ask a user a question and relay back the response.
this is the callbacks that handles the responses to questions.
check to see whether the callback needs to be executed.
arguments: <subject> <question> - this command lets you ask a question that gets dispatched to jabber users that have registered themselves for that particular subject.
arguments: <subject> - show all the experts on a subject.
arguments: <subject> - join the expert list of a subject.
show all available subjects.
arguments: <subject> - leave the expert list of a subject.
no arguments - remove any waiting data for the user giving the command.
arguments: <JID> - show all the subjects an expert handles.
# fbf/plugs/common/ # # """ ask a user a question and relay back the response. """
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks from fbf.lib.persist import PlugPersist from fbf.lib.examples import examples from fbf.lib.fleet import getfleet
import logging
defaultJID = '' questions = PlugPersist('questions') experts = PlugPersist('experts') subjects = PlugPersist('subjects')
def askprecondition(bot, event): """ check to see whether the callback needs to be executed. """ global questions if event.userhost in and not event.iscmnd: return True
def askcallback(bot, event): """ this is the callbacks that handles the responses to questions. """ sendto =[event.userhost] jid = [] channels = [] try: (printto, txt) = event.txt.split(':', 1) except ValueError: printto = False ; txt = event.txt txt = txt.strip() done = [] fleet = getfleet() for botname, type, userhost, channel in sendto: if not printto or userhost != printto: continue askbot = fleet.makebot(type) if not askbot: askbot = fleet.makebot('xmpp', 'askxmppbot') logging.debug("ask - %s %s %s %s" % (botname, type, userhost, channel)) if askbot: for jid in channel: askbot.say(channel, "%s says: %s" % (event.userhost, txt)) else: logging.warn("ask - can't find %s bot in fleet" % type) ; continue try:[event.userhost].remove([botname, type, userhost, channel]) except ValueError: pass done.append(channel) break if done: event.reply('answer sent to ', done) callbacks.add('MESSAGE', askcallback, askprecondition) callbacks.add('DISPATCH', askcallback, askprecondition) callbacks.add('WEB', askcallback, askprecondition) callbacks.add('CONVORE', askcallback, askprecondition) callbacks.add('PRIVMSG', askcallback, askprecondition)
def handle_ask(bot, event): """ arguments: <subject> <question> - this command lets you ask a question that gets dispatched to jabber users that have registered themselves for that particular subject. """ try: subject, question =' ', 1) except ValueError: event.missing('<subject> <question>') return try: expertslist =[subject] except KeyError: if '@' in subject: expertslist = [subject, ] else: expertslist = [defaultJID, ] fleet = getfleet() xmppbot = fleet.getfirstjabber() if xmppbot: for expert in expertslist: xmppbot.say(expert, "%s (%s) asks you: %s" % (event.userhost,, question)) else: event.reply("can't find jabber bot in fleet") return asker = event.userhost for expert in expertslist: if expert not in[expert] = [][expert].append([, bot.type, event.userhost,]) event.reply('question is sent to %s' % ' .. '.join(expertslist)) cmnds.add('ask', handle_ask, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'], options={'-w': False}) examples.add('ask', 'ask [group|JID] question .. ask a groups of users a question or use a specific JID', 'ask ask-bot what is the mercurial repository')
def handle_askstop(bot, event): """ no arguments - remove any waiting data for the user giving the command. """ try: del[event.userhost] except KeyError: event.reply('no question running') cmnds.add('ask-stop', handle_askstop, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('ask-stop', 'stop listening to answers', 'ask-stop')
def handle_askjoin(bot, event): """ arguments: <subject> - join the expert list of a subject. """ if bot.type != 'xmpp': event.reply('this command only works in jabber') return try: subject = event.args[0] except IndexError: event.missing('<subject>') return if subject not in[subject] = [] if not event.userhost in[subject]:[subject].append(event.userhost) expert = event.userhost if expert not in[expert] = [] if not subject in[expert]:[expert].append(subject) event.done() cmnds.add('ask-join', handle_askjoin, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('ask-join', 'ask-join <subject> .. join a subject as an expert', 'ask-join ask-bot')
def handle_askpart(bot, event): """ arguments: <subject> - leave the expert list of a subject. """ if bot.type != 'xmpp': event.reply('this command only works in jabber') return try: subject = event.args[0] except IndexError: event.missing('<subject>') try:[subject].remove(event.userhost) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass try:[event.userhost].remove(subject) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass event.done() cmnds.add('ask-part', handle_askpart, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('ask-part', 'leave the subject expert list', 'ask-part ask-bot')
def handle_asklist(bot, event): """ show all available subjects. """ event.reply('available subjects: ', list( cmnds.add('ask-list', handle_asklist, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('ask-list', 'list available subjects', 'ask-list')
def handle_askexperts(bot, event): """ arguments: <subject> - show all the experts on a subject. """ try: subject = event.args[0] except IndexError: event.missing('<subject>') return try: event.reply('experts on %s: ' % subject,[subject]) except KeyError: event.reply('we dont know any experts on this subject yet') cmnds.add('ask-experts', handle_askexperts, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('ask-experts', 'list all experts on a subject', 'ask-experts ask-bot')
def handle_asksubjects(bot, event): """ arguments: <JID> - show all the subjects an expert handles. """ try: expert = event.args[0] except IndexError: event.missing('<JID>') return try: event.reply('subjects handled by %s: ' % expert,[expert]) except KeyError: event.reply('%s doesnt handle any subjects' % expert) cmnds.add('ask-subjects', handle_asksubjects, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('ask-subjects', 'list all the subjects an expert handles', 'ask-subjects')