
core bot commands.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_apro(bot, ievent)

arguments: <searchtxt> - apropos (search) for commands.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_available(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show available plugins .. to enable use !plug-enable.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_commands(bot, ievent)

arguments: [<plugname>] - show commands of plugin.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_descriptions(bot, event)

no arguments - show descriptions of all plugins.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_disabled(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show what plugins are disabled.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_encoding(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show default encoding.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_help(bot, event)

arguments: [<cmndname or plugname>] - show help.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_helpplug(bot, ievent)

arguments: <plugname> - how help on plugin/command or show basic help msg.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_helpsite(bot, event)

arguments: <cmnd> - help commands that gives a url to the docs.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_loaded(bot, event)

no arguments - show plugins in cache.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_loglevel(bot, event)

arguments: <loglevel> - change loglevel of the bot. loglevel is on of debug, info, warn or error.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_perm(bot, ievent)

arguments: <cmnd> - get permission of command.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_ping(bot, event)
fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_quit(bot, ievent)

no arguments - disconnect from the server.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_reboot(bot, ievent)

no arguments - reboot the bot.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_running(bot, event)

no arguments - show running tasks.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_stats(bot, event)
fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_statusline(bot, event)

no arguments - show a status line.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_threads(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show running threads.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_topper(bot, event)

no arguments - show a ‘topper’ startus line.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_uptime(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show uptime.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_version(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show bot’s version.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_versions(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show versions of all loaded modules (if available).

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_whatcommands(bot, ievent)

arguments: <permission. - show all commands with permission.

fbf.plugs.core.core.handle_whereis(bot, ievent)

arguments: <cmnd> - locate a command.


# fbf/plugs/core/

""" core bot commands. """

fbf imports

from fbf.lib.aliases import setalias
from fbf.lib.config import getmainconfig
from fbf.utils.statdict import StatDict
from fbf.utils.log import setloglevel, getloglevel
from fbf.utils.timeutils import elapsedstring
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.lib.plugins import plugs
from fbf.lib.boot import plugin_packages, getpluginlist, boot, getcmndtable, whatcommands
from fbf.lib.persist import Persist
from fbf.lib.reboot import reboot, reboot_stateful
from fbf.lib.eventhandler import mainhandler
from fbf.lib.fleet import getfleet
from fbf.lib.partyline import partyline
from fbf.lib.exit import globalshutdown
from fbf.lib.runner import defaultrunner, cmndrunner, longrunner
from fbf.lib.errors import NoSuchPlugin
from fbf.utils.statdict import StatDict
from fbf.utils.dol import Dol

basic imports

import time
import threading
import sys
import re
import os
import copy
import cgi
import logging
import functools


cpy = copy.deepcopy

reboot command

def handle_reboot(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - reboot the bot. """
    if == "cold": stateful = False
    else: stateful = True
    if stateful:
        if bot.type == "tornado":
            callback = functools.partial(reboot_stateful, bot, ievent, getfleet(), partyline)
        else: mainhandler.put(0, reboot_stateful, bot, ievent, getfleet(), partyline)
        mainhandler.put(0, reboot)

cmnds.add("reboot", handle_reboot, "OPER")
examples.add("reboot", "reboot the bot.", "reboot")

ping command

def handle_ping(bot, event):

cmnds.add("ping", handle_ping, ["OPER", "USER"])
examples.add("ping", "ping/pong", "ping")

quit command

def handle_quit(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - disconnect from the server. """

cmnds.add("quit", handle_quit, "OPER")
examples.add("quit", "quit the bot.", "quit")

disabled command

def handle_disabled(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show what plugins are disabled. """
    ievent.reply("disabled plugins: ", bot.plugs.disabled())

cmnds.add('disabled', handle_disabled, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('disabled', 'show what plugins are disabled', 'disabled')

encoding command

def handle_encoding(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show default encoding. """
    ievent.reply('default encoding is %s' % bot.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())

cmnds.add('encoding', handle_encoding, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('encoding', 'show default encoding', 'encoding')

uptime command

def handle_uptime(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show uptime. """
    ievent.reply("<b>uptime is %s</b>" % elapsedstring(time.time()-bot.starttime))

cmnds.add('uptime', handle_uptime, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('uptime', 'show uptime of the bot', 'uptime')

list command

def handle_available(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show available plugins .. to enable use !plug-enable. """
    if ievent.reply("%s plugin has the following commands: " %, whatcommands(
    else: ievent.reply("available plugins: ", getpluginlist(), raw=True) ; return

cmnds.add('list', handle_available, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('list', 'list available plugins', 'list')

commands command

def handle_commands(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: [<plugname>] - show commands of plugin. """
    try: plugin = ievent.args[0].lower()
    except IndexError: plugin = ""
    result = []
    cmnds = getcmndtable()
    for cmnd, plugname in cmnds.items():
        if plugname:
            if not plugin or plugin in plugname: result.append(cmnd)
    if result:
        if not plugin: plugin = "FBFBOT"
        ievent.reply('%s has the following commands: ' % plugin, result)
    else: ievent.reply('no commands found for plugin %s' % plugin)

cmnds.add('commands', handle_commands, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('commands', 'show commands of <plugin>', '1) commands core')

perm command

def handle_perm(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <cmnd> - get permission of command. """
    try:cmnd = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    try: perms = cmnds.perms(cmnd)
    except KeyError:
        ievent.reply("no %sw command registered")
    if perms: ievent.reply("%s command needs %s permission" % (cmnd, perms))
    else: ievent.reply("can't find perm for %s" % cmnd)

cmnds.add('perm', handle_perm, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('perm', 'show permission of command', 'perm quit')

version command

def handle_version(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show bot's version. """
    from fbf.version import getversion
    version = getversion(bot.type.upper())
    cfg = getmainconfig()
    if cfg.dbenable: version += " " + cfg.dbtype.upper()
    if and == "repo":
            from mercurial import context, hg, node, repo, ui
            repository = hg.repository(ui.ui(), '.')
            ctx = context.changectx(repository)
            tip = str(ctx.rev())
        except: tip = None
        if tip: version2 = version + " HG " + tip
    else: version2 = version

cmnds.add('version', handle_version, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('version', 'show version of the bot', 'version')
setalias('v', "version")

whereis command

def handle_whereis(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <cmnd> - locate a command. """
    try: cmnd = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    cmnds.reloadcheck(bot, ievent, cmnd)
    plugin = cmnds.whereis(cmnd)
    if plugin: ievent.reply("%s command is in: %s" %  (cmnd, plugin))
    else: ievent.reply("can't find " + cmnd)

cmnds.add('whereis', handle_whereis, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('whereis', 'whereis <cmnd> .. show in which plugins <what> is', 'whereis test')

help-plug command

def handle_helpplug(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <plugname> - how help on plugin/command or show basic help msg. """
    try: what = ievent.args[0]
    except (IndexError, TypeError):
        ievent.reply("available plugins: ", getpluginlist())
        ievent.reply("see !help <plugin> to get help on a plugin.")
    cmnds.reloadcheck(bot, ievent, what)
    plugin = None
    modname = ""
    perms = []
    for package in plugin_packages:
             modname = "%s.%s" % (package, what)
                 plugin = plugs.load_mod(modname)
                 if plugin: break
             except NoSuchPlugin: continue
        except(KeyError, ImportError): pass
    if not plugin:
        ievent.reply("no %s plugin loaded" % what)
    try: phelp = plugin.__doc__
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        ievent.reply('no description of %s plugin available' % what)
    cmndresult = []
    if phelp:
        counter = 1
        for i, j in cmnds.items():
            if what == j.plugname:
                    descr = j.func.__doc__
                    if not descr: descr = "no description provided"
                    try: cmndresult.append("    <b>!%s</b> - <i>%s</i> - perms: %s" % (i, descr, j.perms))
                    except KeyError: pass
                except AttributeError: pass
                counter += 1
    if cmndresult and phelp:
        res = []
        for r in cmndresult:
            if bot.type in ['web', ]: res.append("%s<br>" % r)
            elif bot.type in ['irc', ]: res.append(r.strip())
            else: res.append(r)
        what = what.upper()
        ievent.reply('<b>help on plugin %s: </b><br>%s' % (what, phelp))
        ievent.reply("commands: ", res, dot="count")
        if perms: ievent.reply('no commands available for permissions: %s' % ", ".join(perms))
        else: ievent.reply("can't find help on %s" % what)

cmnds.add('help-plug', handle_helpplug, ['USER', 'GUEST'], how="msg")
examples.add('help-plug', 'get help on <plugin>', '1) help-plug 2) help-plug misc')

help-site command

def handle_helpsite(bot, event):
    """ arguments: <cmnd> - help commands that gives a url to the docs. """
        target = cmnds.whereis(
        target = target or
        where = bot.plugs.getmodule(target)
        if where:
            theplace = os.sep.join(where.split(".")[-2:])
            event.reply("help for %s is at http:///docs/fbfbot/plugins/%s.html" % (, theplace))
        else: event.reply("can't find a help url for %s" %
        event.reply("documentation for fbfbot can be found at http:// or")
        event.reply('see !list for loaded plugins and "!help plugin" for a url to the plugin docs.')
    cmndhelp = cmnds.gethelp(
    if cmndhelp: event.reply("docstring: ", cmndhelp.split("\n"))

cmnds.add("help-site", handle_helpsite, ["OPER", "USER", "GUEST"])
examples.add("help-site", "show url pointing to the docs", "1) help 2) help rss")

help command

def handle_help(bot, event):
    """ arguments: [<cmndname or plugname>] - show help. """
    if not event.args:
        event.reply("documentation for fbfbot can be found at http:///docs/fbfbot")
        event.reply('see !list for loaded plugins and "!help plugin" for help on the plugin.')
    t = event.args[0]
    logging.warn("help target is %s" % t)
    cmnds.reloadcheck(bot, event, t)
    where = cmnds.whereis(t)
    cmndhelp = cmnds.gethelp(t)
    if not cmndhelp: handle_helpplug(bot, event) ; return
    try: ex = examples[t].example
    except KeyError: ex = None
    p = cmnds.perms(t)
    res = "permissions: %s - location: %s - examples: %s" % (", ".join(p), where, ex)
    event.reply('help on %s command: %s' % (, cmndhelp), res.split(" - "), dot="<br>")

cmnds.add("help", handle_help, ["OPER", "USER", "GUEST"])
examples.add("help", "show help of a command", "help rss-list")

apro command

def handle_apro(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <searchtxt> - apropos (search) for commands. """
    try: what = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    result = cmnds.apropos(what)
    if result:
        ievent.reply("commands matching %s: " % what, result)
    else: ievent.reply('no matching commands found for %s' % what)

cmnds.add('apro', handle_apro, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('apro', 'apro <what> .. search for commands that contain <what>', 'apro com')

whatcommands command

def handle_whatcommands(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <permission. - show all commands with permission. """
    if not
    result = cmnds
    res = []
    for cmnd in list(result.values()):
        if cmnd and cmnd.perms and in cmnd.perms:
    if not res: ievent.reply('no commands known for permission %s' %
    else: ievent.reply('commands known for permission %s: ' %, res)

cmnds.add('whatcommands', handle_whatcommands, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('whatcommands', 'show commands with permission <perm>', 'whatcommands USER')

versions command

def handle_versions(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show versions of all loaded modules (if available). """
    versions = {}
    allowed = ["fbf.", ]
    for mod in copy.copy(sys.modules):
        for allow in allowed:
            if mod.startswith(allow):
                try: versions[mod] = sys.modules[mod].__version__
                except AttributeError as ex: pass
        try: versions['python'] = sys.version
        except AttributeError as ex: pass
    ievent.reply("versions ==> %s" % str(versions))

cmnds.add('versions', handle_versions, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('versions', 'show versions of all loaded modules', 'versions')

loglevel command

def handle_loglevel(bot, event):
    """ arguments: <loglevel> - change loglevel of the bot. loglevel is on of debug, info, warn or error. """
    if not event.reply("loglevel is %s" % getloglevel()) ; return
    from fbf.lib.config import getmainconfig
    mainconfig = getmainconfig()
    mainconfig.loglevel =
    #mainhandler.put(4, setloglevel,

cmnds.add("loglevel", handle_loglevel, "OPER")
examples.add("loglevel", "set loglevel ot on of debug, info, warning or error", "loglevel warn")

threads command

def handle_threads(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show running threads. """
    try: import threading
    except ImportError:
         ievent.reply("threading is not enabled.")
    stats = StatDict()
    names = Dol()
    threadlist = threading.enumerate()
    for thread in threadlist:
        name = thread.getName()
        try: type = thread.type
        except AttributeError: type = name
        try: names.add(type, thread.nowrunning)
        except AttributeError: pass
        result = []
        for item, n in names.items():
            if not n: continue
            res = "%s: " % item
            for name in n: res += "%s, " % name
        ievent.reply("nowrunning: ", result, dot="<br>")
    result = []
    for item in result.append("%s = %s" % (item[0], item[1]))
    ievent.reply(", ".join(result))

cmnds.add('threads', handle_threads, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('threads', 'show running threads', 'threads')

loaded command

def handle_loaded(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - show plugins in cache. """
    res = []
    for plug in list(plugs.keys()): res.append(plug.split(".")[-1])
    event.reply("loaded plugins (cache): ", res)

cmnds.add('loaded', handle_loaded, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('loaded', 'show list of loaded plugins', 'loaded')

statusline command

def handle_statusline(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - show a status line. """
    event.reply("<b>controlchars:</b> %s - <b>perms:</b> %s" % (, ", ".join(

cmnds.add('statusline', handle_statusline, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('statusline', 'show status line', 'statusline')

topper command

def handle_topper(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - show a 'topper' startus line. """
    event.reply("<b>forwards:</b> %s - <b>watched:</b> %s  - <b>feeds:</b> %s" % (", ".join( or "none", ", ".join( or "none", ", ".join([str(x) for x in]) or "none"))

cmnds.add('topper', handle_topper, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('topper', 'show topper line', 'topper')

running command

def handle_running(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - show running tasks. """
    from fbf.lib.runner import allrunners
    res = []
    for runner in allrunners: res.append("<b>%s:</b> %s" % (, str(runner.running())))
    event.reply("runners: ", res)

cmnds.add('running', handle_running, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('running', "show running tasks", "running")

descriptions command

def handle_descriptions(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - show descriptions of all plugins. """
    result = []
    target = list(bot.plugs.keys())
    for modname in target:
        plug = bot.plugs.get(modname)
        if plug.__doc__: txt = plug.__doc__.replace("\n", "<br>")
        else: txt = "no docstring available"
        result.append("* %s plugin (%s) - %s" % (modname.split(".")[-1], modname, txt))
    event.reply("descriptions: <br>", result, dot="<br><br>")

cmnds.add('descriptions', handle_descriptions, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('descriptions', "show descriptions of all plugins", "descriptions")

stats command

def handle_stats(bot, event):
    totalstats = StatDict()
    counter = 0
    for modname in sys.modules:
       if modname.startswith("fbf"):
          plugname = modname.split(".")[-1]
          if event.args and plugname not in event.args: continue
          try: modstats = getattr(sys.modules[modname], "stats")
          except AttributeError: continue
          totalstats += modstats
          counter += 1
    event.reply("stats results from %s modules: " % counter, totalstats)

cmnds.add("stats", handle_stats, ["OPER", "USER"])
examples.add("stats", "show stats for all FBFBOT modules/plugins or specify a module/plugin", "1) stats 2) stats rss")