
fbfbot resource files .. files with the .fbf extension which consists of commands to be executed.

fbf.plugs.core.rc.handle_rc(bot, event)

arguments: <file>|<url> - execute a .fbf resource file with bot commands.


# fbf/plugs/core/rc.py

""" fbfbot resource files .. files with the .fbf extension which consists of commands to be executed. """

fbf imports

from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.utils.url import geturl2
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from fbf.utils.generic import waitforqueue, waitevents
from fbf.lib.config import getmainconfig

basic imports

import copy


cpy = copy.deepcopy

rc command

def handle_rc(bot, event):
    """ arguments: <file>|<url> - execute a .fbf resource file with bot commands. """
    if not event.rest: event.missing("<file>|<url>") ; return
    if not getmainconfig().allowrc: event.reply("rc mode is not enabled") ; return
    teller = 0
    t = event.rest
    waiting = []
            if getmainconfig().allowremoterc and t.startswith("http"): data = geturl2(t)
            else: data = open(t, 'r').read()
        except IOError as ex: event.reply("I/O error: %s" % str(ex)) ; return
        if not data: event.reply("can't get data from %s" % event.rest) ; return
        for d in data.split("\n"):
            i = d.strip()
            if not i: continue
            if i.startswith("#"): continue
            e = cpy(event)
            e.txt = "%s" % i.strip()
            e.direct = True
            teller += 1
        event.reply("%s commands executed" % teller)
    except Exception as ex: event.reply("an error occured: %s" % str(ex)) ; handle_exception()

cmnds.add("rc", handle_rc, ["OPER"], threaded=True)
examples.add("rc", "execute a file of fbfbot commands .. from file or url", "1) rc resource.fbf 2) rc http:///resource.fbf")

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