authenticate to NickServ.
Bases: fbf.utils.pdod.Pdod
nickserve auth.
add a nickserv entry.
check if a bot is in the nickserv list.
identify a bot to nickserv.
list all bots know.
register a bot to nickserv.
remove a nickserv entry.
send string to nickserver.
arguments: <password> [<nickserv nick>] [<identify command>] - add a bot to the nickserv.
arguments: [<botname>] - perform an auth request.
arguments: <botname> - remove a bot from nickserv.
no arguments - show a list of all bots know with nickserv.
arguments: <txt> - send string to the nickserv.
# fbf/plugs/core/ # # """ authenticate to NickServ. """ __author__ = "Wijnand 'tehmaze' Modderman -" __license__ ='BSD'
from fbf.lib.examples import examples from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds from fbf.lib.datadir import getdatadir from fbf.lib.fleet import getfleet from fbf.utils.pdod import Pdod
import os import time import logging
class NSAuth(Pdod): """ nickserve auth. """ def __init__(self): self.registered = False Pdod.__init__(self, getdatadir() + os.sep + 'plugs' + os.sep + 'fbf.plugs.nickserv' + os.sep + 'nickserv') def add(self, bot, **kwargs): """ add a nickserv entry. """ options = { 'nickserv': 'NickServ', 'identify': 'identify', } options.update(kwargs) assert 'password' in options, 'A password must be set' for key in list(options.keys()): Pdod.set(self,, key, options[key]) def remove(self, bot): """ remove a nickserv entry. """ if in self: del self[] def has(self, bot): """ check if a bot is in the nickserv list. """ return in self def register(self, bot, passwd): """ register a bot to nickserv. """ if in self and self.has_key2(, 'nickserv'): bot.sendraw('PRIVMSG %s :%s %s' % (self.get(, 'nickserv'), 'REGISTER', passwd)) logging.warn('nickserv - register sent on %s' % bot.cfg.server) def identify(self, bot): """ identify a bot to nickserv. """ if in self: logging.warn('nickserv - identify sent on %s' % bot.cfg.server) bot.outnocb(self.get(, 'nickserv'), '%s %s' % (self.get(, 'identify'), self.get(, 'password')), how="msg") def listbots(self): """ list all bots know. """ all = [] for bot in list( all.append((bot,[bot]['nickserv'])) return all def sendstring(self, bot, txt): """ send string to nickserver. """ if not txt: logging.error("no txt provided") ; return nickservnick = self.get(, 'nickserv') logging.warn('nickserv - sent %s to %s' % (txt, nickservnick)) bot.outnocb(nickservnick, txt, how="msg") def handle_001(self, bot, ievent): self.identify(bot) try: for i in[]['nickservtxt']: self.sendstring(bot, i) logging.warn('nickserv - sent %s' % i) except: pass
nsauth = NSAuth() if not nsauth = NSAuth()
callbacks.add('001', nsauth.handle_001, threaded=True)
def handle_nsadd(bot, ievent): """ arguments: <password> [<nickserv nick>] [<identify command>] - add a bot to the nickserv. """ if bot.jabber: return if len(ievent.args) < 1: ievent.missing('<password> [<nickserv nick>] [<identify command>]') return if nsauth.has(bot): ievent.reply('replacing previous configuration') options = {} if len(ievent.args) >= 1: options.update({'password': ievent.args[0]}) if len(ievent.args) >= 2: options.update({'nickserv': ievent.args[1]}) if len(ievent.args) >= 3: options.update({'identify': ' '.join(ievent.args[2:])}) nsauth.add(bot, **options) ievent.reply('ok') cmnds.add('ns-add', handle_nsadd, 'OPER', threaded=True) examples.add('ns-add', 'ns-add <password> [<nickserv nick>] [<identify command>] .. add nickserv', 'ns-add mekker')
def handle_nsdel(bot, ievent): """ arguments: <botname> - remove a bot from nickserv. """ if bot.jabber: return if len(ievent.args) != 1: ievent.missing('<botname>') return botname = ievent.args[0] fbot = getfleet().byname(botname) if not fbot: ievent.reply('fleet bot %s not found' % botname) return if not nsauth.has(fbot): ievent.reply('nickserv not configured on %s' % return nsauth.remove(fbot) ievent.reply('ok') cmnds.add('ns-del', handle_nsdel, 'OPER', threaded=True) examples.add('ns-del', 'ns-del <fleetbot name>', 'ns-del test')
def handle_nssend(bot, ievent): """ arguments: <txt> - send string to the nickserv. """ if bot.jabber: return if not ievent.missing('<txt>') return nsauth.sendstring(bot, ievent.reply('send') cmnds.add('ns-send', handle_nssend, 'OPER', threaded=True) examples.add('ns-send', 'ns-send <txt> .. send txt to nickserv', 'ns-send identify bla')
def handle_nsauth(bot, ievent): """ arguments: [<botname>] - perform an auth request. """ if bot.jabber: return if len(ievent.args) != 1: name = else: name = ievent.args[0] fbot = getfleet().byname(name) if not fbot: ievent.reply('fleet bot %s not found' % name) return if not nsauth.has(fbot): ievent.reply('nickserv not configured on %s' % return nsauth.identify(fbot) ievent.reply('ok') cmnds.add('ns-auth', handle_nsauth, 'OPER', threaded=True) examples.add('ns-auth','ns-auth [<botname>]', '1) ns-auth 2) ns-auth test')
def handle_nslist(bot, ievent): """ no arguments - show a list of all bots know with nickserv. """ if bot.jabber: return all = dict(nsauth.listbots()) rpl = [] for bot in list(all.keys()): rpl.append('%s: authenticating through %s' % (bot, all[bot])) rpl.sort() ievent.reply(' .. '.join(rpl)) cmnds.add('ns-list', handle_nslist, 'OPER') examples.add('ns-list', 'list all nickserv entries', 'ns-list')