information items .. keyword/description pairs
Bases: builtins.object
information items
add an item
delete item with indexnr
delete item with matching txt
get infoitems
search descriptions
search items
return number of items
<keyword> = <description> .. add information item
forget <keyword> <txttomatch> .. remove information item where description matches txt given
info-size .. show number of information items
<keyword>? .. ask for information item description
info-sd <txttosearchfor> .. search information items descriptions
info-si <txt> .. search information keywords
implement a !infoitem callback
see if info callback needs to be called
return number of infoitems
# plugs/ # # """ information items .. keyword/description pairs """
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds from fbf.lib.examples import examples from fbf.lib.datadir import datadir from fbf.utils.locking import lockdec from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks from fbf.lib.users import users from fbf.lib.config import getmainconfig
import _thread import os import time import logging
infolock = _thread.allocate_lock() locked = lockdec(infolock)
db = None
class InfoItemsDb(object): """ information items """ def add(self, item, description, userhost, ttime): """ add an item """ if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] item = item.lower() result = db.execute(""" INSERT INTO infoitems(item, description, userhost, time) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s) """, (item, description, userhost, ttime)) return result def get(self, item): """ get infoitems """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] item = item.lower() result = db.execute(""" SELECT description FROM infoitems WHERE item = %s """, item) res = [] if result: for i in result: res.append(i[0]) return res def delete(self, indexnr): """ delete item with indexnr """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" DELETE FROM infoitems WHERE indx = %s """, indexnr) return result def deltxt(self, item, txt): """ delete item with matching txt """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" DELETE FROM infoitems WHERE item = %s AND description LIKE %s """, (item, '%%%s%%' % txt)) return result def size(self): """ return number of items """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM infoitems """) return result[0][0] def searchitem(self, search): """ search items """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" SELECT item, description FROM infoitems WHERE item LIKE %s """, '%%%s%%' % search) return result def searchdescr(self, search): """ search descriptions """ global db if not db: logging.error("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return [] result = db.execute(""" SELECT item, description FROM infoitems WHERE description LIKE %s """, '%%%s%%' % search) return result
info = InfoItemsDb()
def size(): """ return number of infoitems """ return info.size()
def infopre(bot, ievent): """ see if info callback needs to be called """ if ievent.iscmnd() and (ievent.txt and ievent.txt[-1] == "?") and not ievent.woulddispatch(): return True def infocb(bot, ievent): """ implement a !infoitem callback """ if users.allowed(ievent.userhost, 'USER'): data = info.get(ievent.txt) if data: ievent.reply('%s is: ' % ievent.txt, data) callbacks.add('PRIVMSG', infocb, infopre)
def handle_infosize(bot, ievent): """ info-size .. show number of information items """ ievent.reply("we have %s infoitems" % info.size()) cmnds.add('info-size', handle_infosize, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON']) examples.add('info-size', 'show number of infoitems', 'info-size')
def handle_addinfoitem(bot, ievent): """ <keyword> = <description> .. add information item """ try: (what, description) = ievent.groups except ValueError: ievent.reply('i need <item> <description>') ; return if len(description) < 3: ievent.reply('i need at least 3 chars for the description') ; return what = what.strip() info.add(what, description, ievent.userhost, time.time()) ievent.reply('item added') cmnds.add('^(.+?)\s+=\s+(.+)$', handle_addinfoitem, ['USER', 'INFOADD'], regex=True) examples.add('=', 'add description to item', 'dunk = top')
def handle_question(bot, ievent): """ <keyword>? .. ask for information item description """ if ievent.woulddispatch(): return try: what = ievent.groups[0] except IndexError: ievent.reply('i need a argument') ; return what = what.strip().lower() infoitems = info.get(what) if infoitems: ievent.reply("%s is: " % what, infoitems) else: ievent.reply('nothing known about %s' % what) ; return cmnds.add('^(.+)\?$', handle_question, ['USER', 'WEB', 'JCOLL', 'ANON'], regex=True) cmnds.add('^\?(.+)$', handle_question, ['USER', 'WEB', 'JCOLL', 'ANON'], regex=True) examples.add('?', 'show infoitems of <what>', '1) test? 2) ?test')
def handle_forget(bot, ievent): """ forget <keyword> <txttomatch> .. remove information item where \ description matches txt given """ if len(ievent.args) > 1: what = ' '.join(ievent.args[:-1]) ; txt = ievent.args[-1] else: ievent.missing('<item> <txttomatch> (min 3 chars)') ; return if len(txt) < 3: ievent.reply('i need txt with at least 3 characters') ; return what = what.strip().lower() try: nrtimes = info.deltxt(what, txt) except KeyError: ievent.reply('no records matching %s found' % what) ; return if nrtimes: ievent.reply('item deleted') else: ievent.reply('delete %s of %s failed' % (txt, what)) cmnds.add('info-forget', handle_forget, ['FORGET', 'OPER']) examples.add('info-forget', 'forget <item> containing <txt>', 'info-forget dunk bla')
def handle_searchdescr(bot, ievent): """ info-sd <txttosearchfor> .. search information items descriptions """ if not ievent.missing('<txt>') ; return else: what = what = what.strip().lower() result = info.searchdescr(what) if result: res = [] for i in result: res.append("[%s] %s" % (i[0], i[1])) ievent.reply("the following matches %s: " % what, res) else: ievent.reply('none found') cmnds.add('info-sd', handle_searchdescr, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON']) examples.add('info-sd', 'info-sd <txt> .. search description of infoitems', 'info-sd http')
def handle_searchitem(bot, ievent): """ info-si <txt> .. search information keywords """ if not ievent.missing('<txt>') ; return else: what = what = what.strip().lower() result = info.searchitem(what) if result: res = [] for i in result: res.append("[%s] %s" % (i[0], i[1])) ievent.reply("the following matches %s: " % what, res) else: ievent.reply('none found') cmnds.add('info-si', handle_searchitem, ['USER', 'WEB', 'ANON']) examples.add('info-si', 'info-si <txt> .. search the infoitems keys', 'info-si test')
def init(): global db from fbf.db import getmaindb db = getmaindb()