle_chatlogoff(bot, ievent)

no arguments - disable chatlog.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.handle_chatlogon(bot, ievent)

no arguments - enable chatlog.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.handle_chatlogsearch(bot, event)

arguments: <searchtxt> - search in the logs.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.handle_chatlogstats(bot, event)

no arguments - create log stats of the channel, possible options: –chan <channel>


called upon plugin registration.


create the necesary directories to enable logging.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.log(bot, event)

format an event and send it to the logging backend.

fbf.plugs.extra.chatlog.prechatlogcb(bot, ievent)

Check if event should be logged. QUIT and NICK are not channel specific, so we will check each channel in log().


shutdown the plugin.


convert datatime object to a time string.


# fbf/plugs/socket/

""" log channels to [hour:min] <nick> txt format, only logging to files is supported right now.  """

fbf imports

from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks, remote_callbacks, last_callbacks, first_callbacks
from fbf.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from fbf.utils.locking import lockdec
from fbf.utils.timeutils import hourmin
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict
from fbf.lib.datadir import getdatadir
from import stripname
from fbf.utils.url import striphtml
from fbf.utils.format import formatevent, format_opt
from fbf.utils.log import init
from fbf.utils.statdict import StatDict
from fbf.utils.timeutils import striptime, strtotime2

basic imports

import time
import os
import logging
import _thread
from os import path
from datetime import datetime


outlock = _thread.allocate_lock()
outlocked = lockdec(outlock)


cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('channels', [])
cfg.define('format', 'log')
cfg.define('basepath', getdatadir())
cfg.define('nologprefix', '[nolog]')
cfg.define('nologmsg', '-= THIS MESSAGE NOT LOGGED =-')
cfg.define('backend', 'log')

logfiles = {}
backends = {}
stopped = False
db = None

logging part

# BHJTW 21-02-2011 revamped to work with standard python logger

loggers = {}

def initlog(d):
    """ create the necesary directories to enable logging. """
    try: LOGDIR = d + os.sep + "chatlogs"
    except ImportError: LOGDIR = d + os.sep + "chatlogs"

        ddir = os.sep.join(LOGDIR.split(os.sep)[:-1])
        if not os.path.isdir(ddir): os.mkdir(ddir)
    except: pass

        if not os.path.isdir(LOGDIR): os.mkdir(LOGDIR)
    except: pass
    return LOGDIR

format = "%(message)s"

def timestr(dt):
    """ convert datatime object to a time string. """
    return dt.strftime(format_opt('timestamp_format'))

enablelogging function

def enablelogging(botname, channel):
    """ set loglevel to level_name. """
    global loggers
    LOGDIR = initlog(getdatadir())
    logging.warn("enabling on (%s,%s)" % (botname, channel))
    chan = channel
    channel = stripname(channel)
    logname = "%s_%s" % (botname, channel)
    #if logname in loggers: logging.warn("there is already a logger for %s" % logname) ; return
        filehandler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(LOGDIR + os.sep + logname + ".log", 'midnight')
        formatter = logging.Formatter(format)
    except IOError:
        filehandler = None
    chatlogger = logging.getLoggerClass()(logname)
    if chatlogger.handlers:
        for handler in chatlogger.handlers: chatlogger.removeHandler(handler)
    if filehandler: chatlogger.addHandler(filehandler) ; logging.warn("%s - logging enabled on %s" % (botname, chan))
    else: logging.error("no file handler found - not enabling logging.")
    global lastlogger
    lastlogger = chatlogger
    loggers[logname] = lastlogger

do tha actual logging

def write(m):
      m is a dict with the following properties:
      type : (comment, nick, topic etc..)
      target : (#channel, bot etc..)
      txt : actual message
    backend_name = cfg.get('backend', 'log')
    backend = backends.get(backend_name, log_write)
    if m.txt.startswith(cfg.get('nologprefix')): m.txt = cfg.get('nologmsg')

def log_write(m):
    if stopped: return
    logname = "%s_%s" % (m.botname, stripname(
    timestamp = timestr(m.datetime)
    m.type = m.type.upper()
    line = '%(timestamp)s%(separator)s %(txt)s\n'%({
        'timestamp': timestamp,
        'separator': format_opt('separator'),
         'nick': m.nick,
        'txt': m.txt,
        'nick': m.nick,
        'type': m.type
    global loggers
    try: loggers[logname].info(line.strip())
    except KeyError: logging.debug("no logger available for channel %s" % logname)
    except Exception as ex: handle_exception()

backends['log'] = log_write

log function

def log(bot, event):
    """ format an event and send it to the logging backend. """
    m = formatevent(bot, event, cfg.get("channels") or [])
    if m["txt"]: write(m)

chatlog precondition

def prechatlogcb(bot, ievent):
        Check if event should be logged.  QUIT and NICK are not channel
        specific, so we will check each channel in log().

    if not logging.debug("channel not set .. not logging.") ; return False
    if not cfg.channels: logging.debug("no channels set") ; return False
    if [,] in cfg.get('channels'): logging.debug("%s %s in channels .. logging" % (, ; return True
    if not ievent.cbtype in eventstolog: logging.debug("%s ut not in eventstolog list." % ievent.cbtype) ; return False
    if ievent.msg: logging.debug("is messsage .. not logging") ; return False
    if ievent.cmnd in ('QUIT', 'NICK'): return True
    if ievent.cmnd == 'NOTICE':
        if [, ievent.arguments[0]] in cfg.get('channels'): return True
    logging.debug("not match for logging.")
    return False

chatlog callbacks

def chatlogcb(bot, ievent):
    """ logging callback. """
    log(bot, ievent)


def init():
    """ called upon plugin registration. """
    global stopped
    stopped = False
    global loggers
    for (botname, channel) in cfg.get("channels"):
        enablelogging(botname, channel)
    callbacks.add("PRIVMSG", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("JOIN", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("PART", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("NOTICE", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("QUIT", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("NICK", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("PRESENCE", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("MESSAGE", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("CONSOLE", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    callbacks.add("CONVORE", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    first_callbacks.add("OUTPUT", chatlogcb, prechatlogcb)
    return 1


def shutdown():
    """ shutdown the plugin. """
    global stopped
    stopped = True
    for file in list(logfiles.values()):
    return 1

chatlog-on command

def handle_chatlogon(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - enable chatlog. """
    chan =
    enablelogging(, chan)
    if [, chan] not in cfg.get('channels'):
        cfg['channels'].append([, chan])
    ievent.reply('chatlog enabled on (%s,%s)' % (, chan))

cmnds.add('chatlog-on', handle_chatlogon, 'OPER')
examples.add('chatlog-on', 'enable chatlog on the channel the commands is given in', 'chatlog-on')

chatlog-off command

def handle_chatlogoff(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - disable chatlog. """
    try: cfg['channels'].remove([,]) ;
    except ValueError: ievent.reply('chatlog is not enabled in (%s,%s)' % (, ; return
    try: del loggers["%s-%s" % (, stripname(]
    except KeyError: pass
    except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
    ievent.reply('chatlog disabled on (%s,%s)' % (,

cmnds.add('chatlog-off', handle_chatlogoff, 'OPER')
examples.add('chatlog-off', 'disable chatlog on the channel the commands is given in', 'chatlog-off')

chatlog-search command

def handle_chatlogsearch(bot, event):
    """ arguments: <searchtxt> - search in the logs. """
    if not event.missing("<searchtxt>") ; return
    result = []
    chatlogdir = getdatadir() + os.sep + "chatlogs"
    if event.options and chan =
    else: chan =
    logs = os.listdir(chatlogdir)
    for f in logs:
        filename = stripname(f)
        if not stripname(chan) in filename: continue
        for line in open(chatlogdir + os.sep + filename, 'r'):
            if in line: result.append(line)
    if result: event.reply("search results for %s: " %, result, dot= " || ")
    else: event.reply("no result found for %s" % chan)

cmnds.add("chatlog-search", handle_chatlogsearch, ["OPER", "USER", "GUEST"], threaded=True)
examples.add("chatlog-search", "search the chatlogs of a channel.", "chatlog-search fbfbot")

chatlog-stats command

def handle_chatlogstats(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - create log stats of the channel, possible options: --chan <channel> """
    what =
    chatlogdir = getdatadir() + os.sep + "chatlogs"
    if event.options and chan =
    else: chan =
    logs = os.listdir(chatlogdir)
    if not logs: event.reply("no logs available for %s" % chan) ; return
    now = time.time()
    if what: timetarget = strtotime2(what) ; what = striptime(what)
    else: timetarget = 0 ; what = None
    event.reply("creating stats for channel %s (%s)" % (chan, time.ctime(timetarget)))
    userstats = StatDict()
    wordstats = StatDict()
    stop = False
    for f in logs[::-1]:
        filename = stripname(f)
        channel = stripname(chan)
        if not channel in filename: continue
        for line in open(chatlogdir + os.sep + filename, 'r'):
            splitted = line.strip().split()
            if len(splitted) < 2: continue
            who = "unknown"
            for i in splitted:
               if i.startswith("<"): who = i[1:-1]
            if what and who != what: continue
            timestr = "%s %s" % (splitted[0], splitted[1])
            logtime = strtotime2(timestr)
            if logtime:
                if logtime > timetarget: userstats.upitem(who)
                else: continue
            else: userstats.upitem(who)
            for word in splitted[4:]: wordstats.upitem(word)
    if what: result =
    else: result =
    if result:
        res = ["%s: %s" % item for item in result]
        event.reply("stat results for %s: " % (what or chan), res)
    else: event.reply("no result found for %s" % (what or chan))

cmnds.add("chatlog-stats", handle_chatlogstats, ["OPER", "USER", "GUEST"], threaded=True)
examples.add("chatlog-stats", "stats of a channel.", "chatlog-stats")