
The fleet makes it possible to run multiple bots in one running instance. It is a list of bots. This plugin provides commands to manipulate this list of bots.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.fleet_add(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <type> <server>|<botjid> <nick>|<jabberpasswd> [<ircpass>] - add a newly created bot to the fleet.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.fleet_cmnd(bot, ievent)

arguments: <botname> <cmndstring> - do cmnd on fleet bot(s).

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.fleet_disable(bot, ievent)

arguments: <list of botnames> - disable a fleet bot.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.fleet_enable(bot, ievent)

arguments: <list of botnames> - enable a fleet bot.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.handle_fleetavail(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show available fleet bots.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.handle_fleetconnect(bot, ievent)

arguments: <botname> - connect a fleet bot to it’s server.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.handle_fleetdel(bot, ievent)

arguments: <botname> - delete bot from fleet.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.handle_fleetdisconnect(bot, ievent)

arguments: <botname> - disconnect a fleet bot from server.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.handle_fleetlist(bot, ievent)

no arguments - list bot names in fleet.

fbf.plugs.core.fleet.handle_fleetsave(bot, event)

save the fleet!


# fbf/plugs/core/fleet.py

    The fleet makes it possible to run multiple bots in one running instance.
    It is a list of bots. This plugin provides commands to manipulate this list of bots.


fbf imports

from fbf.lib.config import Config
from fbf.lib.threads import start_new_thread
from fbf.lib.fleet import getfleet, FleetBotAlreadyExists
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.utils.name import stripname
from fbf.utils.generic import waitforqueue

basic imports

import os
import copy


cpy = copy.deepcopy

fleet-avail command

def handle_fleetavail(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show available fleet bots. """
    ievent.reply('available bots: ', getfleet().avail())

cmnds.add('fleet-avail', handle_fleetavail, 'OPER')
examples.add('fleet-avail', 'show available fleet bots', 'fleet-avail')

fleet-connect command

def handle_fleetconnect(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <botname> - connect a fleet bot to it's server. """
    try: botname = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
        fleet = getfleet()
        fleetbot = fleet.byname(botname)
        if fleetbot:
            start_new_thread(fleetbot.connect, ())
            ievent.reply('%s connect thread started' % botname)
            ievent.reply("can't connect %s .. trying enable" % botname)
            cfg = Config('fleet' + os.sep + stripname(botname) + os.sep + 'config')
            cfg['disable'] = 0
            if not cfg.name: cfg.name = botname
            bot = fleet.makebot(cfg.type, cfg.name, cfg)
            if bot:
                ievent.reply('enabled and started %s bot' % botname)
                start_new_thread(bot.start, ())
            else: ievent.reply("can't make %s bot" % cfg.name)
    except Exception as ex:

cmnds.add('fleet-connect', handle_fleetconnect, 'OPER', threaded=True)
examples.add('fleet-connect', 'connect bot with <name> to irc server', 'fleet-connect test')

fleet-disconnect command

def handle_fleetdisconnect(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <botname> - disconnect a fleet bot from server. """
    try: botname = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    ievent.reply('exiting %s' % botname)
        fleet = getfleet()
        if fleet.exit(botname): ievent.reply("%s bot stopped" % botname)
        else: ievent.reply("can't stop %s bot" % botname)
    except Exception as ex: ievent.reply("fleet - %s" % str(ex))

cmnds.add('fleet-disconnect', handle_fleetdisconnect, 'OPER', threaded=True)
examples.add('fleet-disconnect', 'fleet-disconnect <name> .. disconnect bot with <name> from irc server', 'fleet-disconnect test')

fleet-list command

def handle_fleetlist(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - list bot names in fleet. """
    ievent.reply("fleet: ", getfleet().list())

cmnds.add('fleet-list', handle_fleetlist, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('fleet-list', 'show current fleet list', 'fleet-list')

fleet-del command

def handle_fleetdel(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <botname> - delete bot from fleet. """
    try: name = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
        if getfleet().delete(name): ievent.reply('%s deleted' % name)
        else: ievent.reply('%s delete failed' % name)
    except Exception as ex: ievent.reply(str(ex))

cmnds.add('fleet-del', handle_fleetdel, 'OPER', threaded=True)
examples.add('fleet-del', 'fleet-del <botname> .. delete bot from fleet list', 'fleet-del test')

fleet-disable command

def fleet_disable(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <list of botnames> - disable a fleet bot. """
    if not ievent.rest:
        ievent.missing("<list of botnames>")
    fleet = getfleet()
    bots = fleet.loadall(ievent.args)
    for bot in bots:
        bot.cfg['disable'] = 1
        ievent.reply('disabled %s bot.' % bot.cfg.name)

cmnds.add('fleet-disable', fleet_disable, 'OPER')
examples.add('fleet-disable', 'disable a fleet bot', 'fleet-disable local')

fleet-enable command

def fleet_enable(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <list of botnames> - enable a fleet bot. """
    if not ievent.rest:
        ievent.missing("<list of botnames>")
    bots = ievent.rest.split()
    fleet = getfleet()
    for name in bots:
        bot = fleet.byname(name)
        if bot:
            bot.cfg['disable'] = 0
            if not bot.cfg.name: bot.cfg.name = name
            ievent.reply('enabled %s' % name)
            #start_new_thread(bot.connect, ())
        elif name in fleet.avail():
            cfg = Config('fleet' + os.sep + stripname(name) + os.sep + 'config')
            cfg['disable'] = 0
            if not cfg.name: cfg.name = name
            bot = fleet.makebot(cfg.type, cfg.name, cfg)
            if not bot: ievent.reply("can't make %s bot - %s" % (cfg.name, cfg.type)) ; return
            ievent.reply('enabled %s bot' % name)
            #start_new_thread(bot.start, ())
        else: ievent.reply('no %s bot in fleet' % name)

cmnds.add('fleet-enable', fleet_enable, 'OPER', threaded=True)
examples.add('fleet-enable', 'enable a fleet bot', 'fleet-enable local')

fleet-add command

def fleet_add(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <type> <server>|<botjid> <nick>|<jabberpasswd> [<ircpass>] - add a newly created bot to the fleet. """
        name, type, server, nick, password = ievent.rest.split()
    except ValueError:
            name, type, server, nick = ievent.rest.split()
            password = ""
        except ValueError:
            ievent.missing("<name> <type> <server>|<botjid> <nick>|<jabberpass> [<ircpasswd>]") ; return
    type = type.lower()
    fleet = getfleet()
    bot = fleet.byname(name)
    if bot: ievent.reply("%s bot already exists" % name) ; return
    cfg = Config('fleet' + os.sep + stripname(name) + os.sep + 'config')
    cfg.disable = 0
    if type == "irc":
        cfg.port = 6667
        cfg.server = server
        cfg.nick = nick
        cfg.password = password
    elif type in ["xmpp", "sxmpp"]:
        cfg.port = 4442
        cfg.host = server
        try: n, serv = cfg.host.split("@")
        except (ValueError, TypeError): pass
        cfg.server = serv
        cfg.password = nick
    bot = fleet.makebot(type, name, cfg)
    if bot:
        ievent.reply('enabled and started %s bot - %s' % (name, cfg.filename))
        start_new_thread(bot.start, ())
    else: ievent.reply("can't make %s bot" % cfg.name)

cmnds.add('fleet-add', fleet_add, 'OPER', threaded=True)
examples.add('fleet-add', 'add a fleet bot', 'fleet-add local irc localhost fbftest')

fleet-cmnd command

def fleet_cmnd(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <botname> <cmndstring> - do cmnd on fleet bot(s). """
    try: (name, channel, cmndtxt) = ievent.rest.split(" ", 2)
    except ValueError: ievent.missing("<botname> <channel> <cmndstring>") ; return
    fleet = getfleet()
    if name.startswith("@"): name = name[1:] ; power = True
    else: power = False
    if not cmndtxt.startswith(";"): cmndtxt = ";" + cmndtxt
    if name == "all":
        for b in fleet.bots:
            e = b.make_event(ievent.userhost, channel, cmndtxt)
            if not e: ievent.reply("can't make event on %s bot (%s)" % (b.cfg.name, b.type)) ; continue
            if not power:  e.nooutput = True
            e.nodispatch = False
            ee = e.execute(direct=True)
            if ee: res = ee.wait()
            else: res = ["no result", ]
            ievent.reply("%s ==> " % b.cfg.name, res, dot=" -=- ")
        b = fleet.byname(name)
        if not b: ievent.reply("can't find %s bot in fleet" % name) ; return
        e = b.make_event(ievent.userhost, channel, cmndtxt)
        e.nodispatch = False
        if not e: ievent.reply("can't make event on %s bot (%s)" % (b.cfg.name, b.type)) ; return
        if not power: e.nooutput = True
        ee = e.execute(direct=True)
        ievent.reply("%s ==> " % b.cfg.name, ee.wait(500), dot=" -=- ")

cmnds.add('fleet-cmnd', fleet_cmnd, 'OPER')
examples.add('fleet-cmnd', 'run cmnd on fleet bot(s)', '1) fleet-cmnd default-irc uptime 2) fleet-cmnd all uptime')

fleet-save command

def handle_fleetsave(bot, event):
    """ save the fleet! """

cmnds.add("fleet-save", handle_fleetsave, ["OPER", ])
examples.add("fleet-save", "save fleet data and all bots that are on the fleet", "fleet-save")