Source code for facereclib.utils.grid

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Guenther <>
# @date: Tue Oct  2 12:12:39 CEST 2012
# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

  'default'     : {},
  '2G'          : {'queue' : 'all.q',  'memfree' : '2G'},
  '4G'          : {'queue' : 'all.q',  'memfree' : '4G'},
  '4G-io-big'   : {'queue' : 'q1d',  'memfree' : '4G', 'io_big' : True},
  '8G'          : {'queue' : 'q1d',  'memfree' : '8G'},
  '8G-io-big'   : {'queue' : 'q1d',  'memfree' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  '16G'         : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '16G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 2', 'hvmem' : '8G'},
  '16G-io-big'  : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '16G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 2', 'hvmem' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  '32G'         : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '32G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 4', 'hvmem' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  '64G'         : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '64G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 8', 'hvmem' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  'Week'        : {'queue' : 'q1wm', 'memfree' : '32G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 4', 'hvmem' : '8G'}

[docs]class GridParameters: """This class is defining the options that are required to submit parallel jobs to the SGE grid. """ def __init__( self, # grid type, currently supported 'local' and 'sge' grid = 'sge', # parameters for the splitting of jobs into array jobs; ignored by the local scheduler number_of_preprocessing_jobs = 32, number_of_extraction_jobs = 32, number_of_projection_jobs = 32, number_of_enrollment_jobs = 32, number_of_scoring_jobs = 32, # queue setup for the SGE grid (only used if grid = 'sge', the default) training_queue = '8G', preprocessing_queue = 'default', extraction_queue = 'default', projection_queue = 'default', enrollment_queue = 'default', scoring_queue = 'default', # setup of the local submission and execution of job (only used if grid = 'local') number_of_parallel_processes = 1, scheduler_sleep_time = 1.0 # sleep time for scheduler in seconds ): self.grid_type = grid # the numbers if self.is_local(): self.number_of_preprocessing_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_extraction_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_projection_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_enrollment_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_scoring_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes else: self.number_of_preprocessing_jobs = number_of_preprocessing_jobs self.number_of_extraction_jobs = number_of_extraction_jobs self.number_of_projection_jobs = number_of_projection_jobs self.number_of_enrollment_jobs = number_of_enrollment_jobs self.number_of_scoring_jobs = number_of_scoring_jobs # the queues self.training_queue = self.queue(training_queue) self.preprocessing_queue = self.queue(preprocessing_queue) self.extraction_queue = self.queue(extraction_queue) self.projection_queue = self.queue(projection_queue) self.enrollment_queue = self.queue(enrollment_queue) self.scoring_queue = self.queue(scoring_queue) # the local setup self.number_of_parallel_processes = number_of_parallel_processes self.scheduler_sleep_time = scheduler_sleep_time
[docs] def queue(self, params): """Helper function to translate the given queue parameters to grid options.""" if self.is_local(): return {} if isinstance(params, str) and params in PREDEFINED_QUEUES: return PREDEFINED_QUEUES[params] elif isinstance(params, dict): return params elif params is None: return {} else: raise ValueError("The given queue parameters '%s' are not in the predefined queues and neither a dictionary with values." % str(params))
[docs] def is_local(self): """Returns whether this grid setup should use the local submission or the SGE grid.""" return self.grid_type == 'local'