Source code for facereclib.features.SIFTKeypoints

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Laurent El Shafey <>

import bob.ip.base

import numpy

from .Extractor import Extractor

[docs]class SIFTKeypoints (Extractor): """Extracts Sift descriptors according to the given keypoints""" # TODO: REFACTOR: assign better names for variables def __init__( self, sigmas, height, width, n_intervals, n_octaves, octave_min, edge_thres, peak_thres, magnif, estimate_orientation = False ): if not hasattr(bob.ip.base, "VLSIFT"): raise NotImplementedError("VLSIFT is not part of bob.ip.base; maybe SIFT headers aren't installed in your system? Try out facereclib.features.SIFTBobKeypoints!") # call base class constructor Extractor.__init__(self) # prepare SIFT extractor self.m_n_scales = len(sigmas) self.m_sigmas = numpy.ndarray(shape=(self.m_n_scales,), dtype=numpy.float64) # TODO: restructure this code if self.m_n_scales >= 5: self.m_sigmas[4] = sigmas[4] if self.m_n_scales >= 4: self.m_sigmas[3] = sigmas[3] if self.m_n_scales >= 3: self.m_sigmas[2] = sigmas[2] if self.m_n_scales >= 2: self.m_sigmas[1] = sigmas[1] if self.m_n_scales >= 1: self.m_sigmas[0] = sigmas[0] self.m_estimate_orientation = estimate_orientation if(estimate_orientation): self.m_len_keypoint = 3 else: self.m_len_keypoint = 4 self.m_height = height self.m_width = width self.m_n_intervals = n_intervals self.m_n_octaves = n_octaves self.m_octave_min = octave_min self.m_peak_thres = peak_thres self.m_edge_thres = edge_thres self.m_magnif = magnif # SIFT extractor self.m_sift_extract = bob.ip.base.VLSIFT((self.m_height, self.m_width), self.m_n_intervals, self.m_n_octaves, self.m_octave_min, self.m_peak_thres, self.m_edge_thres, self.m_magnif) def __linearize_cut__(self, descr): l_vec = 128 # Length of the SIFT descriptors l_full = len(descr) * l_vec output = numpy.ndarray(shape=(l_full,), dtype=descr[0].dtype) k=0 for vec in descr: output[k*l_vec:(k+1)*l_vec] = vec[4:132] # Cut first 4 values k=k+1 return output def __call__(self, img_annots): """Extract SIFT features given the image and the keypoints""" image = img_annots[0] annotations = img_annots[1] # Creates keypoints numpy array kp = numpy.ndarray(shape=(len(annotations)*self.m_n_scales,self.m_len_keypoint), dtype=numpy.float64) c=0 for k in range(annotations.shape[0]): for x in range(self.m_n_scales): if(self.m_estimate_orientation): kp[c*self.m_n_scales+x,:]=[annotations[k,0], annotations[k,1], self.m_sigmas[x]] else: kp[c*self.m_n_scales+x,:]=[annotations[k,0], annotations[k,1], self.m_sigmas[x], 0.] c=c+1 # Extracts and returns descriptors return self.__linearize_cut__(self.m_sift_extract(image, kp))