main db¶
db = None
quotes plugin
Bases: builtins.object
object representing a quote
Bases: builtins.object
quotes db interface
add a quote
delete quote with id == nr
get quote by id
get last quote
get random quote
search quotes
search quotes
return nr of quotes
get who quoted the quote
quote .. show random quote
quote-add <txt> .. add a quote
show top ten negative karma
quote-del <nr> .. delete quote by id
show top ten positive karma
quote-id <nr> .. show quote by id
quote-last .. show last quote
quote-count .. show number of quotes
quote-search <txt> .. search quotes
quote-who <nr> .. show who added a quote
return number of quotes
# plugs/ # # """ quotes plugin """
from fbf.lib.persist import Persist from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds from fbf.lib.examples import examples from fbf.lib.datadir import datadir from fbf.utils.locking import lockdec from import Db from fbf.lib.plugins import plugs from fbf.lib.aliases import setalias
import random import re import time import _thread import os import logging
db = None
def init(): global db from fbf.db import getmaindb db = getmaindb() setalias('aq', 'quote-add') setalias('wq', 'quote-who') setalias('dq', 'quote-del') setalias('lq', 'quote-last') setalias('2q', 'quote-2') setalias('iq', 'quote-id') setalias('q', 'quote') setalias('sq', 'quote-search') setalias('cq', 'quote-count') setalias('q-good', 'quote-good') setalias('q-bad', 'quote-bad')
quoteslock = _thread.allocate_lock() locked = lockdec(quoteslock)
class QuoteItem(object): """ object representing a quote """ def __init__(self, idnr, txt, nick=None, userhost=None, ttime=None): = idnr self.txt = txt self.nick = nick self.userhost = userhost self.time = ttime
class QuotesDb(object): """ quotes db interface """ def size(self): """ return nr of quotes """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return 0 result = db.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM quotes """) return result[0][0] def add(self, nick, userhost, quote): """ add a quote """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return 0 result = db.execute(""" INSERT INTO quotes(quote, userhost, createtime, nick) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) """, (quote, userhost, time.time(), nick)) return result def delete(self, quotenr): """ delete quote with id == nr """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return 0 result = db.execute(""" DELETE FROM quotes WHERE indx = %s """, (quotenr, )) return result def random(self): """ get random quote """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return result = db.execute(""" SELECT indx FROM quotes """) indices = [] if not result: return None for i in result: indices.append(i[0]) if indices: idnr = random.choice(indices) ; return self.idquote(idnr) def idquote(self, quotenr): """ get quote by id """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return if quotenr == 0: return result = db.execute(""" SELECT indx, quote FROM quotes WHERE indx = %s """, quotenr) if result: return QuoteItem(*result[0]) def whoquote(self, quotenr): """ get who quoted the quote """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return result = db.execute(""" SELECT nick, createtime FROM quotes WHERE indx = %s """, (quotenr, )) if result: return result[0] def last(self, nr=1): """ get last quote """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" SELECT indx, quote FROM quotes ORDER BY indx DESC LIMIT %s """, (nr, )) res = [] if result: for i in result: res.append(QuoteItem(*i)) return res def search(self, what): """ search quotes """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" SELECT indx, quote FROM quotes WHERE quote LIKE %s """, '%%%s%%' % what) res = [] if result: for i in result: res.append(QuoteItem(*i)) return res def searchlast(self, what, nr): """ search quotes """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" SELECT indx, quote FROM quotes WHERE quote LIKE %s ORDER BY indx DESC LIMIT %s """, ('%%%s%%' % what, nr)) res = [] if result: for i in result: res.append(QuoteItem(*i)) return res
quotes = QuotesDb()
def size(): """ return number of quotes """ return quotes.size()
def handle_quoteadd(bot, ievent): """ quote-add <txt> .. add a quote """ if not ievent.missing("<quote>") ; return idnr = quotes.add(ievent.nick, ievent.userhost, ievent.reply('quote %s added' % idnr) cmnds.add('quote-add', handle_quoteadd, ['USER', 'QUOTEADD'], allowqueue=False) examples.add('quote-add', 'quote-add <txt> .. add quote', 'quote-add mekker')
def handle_quotewho(bot, ievent): """ quote-who <nr> .. show who added a quote """ try: quotenr = int(ievent.args[0]) except IndexError: ievent.missing("<nr>") ; return except ValueError: ievent.reply("argument must be an integer") ; return result = quotes.whoquote(quotenr) if not result or not result[0] or not result[1]: ievent.reply('no who quote data available') ; return ievent.reply('quote #%s was made by %s on %s' % (quotenr, result[0], result[1])) cmnds.add('quote-who', handle_quotewho, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-who', 'quote-who <nr> .. show who quote <nr>', 'quote-who 1')
def handle_quotedel(bot, ievent): """ quote-del <nr> .. delete quote by id """ try: quotenr = int(ievent.args[0]) except IndexError: ievent.missing('<nr>') ; return except ValueError: ievent.reply('argument needs to be an integer') ; return if quotes.delete(quotenr): ievent.reply('quote deleted') else: ievent.reply("can't delete quote with nr %s" % quotenr) cmnds.add('quote-del', handle_quotedel, ['QUOTEDEL', 'OPER', 'QUOTE']) examples.add('quote-del', 'quote-del <nr> .. delete quote', 'quote-del 2')
def handle_quotelast(bot, ievent): """ quote-last .. show last quote """ search = "" try: (nr, search) = ievent.args nr = int(nr) except ValueError: try: nr = ievent.args[0] nr = int(nr) except (IndexError, ValueError): nr = 1 try: search = ievent.args[0] except IndexError: search = "" if nr < 1 or nr > 4: ievent.reply('nr needs to be between 1 and 4') ; return search = re.sub('^d', '', search) if search: quotelist = quotes.searchlast(search, nr) else: quotelist = quotes.last(nr) if quotelist != None: for quote in quotelist: karma = plugs.get("fbf.plugs.db.karma") if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % else: qkarma = None if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (, qkarma, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply("can't fetch quote") cmnds.add('quote-last', handle_quotelast, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-last', 'show last quote', 'quote-last')
def handle_quote(bot, ievent): """ quote-2 .. show 2 random quotes """ qkarma = None karma = plugs.get("fbf.plugs.db.karma") quote = quotes.random() if quote != None: if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (, qkarma, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('no quotes yet') ; return quote = quotes.random() if quote != None: if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (, qkarma, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (, quote.txt)) cmnds.add('quote-2', handle_quote, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-2', 'quote-2 .. show 2 random quotes', 'quote-2')
def handle_quoteid(bot, ievent): """ quote-id <nr> .. show quote by id """ try: quotenr = int(ievent.args[0]) except IndexError: ievent.missing('<nr>') ; return except ValueError: ievent.reply('argument must be an integer') ; return qkarma = None quote = quotes.idquote(quotenr) if quote != None: karma = plugs.get("fbf.plugs.db.karma") if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (, qkarma, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply("can't fetch quote with id %s" % quotenr) cmnds.add('quote-id', handle_quoteid, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-id', 'quote-id <nr> .. get quote <nr>', 'quote-id 2')
def handle_quote(bot, ievent): """ quote .. show random quote """ quote = quotes.random() qkarma = None if quote != None: karma = plugs.get("fbf.plugs.db.karma") if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (, qkarma, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('#%s %s' % (, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('no quotes yet') cmnds.add('quote', handle_quote, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote', 'show random quote', 'quote')
def handle_quotesearch(bot, ievent): """ quote-search <txt> .. search quotes """ if not ievent.missing('<item>') ; return else: what = ; nrtimes = 3 result = if result: if ievent.queues: res = [] for quote in result: res.append('#%s %s' % (, quote.txt)) ievent.reply(res) return if nrtimes > len(result): nrtimes = len(result) randquotes = random.sample(result, nrtimes) for quote in randquotes: qkarma = None karma = plugs.get("fbf.plugs.db.karma") if karma: qkarma = karma.karma.get('quote %s' % if qkarma: ievent.reply('#%s (%s) %s' % (, qkarma, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply("#%s %s" % (, quote.txt)) else: ievent.reply('no quotes found with %s' % what) cmnds.add('quote-search', handle_quotesearch, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-search', 'quote-search <txt> .. search quotes for <txt>', 'quote-search bla')
def handle_quotescount(bot, ievent): """ quote-count .. show number of quotes """ ievent.reply('quotes count is %s' % quotes.size()) cmnds.add('quote-count', handle_quotescount, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-count', 'count nr of quotes', 'quote-count')
def handle_quotegood(bot, ievent): """ show top ten positive karma """ karma = plugs.get("fbf.plugs.db.karma") if not karma: ievent.reply("karma plugin is not loaded") ; return result = karma.karma.quotegood(limit=10) if result: resultstr = "" for i in result: if i[1] > 0: resultstr += "%s: %s " % (i[0], i[1]) ievent.reply('quote goodness: %s' % resultstr) else: ievent.reply('quote karma void') cmnds.add('quote-good', handle_quotegood, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-good', 'show top 10 quote karma', 'quote-good')
def handle_quotebad(bot, ievent): """ show top ten negative karma """ karma = plugs.get("fbf.plugs.db.karma") if not karma: ievent.reply("karma plugin is not loaded") ; return result = karma.karma.quotebad(limit=10) if result: resultstr = "" for i in result: if i[1] < 0: resultstr += "%s: %s " % (i[0], i[1]) ievent.reply('quote badness: %s' % resultstr) else: ievent.reply('quote karma void') cmnds.add('quote-bad', handle_quotebad, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON', 'ANONQUOTE']) examples.add('quote-bad', 'show lowest 10 quote karma', 'quote-bad')