# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2016 F5 Networks Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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'''Class to manage a TrustDomain for a set of BIG-IP® devices.
A trust domain defines a group of devices that have signed and exchanged
certificates. Establishing a trust domain is prerequisite for device service
clustering. Once devices are part of a trust domain, they can synchronize
configuration and act as failovers for one another. This class manages that
trust domain.
devices = [ManagementRoot('x', 'un', 'pw'), ManagementRoot('x', 'un', 'pw')
* Existing domain:
dg = DeviceGroup(devices=devices, partition='Common')
* New domain:
dg = DeviceGroup()
dg.create(devices=devices, partition='Common')
* validate -- ensure devices are a part of the same trust domain
* create -- create a trust domain amongst two or more devices
* teardown -- teardown a trust domain by traversing each member and
removing all other devices from its local trust besides
from six import iteritems
from f5.multi_device.exceptions import DeviceAlreadyInTrustDomain
from f5.multi_device.exceptions import DeviceNotTrusted
from f5.multi_device.device_group import DeviceGroup
from f5.multi_device.utils import get_device_info
from f5.multi_device.utils import get_device_names_to_objects
from f5.multi_device.utils import pollster
[docs]class TrustDomain(object):
'''Manages the trust domain of a BIG-IP® device.'''
iapp_actions = {'definition': {'implementation': None, 'presentation': ''}}
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
'''Initialize a trusted peer manager object.
The device_group_name set below is the default trust group that exists
on all BIG-IP® devices. We are fixing it here to that group.
:param kwargs: dict -- keyword args for devices and partition
self.domain = {}
if kwargs:
def _set_attributes(self, **kwargs):
'''Set attributes for instance in one place
:param kwargs: dict -- dictionary of keyword arguments
self.devices = kwargs['devices'][:]
self.partition = kwargs['partition']
self.device_group_name = 'device_trust_group'
self.device_group_type = 'sync-only'
[docs] def validate(self):
'''Validate that devices are each trusted by one another
:param kwargs: dict -- keyword args for devices and partition
:raises: DeviceNotTrusted
missing = []
for domain_device in self.domain:
for truster, trustees in iteritems(self.domain):
if domain_device not in trustees:
missing.append((domain_device, truster, trustees))
if missing:
msg = ''
for item in missing:
msg += '\n%r is not trusted by %r, which trusts: %r' % \
(item[0], item[1], item[2])
raise DeviceNotTrusted(msg)
self.device_group = DeviceGroup(
def _populate_domain(self):
'''Populate TrustDomain's domain attribute.
This entails an inspection of each device's certificate-authority
devices in its trust domain and recording them. After which, we
get a dictionary of who trusts who in the domain.
self.domain = {}
for device in self.devices:
device_name = get_device_info(device).name
ca_devices = \
self.domain[device_name] = [
d.replace('/%s/' % self.partition, '') for d in ca_devices
[docs] def create(self, **kwargs):
'''Add trusted peers to the root bigip device.
When adding a trusted device to a device, the trust is reflexive. That
is, the truster trusts the trustee and the trustee trusts the truster.
So we only need to add the trusted devices to one device.
:param kwargs: dict -- devices and partition
for device in self.devices[1:]:
[docs] def teardown(self):
'''Teardown trust domain by removing trusted devices.'''
for device in self.devices:
self.domain = {}
def _add_trustee(self, device):
'''Add a single trusted device to the trust domain.
:param device: ManagementRoot object -- device to add to trust domain
device_name = get_device_info(device).name
if device_name in self.domain:
msg = 'Device: %r is already in this trust domain.' % device_name
raise DeviceAlreadyInTrustDomain(msg)
self._modify_trust(self.devices[0], self._get_add_trustee_cmd, device)
def _remove_trustee(self, device):
'''Remove a trustee from the trust domain.
:param device: MangementRoot object -- device to remove
trustee_name = get_device_info(device).name
name_object_map = get_device_names_to_objects(self.devices)
delete_func = self._get_delete_trustee_cmd
for truster in self.domain:
if trustee_name in self.domain[truster] and \
truster != trustee_name:
truster_obj = name_object_map[truster]
self._modify_trust(truster_obj, delete_func, trustee_name)
for trustee in self.domain[trustee_name]:
if trustee_name != trustee:
self._modify_trust(device, delete_func, trustee)
def _modify_trust(self, truster, mod_peer_func, trustee):
'''Modify a trusted peer device by deploying an iapp.
:param truster: ManagementRoot object -- device on which to perform
:param mod_peer_func: function -- function to call to modify peer
:param trustee: ManagementRoot object or str -- device to modify
iapp_name = 'trusted_device'
mod_peer_cmd = mod_peer_func(trustee)
iapp_actions = self.iapp_actions.copy()
iapp_actions['definition']['implementation'] = mod_peer_cmd
self._deploy_iapp(iapp_name, iapp_actions, truster)
self._delete_iapp(iapp_name, truster)
def _delete_iapp(self, iapp_name, deploying_device):
'''Delete an iapp service and template on the root device.
:param iapp_name: str -- name of iapp
:param deploying_device: ManagementRoot object -- device where the
iapp will be deleted
iapp = deploying_device.tm.sys.application
iapp_serv = iapp.services.service.load(
name=iapp_name, partition=self.partition
iapp_tmpl = iapp.templates.template.load(
name=iapp_name, partition=self.partition
def _deploy_iapp(self, iapp_name, actions, deploying_device):
'''Deploy iapp to add trusted device
:param iapp_name: str -- name of iapp
:param actions: dict -- actions definition of iapp sections
:param deploying_device: ManagementRoot object -- device where the
iapp will be created
tmpl = deploying_device.tm.sys.application.templates.template
serv = deploying_device.tm.sys.application.services.service
tmpl.create(name=iapp_name, partition=self.partition, actions=actions)
name=iapp_name, partition=self.partition
template='/%s/%s' % (self.partition, iapp_name)
def _get_add_trustee_cmd(self, trustee):
'''Get tmsh command to add a trusted device.
:param trustee: ManagementRoot object -- device to add as trusted
:returns: str -- tmsh command to add trustee
trustee_info = pollster(get_device_info)(trustee)
username = trustee._meta_data['username']
password = trustee._meta_data['password']
return 'tmsh::modify cm trust-domain Root ca-devices add ' \
'\\{ %s \\} name %s username %s password %s' % \
(trustee_info.managementIp, trustee_info.name, username, password)
def _get_delete_trustee_cmd(self, trustee_name):
'''Get tmsh command to delete a trusted device.
:param trustee_name: str -- name of device to remove
:returns: str -- tmsh command to delete trusted device
return 'tmsh::modify cm trust-domain Root ca-devices delete ' \
'\\{ %s \\}' % trustee_name