this is the dispatch plugin that dispatches events to commands.
dispatch an event.
check whether we should check for commands.
# fbf/plugs/core/ # # """ this is the dispatch plugin that dispatches events to commands. """
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception from fbf.utils.generic import waitforqueue from fbf.lib.callbacks import last_callbacks from fbf.lib.errors import NoSuchCommand, NoSuchUser from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
import logging import copy
cpy = copy.deepcopy
def predispatch(bot, event): """ check whether we should check for commands. """ if event.status == "done": logging.debug("dispatch - event is done .. ignoring") ; return False if event.isremote(): logging.debug("event is remote .. not dispatching") ; return False if event.isrelayed: logging.debug("event is relayed .. not dispatching") ; return False if event.blocked(): logging.warn("blocking %s" % event.userhost) ; return False #if not event.woulddispatch() and not event.wouldmatchre(): return False return True
def dispatch(bot, event): """ dispatch an event. """"dispatch - doing event %s" % event.tojson()) if event.userhost in bot.ignore: logging.warn("%s - ignore on %s" % (, event.userhost)) ; return if event.nodispatch: logging.warn("dispatch - nodispatch option is set - ignoring %s" % event.userhost) return bot.status = "dispatch" event.bind(bot) if event.iscommand or event.hascc() or event.wouldmatchre(): try: event.iscommand = True if not event.options: event.makeoptions() try: result = event.execute() except NoSuchCommand as ex: logging.warn("no such command: %s" % event.usercmnd) if event.giveresponse: event.reply("no %s command found" % str(ex).strip()) event.launched() ; event.ready() except Exception as ex: handle_exception() else: logging.debug("dispatch - no go for %s" % event.auth or event.userhost) event.launched() ; event.ready()
last_callbacks.add('PRIVMSG', dispatch, predispatch, speed=3) last_callbacks.add('MESSAGE', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('BLIP_SUBMITTED', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('WEB', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('CONSOLE', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('DCC', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('DISPATCH', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('CMND', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('CONVORE', dispatch, predispatch) last_callbacks.add('TORNADO', dispatch, predispatch)