Source code for facereclib.features.GridGraph

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Manuel Guenther <>

import bob.ip.gabor

import numpy
import math
from .Extractor import Extractor

[docs]class GridGraph (Extractor): """Extracts grid graphs from the images""" def __init__( self, # Gabor parameters gabor_directions = 8, gabor_scales = 5, gabor_sigma = 2. * math.pi, gabor_maximum_frequency = math.pi / 2., gabor_frequency_step = math.sqrt(.5), gabor_power_of_k = 0, gabor_dc_free = True, # what kind of information to extract normalize_gabor_jets = True, # setup of the aligned grid eyes = None, # if set, the grid setup will be aligned to the eye positions {'leye' : LEFT_EYE_POS, 'reye' : RIGHT_EYE_POS}, nodes_between_eyes = 4, nodes_along_eyes = 2, nodes_above_eyes = 3, nodes_below_eyes = 7, # setup of static grid node_distance = None, # one or two integral values image_resolution = None, # always two integral values first_node = None, # one or two integral values, or None -> automatically determined ): # call base class constructor Extractor.__init__( self, gabor_directions = gabor_directions, gabor_scales = gabor_scales, gabor_sigma = gabor_sigma, gabor_maximum_frequency = gabor_maximum_frequency, gabor_frequency_step = gabor_frequency_step, gabor_power_of_k = gabor_power_of_k, gabor_dc_free = gabor_dc_free, normalize_gabor_jets = normalize_gabor_jets, eyes = eyes, nodes_between_eyes = nodes_between_eyes, nodes_along_eyes = nodes_along_eyes, nodes_above_eyes = nodes_above_eyes, nodes_below_eyes = nodes_below_eyes, node_distance = node_distance, image_resolution = image_resolution, first_node = first_node ) # create Gabor wavelet transform class self.m_gwt = bob.ip.gabor.Transform( number_of_scales = gabor_scales, number_of_directions = gabor_directions, sigma = gabor_sigma, k_max = gabor_maximum_frequency, k_fac = gabor_frequency_step, power_of_k = gabor_power_of_k, dc_free = gabor_dc_free ) # create graph extractor if eyes is not None: self.m_graph = bob.ip.gabor.Graph( righteye = [int(e) for e in eyes['reye']], lefteye = [int(e) for e in eyes['leye']], between = int(nodes_between_eyes), along = int(nodes_along_eyes), above = int(nodes_above_eyes), below = int(nodes_below_eyes) ) else: if node_distance is None or image_resolution is None: raise ValueError("Please specify either 'eyes' or the grid parameters 'first_node', 'last_node', and 'node_distance'!") if isinstance(node_distance, (int, float)): node_distance = (int(node_distance), int(node_distance)) if first_node is None: first_node = [0,0] for i in (0,1): offset = int((image_resolution[i] - int(image_resolution[i]/node_distance[i])*node_distance[i]) / 2) if offset < node_distance[i]//2: # This is not tested, but should ALWAYS be the case. offset += node_distance[i]//2 first_node[i] = offset last_node = tuple([int(image_resolution[i] - max(first_node[i],1)) for i in (0,1)]) # take the specified nodes self.m_graph = bob.ip.gabor.Graph( first = first_node, last = last_node, step = node_distance ) self.m_normalize_jets = normalize_gabor_jets self.m_trafo_image = None def __call__(self, image): if self.m_trafo_image is None or self.m_trafo_image.shape[1:3] != image.shape: # create trafo image self.m_trafo_image = numpy.ndarray((self.m_gwt.number_of_wavelets, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), numpy.complex128) # perform Gabor wavelet transform self.m_gwt.transform(image, self.m_trafo_image) # extract face graph jets = self.m_graph.extract(self.m_trafo_image) # normalize the Gabor jets of the graph only if self.m_normalize_jets: [j.normalize() for j in jets] # return the extracted face graph return jets
[docs] def save_feature(self, feature, feature_file): feature_file = feature_file if isinstance(feature_file, else, 'w') bob.ip.gabor.save_jets(feature, feature_file)
[docs] def read_feature(self, feature_file): return bob.ip.gabor.load_jets(