Source code for facereclib.features.LGBPHS

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Manuel Guenther <>

import bob.ip.gabor
import bob.ip.base

import numpy
import math

from .Extractor import Extractor
from .. import utils

[docs]class LGBPHS (Extractor): """Extractor for local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequences""" def __init__( self, # Block setup block_size, # one or two parameters for block size block_overlap = 0, # one or two parameters for block overlap # Gabor parameters gabor_directions = 8, gabor_scales = 5, gabor_sigma = 2. * math.pi, gabor_maximum_frequency = math.pi / 2., gabor_frequency_step = math.sqrt(.5), gabor_power_of_k = 0, gabor_dc_free = True, use_gabor_phases = False, # LBP parameters lbp_radius = 2, lbp_neighbor_count = 8, lbp_uniform = True, lbp_circular = True, lbp_rotation_invariant = False, lbp_compare_to_average = False, lbp_add_average = False, # histogram options sparse_histogram = False, split_histogram = None ): """Initializes the local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequence tool chain with the given file selector object""" # call base class constructor Extractor.__init__( self, block_size = block_size, block_overlap = block_overlap, gabor_directions = gabor_directions, gabor_scales = gabor_scales, gabor_sigma = gabor_sigma, gabor_maximum_frequency = gabor_maximum_frequency, gabor_frequency_step = gabor_frequency_step, gabor_power_of_k = gabor_power_of_k, gabor_dc_free = gabor_dc_free, use_gabor_phases = use_gabor_phases, lbp_radius = lbp_radius, lbp_neighbor_count = lbp_neighbor_count, lbp_uniform = lbp_uniform, lbp_circular = lbp_circular, lbp_rotation_invariant = lbp_rotation_invariant, lbp_compare_to_average = lbp_compare_to_average, lbp_add_average = lbp_add_average, sparse_histogram = sparse_histogram, split_histogram = split_histogram ) # block parameters self.m_block_size = block_size if isinstance(block_size, (tuple, list)) else (block_size, block_size) self.m_block_overlap = block_overlap if isinstance(block_overlap, (tuple, list)) else (block_overlap, block_overlap) if self.m_block_size[0] < self.m_block_overlap[0] or self.m_block_size[1] < self.m_block_overlap[1]: raise ValueError("The overlap is bigger than the block size. This won't work. Please check your setup!") # Gabor wavelet transform class self.m_gwt = bob.ip.gabor.Transform( number_of_scales = gabor_scales, number_of_directions = gabor_directions, sigma = gabor_sigma, k_max = gabor_maximum_frequency, k_fac = gabor_frequency_step, power_of_k = gabor_power_of_k, dc_free = gabor_dc_free ) self.m_trafo_image = None self.m_use_phases = use_gabor_phases self.m_lbp = bob.ip.base.LBP( neighbors = lbp_neighbor_count, radius = float(lbp_radius), circular = lbp_circular, to_average = lbp_compare_to_average, add_average_bit = lbp_add_average, uniform = lbp_uniform, rotation_invariant = lbp_rotation_invariant, border_handling = 'wrap' ) self.m_split = split_histogram self.m_sparse = sparse_histogram if self.m_sparse and self.m_split: raise ValueError("Sparse histograms cannot be split! Check your setup!") def __fill__(self, lgbphs_array, lgbphs_blocks, j): """Copies the given array into the given blocks""" # fill array in the desired shape if self.m_split is None: start = j * self.m_n_bins * self.m_n_blocks for b in range(self.m_n_blocks): lgbphs_array[start + b * self.m_n_bins : start + (b+1) * self.m_n_bins] = lgbphs_blocks[b][:] elif self.m_split == 'blocks': for b in range(self.m_n_blocks): lgbphs_array[b, j * self.m_n_bins : (j+1) * self.m_n_bins] = lgbphs_blocks[b][:] elif self.m_split == 'wavelets': for b in range(self.m_n_blocks): lgbphs_array[j, b * self.m_n_bins : (b+1) * self.m_n_bins] = lgbphs_blocks[b][:] elif self.m_split == 'both': for b in range(self.m_n_blocks): lgbphs_array[j * self.m_n_blocks + b, 0 : self.m_n_bins] = lgbphs_blocks[b][:] def __call__(self, image): """Extracts the local Gabor binary pattern histogram sequence from the given image""" # perform GWT on image if self.m_trafo_image is None or self.m_trafo_image.shape[1:3] != image.shape: # create trafo image self.m_trafo_image = numpy.ndarray((self.m_gwt.number_of_wavelets, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), numpy.complex128) # perform Gabor wavelet transform self.m_gwt.transform(image, self.m_trafo_image) jet_length = self.m_gwt.number_of_wavelets * (2 if self.m_use_phases else 1) lgbphs_array = None # iterate through the layers of the trafo image for j in range(self.m_gwt.number_of_wavelets): # compute absolute part of complex response abs_image = numpy.abs(self.m_trafo_image[j]) # Computes LBP histograms abs_blocks = bob.ip.base.lbphs(abs_image, self.m_lbp, self.m_block_size, self.m_block_overlap) # Converts to Blitz array (of different dimensionalities) self.m_n_bins = abs_blocks.shape[1] self.m_n_blocks = abs_blocks.shape[0] if self.m_split is None: shape = (self.m_n_blocks * self.m_n_bins * jet_length,) elif self.m_split == 'blocks': shape = (self.m_n_blocks, self.m_n_bins * jet_length) elif self.m_split == 'wavelets': shape = (jet_length, self.m_n_bins * self.m_n_blocks) elif self.m_split == 'both': shape = (jet_length * self.m_n_blocks, self.m_n_bins) else: raise ValueError("The split parameter must be one of ['blocks', 'wavelets', 'both'] or None") # create new array if not done yet if lgbphs_array is None: lgbphs_array = numpy.ndarray(shape, 'float64') # fill the array with the absolute values of the Gabor wavelet transform self.__fill__(lgbphs_array, abs_blocks, j) if self.m_use_phases: # compute phase part of complex response phase_image = numpy.angle(self.m_trafo_image[j]) # Computes LBP histograms phase_blocks = bob.ip.base.lbphs(phase_image, self.m_lbp, self.m_block_size, self.m_block_overlap) # fill the array with the phases at the end of the blocks self.__fill__(lgbphs_array, phase_blocks, j + self.m_gwt.number_of_wavelets) # return the concatenated list of all histograms return utils.histogram.sparsify(lgbphs_array) if self.m_sparse else lgbphs_array