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Classes and functions for configuring BIG-IP

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software_images Classes and functions for configuring BIG-IP
class f5.bigip.cm.autodeploy.Autodeploy(cm)[source]

Bases: f5.bigip.resource.OrganizingCollection

An organizing collection for Autodeploy resources.


Implement this by overriding it in a subclass of Resource


Implement this by overriding it in a subclass of Resource


Call to obtain a list of the reference dicts in the instance items

Returns:List of self.items

Modify the configuration of the resource on device based on patch


Display the attributes that the current object has and their values.

Returns:A dictionary of attributes and their values

Use this to make the device resource be represented by self.

This method makes an HTTP GET query against the device service. This method is run for its side-effects on self. If successful the instance attribute __dict__ is replaced with the dict representing the device state. To figure out what that state is, run a subsequest query of the object like this: As with all CURDLE methods use a “requests_params” dict to pass parameters to requests.session.HTTPMETHOD. See test_requests_params.py for an example. >>> resource_obj.refresh() >>> print(resource_obj.raw)


Update the configuration of the resource on the BIG-IP®.

This method uses HTTP PUT alter the resource state on the BIG-IP®.

The attributes of the instance will be packaged as a dictionary. That dictionary will be updated with kwargs. It is then submitted as JSON to the device.

Various edge cases are handled: * read-only attributes that are unchangeable are removed

Parameters:kwargs – keys and associated values to alter on the device

NOTE: If kwargs has a ‘requests_params’ key the corresponding dict will be passed to the underlying requests.session.put method where it will be handled according to that API. THIS IS HOW TO PASS QUERY-ARGS!



Classes and functions for configuring BIG-IP

class f5.bigip.cm.autodeploy.software_images.Software_Image_Uploads(autodeploy)[source]

Bases: f5.bigip.resource.PathElement, f5.bigip.mixins.FileUploadMixin

Software image upload resource.


Display the attributes that the current object has and their values.

Returns:A dictionary of attributes and their values
class f5.bigip.cm.autodeploy.software_images.Software_Image_Downloads(autodeploy)[source]

Bases: f5.bigip.resource.PathElement, f5.bigip.mixins.FileDownloadMixin

Software image download resource.


Display the attributes that the current object has and their values.

Returns:A dictionary of attributes and their values