.. _resource_section: Resource ~~~~~~~~ ``kind``: ``state`` A resource is a fully configurable object for which the CURDLE :ref:`methods ` are supported. * |create| * |refresh| * |update| * |delete| * |load| * |exists| In the F5® SDK, a resource is instantiated via its :ref:`collection `. Once created or loaded, resources contain attributes that map to the JSON fields returned by the BIG-IP®. .. topic:: Example: Load a :class:`f5.bigip.tm.ltm.node.Node` |Resource| object. .. code-block:: python >>> from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot >>> mgmt = ManagementRoot('', 'myuser', 'mypass') >>> n = mgmt.tm.ltm.nodes.node.load(partition='Common', name='') >>> print n.raw { "kind":"tm:ltm:node:nodestate", "name":"", "partition":"Common", "fullPath":"/Common/", "generation":16684, "selfLink":"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/node/~Common~", "address":"", "connectionLimit":0, "dynamicRatio":1, "ephemeral":"false", "fqdn":{ "addressFamily":"ipv4", "autopopulate":"disabled", "downInterval":5, "interval":3600 }, "logging":"disabled", "monitor":"default", "rateLimit":"disabled", "ratio":1, "session":"user-enabled", "state":"unchecked" } The output of the :attr:`f5.bigip.tm.ltm.node.Node.raw` (above) shows all of the available attributes. Once you have loaded the object, you can access the attributes as shown below. .. code-block:: python >>> n.fqdn['downInterval'] = 10 >>> n.logging = 'enabled' >>> n.update()