
Factory to produce instances of classes.

class fbf.lib.factory.BotFactory

Bases: fbf.lib.factory.Factory

create(type=None, cfg={})
class fbf.lib.factory.Factory

Bases: builtins.object


# fbf/lib/factory.py

""" Factory to produce instances of classes. """

fbf imports

from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from fbf.lib.errors import NoSuchBotType, NoUserProvided

basic imports

import logging

Factory base class

class Factory(object):

BotFactory class

class BotFactory(Factory):

    def create(self, type=None, cfg={}):
        try: type = cfg['type'] or type or None
        except KeyError: pass
            if type == 'irc':
                from fbf.drivers.irc.bot import IRCBot
                bot = IRCBot(cfg)
            elif type == 'console':
                from fbf.drivers.console.bot import ConsoleBot
                bot = ConsoleBot(cfg)
            elif type == 'base':
                from fbf.lib.botbase import BotBase
                bot = BotBase(cfg)
            elif type == 'tornado':
                from fbf.drivers.tornado.bot import TornadoBot
                bot = TornadoBot(cfg)
            elif type == 'sleek' or "xmpp" in type:
                from fbf.drivers.sleek.bot import SleekBot
                bot = SleekBot(cfg)
            else: raise NoSuchBotType('%s bot .. unproper type %s' % (type, cfg.dump()))
            return bot
        except NoUserProvided as ex: logging.info("%s - %s" % (cfg.name, str(ex)))
        except AssertionError as ex: logging.warn("%s - assertion error: %s" % (cfg.name, str(ex)))
        except Exception as ex: handle_exception()

bot_factory = BotFactory()

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