
wait for events.

class fbf.lib.wait.Wait(cbtypes, cbs=None, userhosts=None, modname=None, event=None, queue=None)

Bases: builtins.object

wait object contains a list of types to match and a list of callbacks to call, optional list of userhosts to match the event with can be given.

check(bot, event)

check whether event matches this wait object. if so call callbacks.

docbs(bot, event)

do the actual callback .. put callback on the waitrunner for execution.

class fbf.lib.wait.Waiter

Bases: builtins.object

list of wait object to match.

check(bot, event)

scan waiters for possible wait object that match.


delete a list of wait items from the waiters dict.

register(cbtypes, cbs=None, userhosts=None, event=None, queue=None)

add a wait object to the waiters dict.


remove all waiter registered by modname.



# fbf/lib/waiter.py

""" wait for events. """

fbf imports

from fbf.lib.runner import waitrunner
from fbf.utils.trace import whichmodule
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception

basic imports

import logging
import copy
import types
import time
import uuid


cpy = copy.deepcopy

Wait class

class Wait(object):

        wait object contains a list of types to match and a list of callbacks to
        call, optional list of userhosts to match the event with can be given.

    def __init__(self, cbtypes, cbs=None, userhosts=None, modname=None, event=None, queue=None):
        self.created = time.time()
        if type(cbtypes) != list: cbtypes = [cbtypes, ]
        self.cbtypes = cbtypes
        self.userhosts = userhosts
        if cbs and type(cbs) != list: cbs = [cbs, ]
        self.cbs = cbs
        self.modname = modname
        self.origevent = event
        self.queue = queue

    def check(self, bot, event):
        """ check whether event matches this wait object. if so call callbacks. """
        target = event.cmnd or event.cbtype
        logging.debug("waiter - checking for %s - %s" % (target, self.cbtypes))
        if target not in self.cbtypes: return
        if event.channel and self.origevent and not event.channel == self.origevent.channel:
            logging.warn("waiter - %s and %s dont match" % (event.channel, self.origevent.channel))
        if self.userhosts and event.userhost and event.userhost not in self.userhosts:
            logging.warn("waiter - no userhost matched")
        if self.queue: self.queue.put_nowait(event)
        self.docbs(bot, event)
        return event

    def docbs(self, bot, event):
        """ do the actual callback .. put callback on the waitrunner for execution. """
        if not self.cbs: return
        logging.warn("%s - found wait match: %s" % (bot.cfg.name, event.dump()))
        for cb in self.cbs:
            try: cb(bot, event) #waitrunner.put(event.speed, (self.modname, cb, bot, event))
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception()

Waiter class

class Waiter(object):

    """ list of wait object to match. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.waiters = {}

    def size(self): return len(self.waiters)

    def register(self, cbtypes, cbs=None, userhosts=None, event=None, queue=None):
        """ add a wait object to the waiters dict. """
        logging.warn("waiter - registering wait object: %s - %s" % (str(cbtypes), str(userhosts)))
        key = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.waiters[key] = Wait(cbtypes, cbs, userhosts, modname=whichmodule(), event=event, queue=queue)
        return key

    def ready(self, key):
        try: del self.waiters[key]
        except KeyError: logging.warn("wait - %s key is not in waiters" % key)

    def check(self, bot, event):
        """ scan waiters for possible wait object that match. """
        matches = []
        for wait in list(self.waiters.values()):
            result = wait.check(bot, event)
            if not wait.cbtypes: matches.append(wait)
        if matches: self.delete(matches)
        return matches

    def delete(self, removed):
        """ delete a list of wait items from the waiters dict. """
        logging.debug("waiter - removing from waiters: %s" % str(removed))
        for w in removed:
            try: del self.waiters[w]
            except KeyError: pass

    def remove(self, modname):
        """ remove all waiter registered by modname. """
        removed = []
        for wait in list(self.waiters.values()):
            if wait.modname == modname: removed.append(wait)
        if removed: self.delete(removed)

the global waiter object

waiter = Waiter()

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