Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Laurent El Shafey <>

import bob.core
import bob.learn.linear
import bob.learn.em

import numpy

from .Tool import Tool
from .UBMGMM import UBMGMM
from .. import utils

[docs]class IVector (UBMGMM): """Tool for extracting I-Vectors""" def __init__( self, # IVector training subspace_dimension_of_t, # T subspace dimension update_sigma = True, tv_training_iterations = 25, # Number of EM iterations for the JFA training variance_threshold = 1e-5, # parameters of the GMM **kwargs ): """Initializes the local UBM-GMM tool with the given file selector object""" # call base class constructor with its set of parameters UBMGMM.__init__(self, **kwargs) # call tool constructor to overwrite what was set before Tool.__init__( self, performs_projection = True, use_projected_features_for_enrollment = True, requires_enroller_training = False, # not needed anymore because it's done while training the projector split_training_features_by_client = False, subspace_dimension_of_t = subspace_dimension_of_t, update_sigma = update_sigma, tv_training_iterations = tv_training_iterations, variance_threshold = variance_threshold, multiple_model_scoring = None, multiple_probe_scoring = None, **kwargs ) self.m_update_sigma = update_sigma self.m_subspace_dimension_of_t = subspace_dimension_of_t self.m_tv_training_iterations = tv_training_iterations self.m_variance_threshold = variance_threshold def _train_ivector(self, train_features):" -> Projecting training data") data = [] for feature in train_features: # Initializes GMMStats object self.m_gmm_stats = bob.learn.em.GMMStats(*self.m_ubm.shape) data.append(UBMGMM.project(self, feature))" -> Training IVector enroller") self.m_tv = bob.learn.em.IVectorMachine(self.m_ubm, self.m_subspace_dimension_of_t) self.m_tv.variance_threshold = self.m_variance_threshold # train IVector model trainer = bob.learn.em.IVectorTrainer(update_sigma=self.m_update_sigma) bob.learn.em.train(trainer, self.m_tv, data, self.m_tv_training_iterations, rng=bob.core.random.mt19937(self.m_init_seed)) return data def _train_whitening(self, training_features): # load GMM stats from training files ivectors_matrix = numpy.vstack(training_features) # create a Linear Machine self.m_whitening_machine = bob.learn.linear.Machine(ivectors_matrix.shape[1],ivectors_matrix.shape[1]) # create the whitening trainer t = bob.learn.linear.WhiteningTrainer() t.train(ivectors_matrix, self.m_whitening_machine)
[docs] def train_projector(self, train_features, projector_file): """Train Projector and Enroller at the same time""" data = numpy.vstack(train_features) UBMGMM._train_projector_using_array(self, data) # to save some memory, we might want to delete these data del data # train IVector training_gmms = self._train_ivector(train_features) # project training i-vectors whitening_train_data = [self.project_ivec(gmm) for gmm in training_gmms] self._train_whitening(whitening_train_data) # save self.save_projector(projector_file)
[docs] def save_projector(self, projector_file):
# Save the IVector base AND the UBM AND the whitening into the same file hdf5file =, "w") hdf5file.create_group('Projector')'Projector')'/') hdf5file.create_group('Enroller')'Enroller')'/') hdf5file.create_group('Whitening')'Whitening')
[docs] def load_ubm(self, ubm_file): hdf5file = # read UBM self.m_ubm = bob.learn.em.GMMMachine(hdf5file) self.m_ubm.set_variance_thresholds(self.m_variance_threshold) # Initializes GMMStats object self.m_gmm_stats = bob.learn.em.GMMStats(*self.m_ubm.shape)
[docs] def load_tv(self, tv_file): hdf5file = self.m_tv = bob.learn.em.IVectorMachine(hdf5file) # add UBM model from base class self.m_tv.ubm = self.m_ubm
[docs] def load_whitening(self, whitening_file): hdf5file = self.m_whitening_machine = bob.learn.linear.Machine(hdf5file)
[docs] def load_projector(self, projector_file): """Load the GMM and the ISV model from the same HDF5 file""" hdf5file = # Load Projector'/Projector') self.load_ubm(hdf5file) # Load Enroller'/Enroller') self.load_tv(hdf5file) # Load Whitening'/Whitening') self.load_whitening(hdf5file)
[docs] def project_ubm(self, features): return UBMGMM.project(self,features)
[docs] def project_ivec(self, gmm_stats): return self.m_tv.project(gmm_stats)
[docs] def project_whitening(self, ivector): whitened = self.m_whitening_machine.forward(ivector) return whitened / numpy.linalg.norm(whitened)
####################################################### ############## IVector projection #####################
[docs] def project(self, feature_array): """Computes GMM statistics against a UBM, then corresponding Ux vector""" # project UBM projected_ubm = self.project_ubm(feature_array) # project I-Vector ivector = self.project_ivec(projected_ubm) # whiten I-Vector return self.project_whitening(ivector)
####################################################### ################## ISV model enroll ####################
[docs] def save_feature(self, data, feature_file): """Saves the feature, which is the (whitened) I-Vector.""", feature_file)
[docs] def read_feature(self, feature_file): """Read the type of features that we require, namely i-vectors (stored as simple numpy arrays)""" return utils.load(feature_file)
####################################################### ################## Model Enrollment ###################
[docs] def enroll(self, enroll_features): """Performs IVector enrollment""" model = numpy.mean(numpy.vstack(enroll_features), axis=0) return model
###################################################### ################ Feature comparison ##################
[docs] def read_model(self, model_file): """Reads the whitened i-vector that holds the model""" return utils.load(model_file)
[docs] def read_probe(self, probe_file): """read probe file which is an i-vector""" return utils.load(probe_file)
[docs] def score(self, model, probe): """Computes the score for the given model and the given probe.""" a = model/numpy.linalg.norm(model) b = probe/numpy.linalg.norm(probe) if len(a) != len(b): raise ValueError("a and b must be same length") numerator = sum(tup[0] * tup[1] for tup in zip(a,b)) return numerator
[docs] def score_for_multiple_probes(self, model, probes): """This function computes the score between the given model and several given probe files.""" probes = numpy.vstack([numpy.mean(numpy.vstack(probes), axis=0)]) return self.score(model,probes)