Basic Concepts

Familiarizing yourself with the following underlying basic concepts will help you get up and running with the SDK.


In the SDK, collection objects are usually plural, while Resource objects are singular.

When the Resource object’s corresponding URI is already plural, we append the name of the collection with _s.


URI Collection Resource
/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/ tm.ltm.pools tm.ltm.pools.pool
/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/members/ tm.ltm.pool.members_s tm.ltm.pool.members_s.members


You can directly infer REST URIs from the python expressions, and vice versa.


Expression:     mgmt = ManagementRoot('<ip_address>', '<username>', '<password>')
URI Returned:   https://<ip_address>/mgmt/
Expression:     cm ='<ip_address>', '<username>', '<password>')
URI Returned:   https://<ip_address>/mgmt/cm
Expression:     tm ='<ip_address>', '<username>', '<password>')
URI Returned:   https://<ip_address>/mgmt/tm
Expression:     ltm ='<ip_address>', '<username>', '<password>')
URI Returned:   https://<ip_address>/mgmt/tm/ltm/
Expression:     pools1 =
URI Returned:   https://<ip_address>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool
Expression:     pool_a = pools1.create(partition="Common", name="foo")
URI Returned:   https://<ip_address>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~foo

REST Endpoints

A set of basic REST endpoints can be derived from the object’s URI and kind (listed below).

Dynamic Attributes

The python object’s attribute can be created dynamically based on the JSON returned when querying the REST API.

iControl® REST kind Parameters

Almost all iControl® REST API entries contain a parameter named kind. This parameter provides information about the object that lets you know what you should expect to follow it. The iControl® REST API uses three types of kind: collectionstate, state, and stats.

kind Associated Objects Methods
collectionstate OrganizingCollection, Collection exists()
state Resource create(), update(), refresh(), delete(), load(), exists()
stats Resource refresh(), load(), exists()


Method HTTP Command Action(s)
create() POST
creates a new resource on the device with its own URI
update() PUT
submits a new configuration to the device resource; sets the
Resource attributes to the state reported by the device
|modify| PATCH
submits a new configuration to the device resource; sets only
the attributes specified in modify method. This is different
from update because update will change all the attributes, not
only the ones that you specify.
refresh() GET
obtains the state of a device resource; sets the representing
Python Resource Object; tracks device state via its attributes
delete() DELETE
removes the resource from the device, sets self.__dict__
to {'deleted': True}
load() GET
obtains the state of an existing resource on the device; sets
the Resource attributes to match that state
exists() GET
checks for the existence of an object on the BIG-IP®


Available methods are restricted according to the object’s kind.