
this plugin manages various configuration settings.

fbf.plugs.core.cfg.handle_cfg(bot, event)
fbf.plugs.core.cfg.handle_cfgset(bot, event)


# fbf/plugs/core/

""" this plugin manages various configuration settings. """

from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.users import getusers
from fbf.lib.config import getmainconfig
from fbf.lib.aliases import setalias

allowset = ["timesleep", "dbenable"]

def handle_cfgset(bot, event):
    if len(event.args) != 3: event.missing("<configname> <variable> <value>") ; return
    name, var, value = event.args
    if not var in allowset: event.reply("setting %s is not allowed" % var) ; return
    if name == "main":
        if not getusers().allowed(event.userhost, "OPER"): event.reply("you need to have OPER permissions to edit the mainconfig.") ; return
        mcfg = getmainconfig()
        try: mcfg[var] = int(value)
        except ValueError: mcfg[var] = value
    else: event.reply('we current only support editing the "main" config.') ; return

cmnds.add("cfg-set", handle_cfgset, ["OPER", "USER"])
setalias("mcfg-set", "cfg-set main")

def handle_cfg(bot, event):
    if len(event.args) != 1: event.missing("<configname>") ; return
    name = event.args[0]
    if name == "main":
        if not getusers().allowed(event.userhost, "OPER"): event.reply("you need to have OPER permissions to edit the mainconfig.") ; return

cmnds.add("cfg", handle_cfg, ["OPER", "USER"])
setalias("mcfg", "cfg main")

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